2nd Edition 2012, Kindle版
Tables, figures and boxes
Where are the diagrams?
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the first edition
1 Predicting the ‘unpredictable’
2 No more Mr Nice Guy
Part 1 Foundations: the logical flaws in the key concepts of conventional economics
3 The calculus of hedonism
4 Size does matter
5 The price of everything and the value of nothing
6 To each according to his contribution
Part 2 Complexities: issues omitted from standard courses that should be part of an education in economics
7 The holy war over capital
8 There is madness in their method
9 Let’s do the Time Warp again
10 Why they didn’t see it coming
11 The price is not right
12 Misunderstanding the Great Depression and the Great Recession
Part 3 Alternatives: different ways to think about economics
13 Why I did see ‘It’ coming
14 A monetary model of capitalism
15 Why stock markets crash
16 Don’t shoot me, I’m only the piano
17 Nothing to lose but their minds
18 There are alternatives Bibliography
Debunking Economics was far from the first book to argue that neoclassical economics was fundamentally unsound. If cogent criticism alone could have brought this pseudo-science down, it would have fallen as long ago as 1898, when Thorstein Veblen penned ‘Why is economics not an evolutionary science?’ (Veblen 1898). Yet in 1999, when I began writing Debunking Economics, neoclassical economics was more dominant than it had ever been.
Chapter 4
1 In fact, the advanced courses also ignore these more difficult critiques, which means that students who do them, if anything, are even more ignorant than undergraduates.
2 This last paper –‘Debunking the theory of the firm –a chronology’ –is freely downloadable from www.paecon.net/ PAEReview/ issue53/ KeenStandish53. pdf.
Milton Friedman (1953). “The Methodology of Positive Economics”, in Essays in Positive Economics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 3-43.
Steve Keen (1993a). “The misinterpretation of Marx's theory of value”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 15 (2), Fall, 282-300. Steve Keen (1993b). “Use-value, exchange-value, and the demise of Marx’s labor theory of value”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 15 (1), Spring, 107-121. Steve Keen (2001). Debunking Economics, Pluto Press & Zed Books, Sydney & London.
(2004a). “Why economics must abandon its theory of the firm”, in Salzano, M., & Kirman, A. (eds.), Economics: Complex Windows, Springer, New York, pp. 65-88.
(2004b). “Deregulator: Judgment Day for Microeconomics”, Utilities Policy, 12: 109 –125.
(2004c). “Improbable, Incorrect or Impossible: The persuasive but flawed mathematics of microeconomics”, in Fullbrook, E. (ed.), Student's Guide to What's Wrong with Economics, Routledge, London, pp. 209-222. Steve Keen and Russell Standish (2005). “Irrationality in the neoclassical definition of rationality”, American Journal of Applied Sciences (Sp.Issue): 61-68. Steve Keen and Russell Standish (2006). “Profit Maximization, Industry Structure, and Competition: A critique of neoclassical theory”, Physica A 370: 81-85.
Piero Sraffa (1930). “Increasing Returns And The Representative Firm A Symposium”, Economic Journal 40 pp.79-116.
George J. Stigler (1957), Perfect competition, historically contemplated. Journal of Political Economy 65: 1-17.
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2008年の金融危機以降、経済学界は大騒ぎになり、騒ぎの中でオランダの経済学者Dirk Bezemer氏が「アカデミックな手続きでもって金融危機到来を予言した経済学者」を探し求め、12人の経済学者を見つけた。以下、国籍と名前を挙げてみる。Steve Keen(本書の著者、豪州人)、Michael Hudson(米国人)、Dean Baker(米国人)、Wynne Godley(英国人)、Fred Harrison(英国人)、Eric Janszen(米国人)、Jakob Brøchner Madsen(デンマーク人)、Jens Kjaer Sørensen(デンマーク人)、Kurt Richebächer(ドイツ人)、Nouriel Roubini(米国人)、Peter Schiff(米国人)、Robert Shiller(米国人)。
11.2 How speculators actually behave
17.1 A graphical representation of Marx’s dialectics
The origin of surplus value (II) As noted earlier, most Marxists believe that Marx reached the conclusion that labor was the source of value by a ‘negative’ proof, which eliminated any other possible contenders. This was true up until 1857, when he developed an alternative, and far superior, ‘positive’ proof. To understand this proof, we have to delve into Marx’s ‘dialectical’ philosophy. 20 17.1 A graphical representation of Marx’s dialectics In brief, dialectics is a philosophy of change. It begins from the proposition that any entity exists in a social environment (see Figure 17.1). The environment will emphasize some aspect of the entity, and necessarily places less emphasis upon all other aspects of the entity. However, the entity cannot exist without both the foreground aspects (the features the environment emphasizes) and background aspects (the ones it neglects). This sets up a tension within the entity, and possibly between the entity and the environment. This tension can transform the nature of the entity, and even the environment itself.
