
月曜日, 6月 10, 2019

keynes-yap(uap) 1915

keynes-yap(uap) 1915

中野剛志 MMTが、こんなにも「エリート」に嫌われる理由 主流派経済学の理想は 「反民主的」な経済運営 2019/6/11 toyokeizai.net

《ファーネスの本は 「通貨について 、おそらく他のどの国よりも哲学的な思想を持つ人々がいることを私たちに教えてくれた 。ヤップ島の慣行は現代の金本位制度よりも論理的であり 、学ぶことは大いにある 」と 、ケインズは書いている ★ 8 。 2 0世紀の最も偉大な経済学者がなぜ 、ヤップ島のマネーシステムにこのような重要で普遍的な教訓を見いだしたのか 。それが本書のテ ーマである。》
When it was published in 1910, it seemed unlikely that
Furness' eccentric travelogue would ever reach the notice of
the economics profession. But eventually a copy happened to
find its way to the editors of the Royal Economic Society's
Economic Journal, who assigned the book to a young
Cambridge economist, recently seconded to the British
Treasury on war duty: a certain John Maynard Keynes. The
man who over the next twenty years was to revolutionise the
world's understanding of money and finance was astonished.
Furness' book, he wrote, "has brought us into contact with a
people whose ideas on currency are probably more truly
philosophical than those of any other country. Modern
practice in regard to gold reserves has a good deal to learn
from the more logical practices of the island of Yap."8 Why it
was that the greatest economist of the twentieth century
believed the monetary system of Yap to hold such important

K e y n e s , J . M . ( 1 9 1 5 a ) , “ T h e  I s l a n d  o f  S t o n e  M o n e y ” . E c o n o m i c  J o u r n a l  2 5 ( 9 8 ) , 2 8 1 -3 . 

Keynes 1915 The Island of Stone Money Economic Journal 25 (98) 281~3

マーティンはFurness, William H. 3rd. (1915)  “The  Island of  Stone Money.”  Economic Journal, 25, 281-3.の無署名原稿をケインズ著と考えている

The Island of Stone Money

The Economic Journal, Volume 25, Issue 98, 1 June 1915, Pages 281–283, https://doi.org/10.2307/2222196
01 June 1915

The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Economic Articles and Correspondence: Academic, Vol. 11 (英語) ペーパーバック – 2012/11/8



One of the earliest expositions of Yap stones is in Volume II of J.M. Keynes's Treatise on Money (1930). When he mentions the stones, Keynes is in the process of writing about the emergence of "representative" money from commodity money. According to Keynes, a representative money can be either fiat or "managed". Representative money has "relatively little or no intrinsic value apart from the law or practice of the State." As gold had ceased to be used privately in the west, it was increasingly concentrated in the vaults of central banks. Keynes noted that even central banks had ceased transferring gold to each other's vaults, preferring instead to have their gold "ear-marked" – have its ownership changed without changing location. In this context, Keynes mused that money was on the verge of becoming fiat, which he felt was comparable to the status of Yap stones:

The earliest example of "ear-marking" is in the case of the stone money of Rossel Island, which, being too heavy to move without difficulty, could be conveniently dealt with in no other way. One of the largest and most valuable of these stones lay at the bottom of the sea, the boat which was importing it having capsized. But there being no doubt that the stone was there, these civilized islands saw no objection to including it as part of their stock of currency—its lawful owner at any time being, in fact, thereby established as the richest man in the island—or to changing its ownership by "ear-marking". (Pg 292, Vol II)


ケインズ原書 292

Full text of "Island Of Stone Money" - Internet Archive

THE ISLAND OF STONE MONEY Milton Friedman Working Papers in Economics E-91-3 The Hoover Institution ...

ゴルドバーク論考 英語


The Economic Journal was first published in 1891 with a view of promoting the advancement of economic knowledge. Today, The Economic Journal is among the foremost of the learned journals in economics. It is invaluable to anyone with an active interest in economic issues and has established a reputation for excellence.The Economic Journal is a general journal with papers that appeal to a broad and global readership and offer a speedy and fair review process for papers in all fields of economics. 
JSTOR provides a digital archive of the print version of The Economic Journal. The electronic version of The Economic Journal is available at http://www.interscience.wiley.com. Authorized users may be able to access the full text articles at this site.
Coverage: 1891-2013 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 123, No. 573)
Moving Wall: 5 years 
ISSN: 00130133
EISSN: 14680297
Subjects: Business, Business & Economics, Economics
Collections: Arts & Sciences I Collection, Business I Collection

1 件のコメント:

  1. Keynes, J.M. (1930) A Treatise on Money (2 vols), London: Macmillan. —— (1982) The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, vol. XXVIII, Social, Political and Literary Writings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. —— (1983) The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, vol. XI, Economic Articles and Correspondence, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
