水曜日, 2月 15, 2017

The Three-Cornered World

The Three-Cornered World is written in 1906 but it actual point usually that term regard to so static work accept for two years Earlier at the time of the Russo-Japanese war.

The war place no direct part in the novel at least not until the last few pages but at that point it's rather jarring the more can easily read similarity to the World War I motif which brings to close another great Alpine novel Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann.

The Three-Cornered World  is among other things about meditation versus action, detachment versus duty, about Western versus Eastern value systems, about people see parallel modernism.

In my opinion it is the greatest 20th-century and I gonna read a few esprit of the first chapter.

Concord Road was written in 1906 detection use that term with regard to static work set the time of the Japanese war the war please no direct part in the novel at least not until the last few pages but at that point it's rather jarring is an uncanny similarity to the war one which brings to clothes nothing great Alpine novel the Magic Mountain by Thomas

 「『草枕(三角の世界 The Three-Cornered World )』が書かれたのは1906年、日露戦争のころですが、そのことは最後の場面で少し出てくるだけです。むしろ、戦争否定の気分が第一次大戦をモチーフとしたトーマスマンの『魔の山』を思い出させ、両者は相通じるものがあります。
 『草枕』は様々な要素を含んでいますが、とくに思索と行動、無関心と義理、西洋と東洋の価値観の対立、モダニズムのはらむ危険を扱っています。これは20世紀の小説の最高傑作のひとつだと、私は思います。最初の章を読んでみましょう。」"The Three-Cornered World"  

The grass pillows (The Three-Cornered World) "was written in 1906 when it was the Russo-Japanese War, but that comes only a little in the last scene. Rather, the feeling of denial of war reminds of Thomas Man's "mount of the devil" with the motive of the First World War, and there is something that is in common with the two."Grass pillow" contains various elements, but it deals in particular with speculation and behavior, indifference and obligation, conflict of values ​​of Western and Oriental, and the dangers of modernism. I think that this is one of the best masterpieces of the 20th century novel. Let's read the first chapter