20 17.1マルクスの弁証法のグラフィカル表現
Marx first applied this logic to the concept of the commodity in 1857. He reasoned that the commodity was the unity of use-value and exchange-value. In a capitalist economy, the exchange-value of a commodity is brought to the foreground21 while its use-value is pushed into the background. What this means in practice is that the use-value of a commodity is irrelevant to its price: its price is instead determined by its exchange-value. Yet the commodity can’t exist without its use-value (something useless can’t be a commodity), so that a dynamic tension is set up between use-value and exchange-value in capitalism. Prior to this realization, Marx had concurred with Smith and Ricardo that use-value was irrelevant to economics. After it, the concept of use-value, in unison with exchange-value, became a unifying concept for his whole analysis of capitalism. Marx’s first exploration of this concept occurred when he was working on the ‘rough draft’ of Capital in 1857: ‘Is not value to be conceived as the unity of use-value and exchange-value? In and for itself, is value as such the general form, in opposition to use-value and exchange-value as particular forms of it? Does this have significance in economics?’ (Marx 1857). 22 The manner in which he first puts the proposition, as questions to himself rather than didactic statements, and especially his comment ‘Does this have significance in economics?’, shows how novel the concept was to him. From this point on, Marx exclusively used this positive methodology, based on a general axiomatic analysis of the commodity, to explain the source of surplus value. Since this point is appreciated by so few Marxists, it is worth citing several of Marx’s many pronouncements on this issue. I noted earlier that Marx mocked Ricardo for not having an explanation of why labor embodied differed from labor commanded. He notes that Smith fell for the fallacy that, under capitalism, a worker should be paid his full product. He continues: Ricardo, by contrast, avoids this fallacy, but how? ‘The value of labor, and the quantity of commodities which a specific quantity of labor can buy, are not identical.’ Why not? ‘Because the worker’s product is not = to the worker’s pay.’ I.e. the identity does not exist, because a difference exists –Value of labor is not identical with wages of labor. Because they are different. Therefore they are not identical. This is a strange logic. There is basically no reason for this other than it is not so in practice. (Ibid.) Marx then contrasts his easy ability to derive the source of surplus
マルクスは最初にこの論理を商品の概念に適用したのは1857年でした。彼はその商品が使用価値と交換価値の一致であると推論しました。資本主義経済では、商品の交換価値が最前線にもたらされ21、その使用価値は背景に押しやられます。これが実際に意味することは、商品の使用価値がその価格とは無関係であるということです。その代わり、その価格は交換価値によって決定されます。それでも、その商品はその価値を利用することなく存在することはできず(役に立たないものは商品ではあり得ない)、資本主義における利用価値と交換価値の間には動的な緊張が生じます。このことが認識される前は、MarxはSmithとRicardoと、使用価値は経済学とは無関係であると同意していました。その後、使用価値の概念は、交換価値と一致して、資本主義の彼の全体的な分析のための統一的な概念になりました。マルクスがこの概念を最初に探究したのは、1857年に資本の「大まかな草案」に取り組んだときです。それ自体では、それ自体の一般的な形式としての価値は、その特定の形式としてのuse-valueおよびexchange-valueとは反対にありますか。これは経済学において重要な意味を持ちますか?」(Marx 1857)。 22彼が最初に命題を説得力のある文ではなく自分自身への疑問として提起した方法、特に彼のコメント「これは経済学において意義があるか?」は彼にとって概念がいかに新しいかを示している。これ以降、マルクスは余剰価値の源泉を説明するために、商品の一般公理分析に基づいて、このポジティブな方法論を排他的に使用した。この点はごく少数のマルクス主義者によって認められているので、この問題に関するマルクスの多くの声明のいくつかを引用する価値があります。私が先に述べたのは、マルクスがなぜ肉体労働が命じられた労働と異なるのかの説明がないためにリカルドを嘲ったことです。彼は、スミスが資本主義の下で労働者が彼の全製品を支払われるべきであるという誤りのために転落したと述べている。彼は続けます:対照的に、Ricardoは、この誤謬を避けます、しかし、どうですか? 「労働の価値、および特定の労働量が購入できる商品の数量は、同じではありません」。 「労働者の製品は労働者の給料に等しいからではないからだ」。違いがあるので、アイデンティティは存在しません - 労働の価値は労働の賃金と同一ではありません。彼らは違うからです。したがって、それらは同一ではありません。これは奇妙な論理です。これが実際にはそうでないこと以外に基本的にこれの理由はありません。マルクスはそれから剰余の源を引き出す彼の容易な能力を対比させる
