
木曜日, 6月 20, 2019

#4:65 National accounts Sex, drugs and GDP Italy’s inclusion of illicit activities in its figures excites much interest May 31st 2014


National accounts Sex, drugs and GDP

Italy’s inclusion of illicit activities in its figures excites much interest

Italy’s inclusion of illicit activities in its figures excites much interest

THE announcement on May 22nd by Istat, Italy’s statistical body, that from October it would include drug trafficking, prostitution, and alcohol-and-tobacco smuggling in its economic-output numbers has generated a stream of sniggering headlines. To some, it smacks of 1987, when Italy started taking account of its shadow economy, the off-the-books business which makes up about a fifth of Italian GDP. As a result, the economy grew by 18% overnight, surging past Britain to be the West’s fourth-largest economy. The event was hailed as il sorpasso (the overtaking) and the source of much national joy, until two decades of economic mismanagement sent Italy tumbling back down the league tables.

In fact, then as now, Italy was merely one of the first countries to announce its compliance with international accounting standards. Reporting illegal economically productive activity in which all parties take part voluntarily is required under EU rules known as the European System of Accounts (ESA). But as the guidelines have not so far outlined how to measure drug deals and fake cigarettes, and as such things are by their nature difficult to gauge, few countries comply. That will change from this autumn, when an update of the ESA will refresh guidelines on calculating revenues from the seedier side of the economy.

Some countries already include dope and bootleg booze in their statistics: in the Netherlands, for example, cannabis sales may be counted as coffee-shop revenues. So the aim is to create greater comparability in the GDP figures of member states, in part because this is the basis on which EU funds are distributed. Though cocaine-fuelled GDP stats will in theory reduce the subsidies Italy is entitled to, it will at least push ever-so-closer to (though still very far from) meeting euro-zone rules on government indebtedness and deficits.

Insee, France’s statistical body, estimates that the ESA’s update will lead to an increase in French GDP of 3.2%— equivalent to a couple of years’ growth at current rates. But little of that is due to an uptick in debauchery: the accounting rule update also reclassifies research and development as an investment rather than a cost, among other things which will attract rather less public attention.

Britain’s Office of National Statistics was due to release its estimate of the new rules’ impact as The Economist went to press. Italy is still working on its figures, but the treasury says effects will be negligible. Gian Paolo Oneto, director of Istat’s national-accounts department, admits that tracking such activities is a difficult business, but notes that Italy was a pioneer in estimating the shadow economy: the methodologies it introduced before the sorpasso subsequently became a point of reference.

Enrico Giovannini, a professor of economic statistics at the University of Rome and a former Istat president, quips that non-statisticians often suggest that measuring happiness and well-being is a tricky task. His response: “Have you ever tried to measure GDP?”






5月22日にイタリアの統計機関であるIstatが発表した、10月以降は麻薬密売、売春、酒類たばこの密輸が経済指標に含まれるようになるとの発表が相次いでいます。一部には、1987年にイタリアがその闇経済、つまりイタリアのGDPの約5分の1を占める本以外の事業を考慮に入れ始めたときに、それが起こります。その結果、経済は一晩で18%成長し、イギリスを超えて西側で4番目に大きな経済となりました。このイベントは、20年に及ぶ経済的な管理ミスによってイタリアがリーグテーブルに転落するまで、il sorpasso(追い越し)であり、多くの国民的喜びの源であると歓迎されました。

事実、イタリアは国際会計基準への準拠を発表した最初の国の1つに過ぎません。すべての当事者が自発的に参加する違法な経済的生産活動を報告することは、欧州会計システム(ESA)として知られるEU規則の下で要求されています。しかし、ガイドラインでは麻薬取引や偽の紙巻タバコの測定方法がこれまで概説されていないため、そのようなものは本質的に評価が難しいため、準拠している国はほとんどありません。 ESAの最新情報が経済のより重要な側面からの収益の計算に関するガイドラインを更新するこの秋から、それは変わるでしょう。



イギリスの国家統計局は、エコノミストが報道したときに、新しい規則の影響のその推定値を発表することになっていました。イタリアはまだその数字に取り組んでいますが、財務省は効果が無視できるようになると言います。 Istatの国民経済計算部門のディレクターであるGian Paolo Onetoは、そのような活動を追跡することは困難な事業であると認めていますが、イタリアはシャドー経済を推定する先駆者でした。

ローマ大学の経済統計学教授で元イスタット大統領だったEnrico Giovanniniは、統計学者以外の人が幸福と幸福を測定するのは難しい作業であるとよく示唆しています。彼の返答:「あなたはGDPを測定しようとしたことがありますか?」

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