
木曜日, 3月 12, 2020

公開市場操作 Open Market Operation OMO

Ryouji Ishizuka (@ISHIZUKA_R)
日銀の金融調節が解りにくい。そこで、望月さんが訳したミッチェル論文にあるNY連銀のグラフを日銀用語に直して作図してみた。日銀に支払う金利(上限)と日銀から受けとる金利(下限)をとのあいだにコリドールを作り、その間でオペで調節、という理解なのだけれどうでしょう。 pic.twitter.com/etoaML1Vay



Theoretical relationship to interest rates

Mechanics of open market operations: Demand-Supply model for reserves market
Classical economic theory postulates a distinctive relationship between the supply of central bank money and short-term interest rates: like for a commodity, a higher demand for central bank money would increase its price, the interest rate. When there is an increased demand for base money, the central bank must act if it wishes to maintain the short-term interest rate. It does this by increasing the supply of base money: it goes to the open market to buy a financial asset, such as government bonds. To pay for these assets, new central bank money is generated in the seller's loro account, increasing the total amount of base money in the economy. Conversely, if the central bank sells these assets in the open market, the base money is reduced.
Technically, the process works because the central bank has the authority to bring money in and out of existence. It is the only point in the whole system with the unlimited ability to produce money. Another organization may be able to influence the open market for a period of time, but the central bank will always be able to overpower their influence with an infinite supply of money.[3]
Side note: Countries that have a free floating currency not pegged to any commodity or other currency have a similar capacity to produce an unlimited amount of net financial assets (bonds). Understandably, governments would like to utilize this capacity to meet other political ends like unemployment rate targeting, or relative size of various public services (military, education, health etc.), rather than any specific interest rate. Mostly, however the central bank is prevented by law or convention from giving way to such demands, being required to only generate central bank money in exchange for eligible assets (see above).

公開市場操作 - Wikipedia


公開市場操作(こうかいしじょうそうさ、英語Open Market Operation)とは、金融市場で、中央銀行が国債や手形などの有価証券を売買することによって、マネタリーベースの量を操作しマネーサプライ金利を調整する金融政策の一手段。単に「オペレーション」あるいは略して「オペ」とも呼ばれる。
公開市場操作は目標を決めてから行うため、その影響が予測しやすい。 公開市場操作が効果を上げるためには債券市場が発達していることが必要である。


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