value with Ricardo’s struggles to do the same: ‘What the capitalist acquires through exchange is labor capacity; this is the exchange value which he pays for. Living labor is the use-value which this exchange value has for him, and out of this use-value springs the surplus value and the suspension of exchange as such’ (ibid.). There are many similar such statements, many of which were written in documents which were either not intended for publication or were never formally completed by Marx. But even in the most well-known passage where Marx derives the source of surplus value, in Capital I, this positive derivation takes precedence over the negative proof. Marx began Capital by clearing intellectual cobwebs en route to uncovering the source of surplus, criticizing explanations based upon unequal exchange or increasing utility through exchange. He then restated the classical axiom that exchange involves the transfer of equivalents, and the conclusion that therefore exchange of itself cannot provide the answer. Yet at the same time circulation based on the exchange of equivalents must be the starting point from which the source of surplus value is deduced. Marx put the dilemma superbly: The conversion of money into capital has to be explained on the basis of the laws that regulate the exchange of commodities, in such a way that the starting point is the exchange of equivalents. Our friend, Moneybags, who as yet is only an embryo capitalist, must buy his commodities at their value, must sell them at their value, and yet at the end of the process must withdraw more value from circulation than he threw into it at starting. His development into a full-grown capitalist must take place, both within the sphere of circulation and without it. These are the conditions of the problem. (Marx 1867) He began the solution of this dilemma with a direct and powerful application of the dialectic of the commodity. If the exchange-value of the commodity cannot be the source of surplus, then the dialectical opposite of value, use-value, is the only possible source: The change of value that occurs in the case of money intended to be converted into capital must take place in the commodity bought by the first act, M-C, but not in its value, for equivalents are exchanged, and the commodity is paid for at its full value. We are, therefore, forced to the conclusion that the change originates in the use-value, as such, of the commodity, i.e. its consumption. In order to be able to extract value from the consumption of a commodity, our friend, Moneybags, must be so lucky as
「資本主義者が交換を通して獲得するのは労働力である。これが彼が支払う交換価値です。この労働価値は彼にとっての価値であり、この価値のうち、余剰価値と交換の停止を促します(同書)。そのような陳述はたくさんありますが、その多くは出版を目的としていない文書、またはMarxによって正式に完成されたことのない文書に書かれています。しかし、マルクスが剰余価値の源泉を導き出している最も有名な箇所でさえ、首都Iでは、この積極的な派生は否定的な証拠よりも優先されます。マルクスは、資本の源泉を見つけること、不平等な交換に基づく説明を批判すること、または交換による有用性を高めることを目指して、知的なクモの巣を片付けることから始めた。それから彼は、交換が等価物の移転を含むという古典的な公理と、それゆえそれ自体の交換は答えを提供することができないという結論を言い換えた。それと同時に、等価物の交換に基づく循環は、そこから余剰価値の源が推定される出発点でなければならない。マルクスはジレンマを非常に強調した。資本への貨幣の転換は、出発点が等価物の交換であるように、商品の交換を規制する法律に基づいて説明されなければならない。私たちの友人、Moneybagsは、まだ初期資本家であり、自分の価値で自分の商品を購入し、自分の価値でそれらを販売しなければなりません。 。彼の本格的な資本主義者への発展は、流通の領域内でもそれなしでも行われなければならない。これらが問題の条件です。 (Marx 1867)彼は商品の弁証法の直接的で強力な応用からこのジレンマの解決策を始めました。商品の交換価値が剰余金の源泉になることができないのであれば、価値とは弁証法的に正反対のuse-valueが唯一の可能な源泉です。等価で交換されるために、その価値ではなく、MCは、最初の行為によって購入された商品で行われ、その商品はその全額で支払われます。したがって、私たちは、その変化は商品自体の使用価値、すなわちその消費に起因するとの結論を余儀なくされます。商品の消費量から価値を引き出すことができるためには、私たちの友人、Moneybagsは、
to find, within the sphere of circulation, in the market, a commodity, whose use-value possesses the peculiar property of being a source of value. (Ibid.) Marx then used the quantitative difference between the exchange-value of labor-power and its use-value to uncover the source of surplus value in the transaction between worker and capitalist: The past labor that is embodied in the labor power, and the living labor that it can call into action; the daily cost of maintaining it, and its daily expenditure in work, are two totally different things. The former determines the exchange-value of the labor power, the latter is its use-value. The fact that half a [working] day’s labor is necessary to keep the laborer alive during 24 hours, does not in any way prevent him from working a whole day. Therefore, the value of labor power, and the value which that labor power creates in the labor process, are two entirely different magnitudes; and this difference of the two values was what the capitalist had in view, when he was purchasing the labor power. What really influenced him was the specific use-value which this commodity possesses of being a source not only of value, but of more value than it has itself. This is the special service that the capitalist expects from labor power, and in this transaction he acts in accordance with the ‘eternal laws’ of the exchange of commodities. The seller of labor power, like the seller of any other commodity, realizes its exchange-value, and parts with its use-value. (Ibid.) The one way in which Marx’s ‘negative’ derivation survived was in the claim that labor-power was the only commodity with the property of being ‘a source not only of value, but of more value than it has itself.’ In Capital I, Marx appeared to successfully reach the conclusion that the means of production could not be a source of surplus value. However, he did so by contradicting a basic premise of his ‘positive’ proof, that the use-value and the exchange-value of a commodity are unrelated. Properly applied, his ‘positive proof’ contradicts the negative one by showing that all inputs to production are potential sources of surplus-value. ‘Guilty of this or that inconsistency because of this or that compromise’ In the course of his attempt to preserve the labor theory of value proposition that labor-power is the only source of surplus value, Marx advanced three propositions which fundamentally contravene his general approach to commodities: that, in the case of the means of production, the purchaser makes use of their exchange-value, not their use-value; that their use-value cannot exceed their exchange-value; and that the use-value of commodity
流通の範囲内で、市場において、その使用価値が価値の源泉であるという独特の性質を有する商品を見つけること。マルクスはそれから労働力と資本家の間の取引における剰余価値の源泉を明らかにするために労働力の交換価値とその使用価値の間の量的な違いを使った。そしてそれが行動を起こすことができる生活労働。それを維持するための日々のコストと、その日々の仕事への支出は、まったく異なるものです。前者は労働力の交換価値を決定し、後者はその使用価値です。 24時間労働者を生かすために半日の労働が必要であるという事実は、決して一日中働くことを妨げるものではありません。したがって、労働力の価値、およびその労働力が労働過程で生み出す価値は、まったく異なる2つの大きさです。そして、2つの価値観のこの違いは、資本家が労働力を購入したときに見たものでした。彼が本当に影響を受けたのは、この商品が価値の源泉であるだけでなく、それ自身が持っている以上の価値の源泉であるという特定の用途価値です。これは資本家が労働力から期待する特別な奉仕であり、この取引で彼は商品交換の「永遠の法」に従って行動します。労働力の売主は、他の商品の売主と同様に、その交換価値とその使用価値のある部分を認識します。マルクスの「否定的な」派生が生き残った一つの方法は、労働力が「価値の源であるだけでなく、それ自体よりも価値のある源」であるという性質を持つ唯一の商品であるという主張にあった。首都Ⅰでは、マルクスは生産の手段が余剰価値の源泉にはなり得ないという結論に首尾よく達するように見えた。しかし、彼は「ポジティブ」な証明の基本的な前提と矛盾することによってそうしました、それは商品の使用価値と交換価値は無関係であるということです。正しく適用されて、彼の「正の証明」は生産へのすべての投入が余剰価値の潜在的な源であることを示すことによって負のものと矛盾します。 「これに対する罪悪感、あるいは妥協による矛盾」労働力が唯一の余剰価値の源泉であるという価値命題の労働理論を守ろうとする試みの中で、マルクスは基本的に彼の一般的アプローチに反する3つの命題を進めた。商品に対して:生産手段の場合、購入者はその使用価値ではなく交換価値を利用する。それらの使用価値がそれらの交換価値を超えることはできません。そして商品の使用価値
inputs to production somehow reappears in the use-value of the commodities they help create. Marx began with the simple assertion that the means of production can transfer no more than their exchange-value to the product. He next attempted to forge an equality between the exchange-value and the use-value of the means of production, by equating the depreciation of a machine to its productive capacity. Value exists only in articles of utility. If therefore an article loses its utility, it also loses its value. The reason why means of production do not lose their value, at the same time that they lose their use-value, is this: they lose in the labor process the original form of their use-value, only to assume in the product the form of a new use-value. Hence it follows that in the labor process the means of production transfer their value to the product only so far as along with their use-value they lose also their exchange-value. They give up to the product that value alone which they themselves lose as means of production. (Ibid.) Don’t worry if you found that paragraph hard to understand: it is replete with erroneous and ambiguous propositions. First, the two final sentences, which appear to link the transfer of value by the machine to its depreciation, are incorrect (see below). Secondly, the statement that the use-value of a machine reappears in the use-value of the product equates the use-value of the machine to the utility enjoyed by the ‘consumers’ who purchase the goods the machine produces. But the use-value of a machine is specific to the capitalist purchaser of the machine only. By arguing that the use-value of the machine reappears in the product, Marx is in fact contemplating the existence of abstract utility, with the ‘usefulness’ of the machinery being transmuted into the ‘usefulness’ of the commodities it produces. If anything, this is neoclassical economics, not Marx. The ambiguous statement concerns the transfer of value by the means of production. Which of their two ‘values’ do machines transfer, their exchange-value or their use-value? If Marx meant that they transfer their use-value, then this sentence would be correct in terms of his analysis of commodities. But later he makes it clear that by this expression he meant that the means of production transfer not their use-value (which is the case with a worker) but their exchange-value. In the clearest illustration of the flaw in his logic, he states that over the life of a machine, ‘its use-value has been completely consumed, and therefore its exchange-value completely
transferred to the product’ (ibid.: 197). This amounts to the assertion that in the case of machinery and raw materials, what is consumed by the purchaser is not their use-value, as with all other commodities, but their exchange-value. This ambiguity reappears as Marx discusses the example of a machine which lasts only six days. He first states the correct proposition that the machine transfers its use-value to the product, but then equates this to its exchange-value. He says that if a machine lasts six days ‘[ t] hen, on the average, it loses each day one sixth of its use-value, and therefore parts with one-sixth of its value to the daily product.’ Initially he draws the correct if poorly stated inference that ‘means of production never transfer more value to the product than they themselves lose during the labor-process by the destruction of their own use-value.’ However, the ambiguity between exchange-value and use-value is strong, and his conclusion takes the incorrect fork. Stating his conclusion rather more succinctly than his reasoning, he says: The maximum loss of value that they [machines] can suffer in the process, is plainly limited by the amount of the original value with which they came into the process, or in other words, by the labor-time necessary for their production. However useful a given kind of raw material, or a machine, or other means of production may be, though it may cost £ 150 –yet it cannot, under any circumstances, add to the value of the product more than £ 150. (Ibid.) Essentially, Marx reached the result that the means of production cannot generate surplus value by confusing depreciation, or the loss of value by a machine, with value creation. The truisms that the maximum amount of value that a machine can lose is its exchange-value, and that a machine’s exchange-value will fall to zero only when its use-value has been completely exhausted, were combined to conclude that the value a machine adds in production is equivalent to the exchange-value it loses in depreciation. With the value added by a machine equated to value lost, no net value is transferred to the product, and therefore only labor can be a source of surplus value. While the argument may appear plausible, in reality it involves a confusion of two distinct attributes of a machine: its cost (exchange-value) and its usefulness (use-value). From a Marxist perspective, depreciation is the writing-off of the original exchange-value of a machine over its productive
(同上:197)これは、機械や原材料の場合、購入者によって消費されるのは他のすべての商品のように使用価値ではなく、交換価値であるという主張に相当します。 Marxが6日間しか続かないマシンの例を論じているので、このあいまいさは再び現れます。彼は最初に、機械がその使用価値を製品に移すという正しい命題を述べていますが、それからこれをその交換価値とみなしています。機械の寿命が6日間であれば、平均して毎日、その使用価値の6分の1を失い、そのため1日の製品の価値の6分の1を占める部分があると彼は言います。 「生産手段が、自分自身の使用価値の破壊によって労働プロセスの間に失うよりも多くの価値を製品に移すことは決してない」という推論が不十分であれば正しいが、交換価値と使用価値のあいまいさは強く、彼の結論は間違ったフォークを取ります。彼の結論を彼の推論よりもかなり簡潔に述べて、彼は言います:彼らが[機械]がプロセスで受けることができる価値の最大の損失は明らかに彼らがプロセスに入ったときの最初の価値の量によって制限されます。彼らの生産に必要な労働時間によって。ただし、特定の種類の原材料、機械、またはその他の生産手段は、150ポンドかかる場合がありますが、いかなる場合でも150ポンドを超える価値を追加することはできません。 。)本質的に、マルクスは生産手段が価値の創造と減価償却、または機械による価値の損失を混同することによって余剰価値を生み出すことができないという結果に達しました。機械が失うことができる価値の最大量はその交換価値であり、そしてその機械の交換価値はその使用価値が完全に使い果たされたときにだけゼロに落ちるという真実は、機械の価値が生産に追加することは、減価償却で失う交換価値と同じです。機械によって付加された付加価値が失われた付加価値と同等であるため、正味価値は製品に移転されず、したがって労働のみが過剰価値の源となり得る。議論はもっともらしく見えるかもしれませんが、実際にはそれはマシンの2つの異なる属性、つまりそのコスト(交換価値)とその有用性(使用価値)の混乱を伴います。マルクス主義の観点からは、減価償却費は生産性に対する機械の当初の交換価値の償却です。
life. Consequently, the maximum depreciation that a machine can suffer is its exchange-value. As it wears out, both its residual value and its usefulness will diminish, and both will terminate at the same time. However, it does not follow that the usefulness (the value-creating capacity) of the machine is equal to its cost (its depreciation). Though a capitalist will ‘write off’ the latter completely only when the former has been extinguished, the two aspects are nonetheless completely different and unrelated. There is no reason why the value lost by the machine should be equivalent to the value added. An analogy with labor highlights the fallacy involved in equating these two magnitudes. If workers receive a subsistence wage, and if the working day exhausts the capacity to labor, then it could be argued that in a day a worker ‘depreciates’ by an amount equivalent to the subsistence wage –the exchange-value of labor-power. However, this depreciation is not the limit of the amount of value that can be added by a worker in a day’s labor –the use-value of labor. Value added is unrelated to and greater than value lost; if it were not, there could be no surplus. But don’t take my word for it. Take Marx’s. The origin of surplus value (III) As noted above, Marx first developed his dialectical analysis of the commodity while working on the rough draft of Capital. He was initially so enthused with this approach that he explored it freely, with almost no regard for how it meshed with his previous analysis. While doing this, he made a statement that correctly applied this new logic and directly contradicted the old, by stating that a machine could add more value than it lost through depreciation. Table 1 is typical of Marx’s standard numerical examples of value productivity. In that table, surplus value is directly proportional to labor-power (‘ variable capital’), and the value of the total product is the sum of the value of the means of production, plus variable capital, plus surplus value. In this analysis, the contribution of non-labor inputs to the value of output is exactly equal to their depreciation. However, when referring to a similar table shortly after developing his use-value/ exchange-value analysis, Marx comments: ‘It also has to be postulated (which was not done above) that the use-value of the machine significantly [sic] greater than its value; i.e. that its devaluation in the service of production is not proportional to its increasing effect on production’ (Marx 1857).
生活。したがって、機械が受ける最大の減価償却費はその交換価値です。それが消耗するにつれて、その残存価値とその有用性の両方が減少し、そして両方が同時に終了するでしょう。しかし、それは、その機械の有用性(価値創造能力)がそのコスト(その減価償却)と等しいということにはならない。資本家は前者が消滅したときにのみ後者を完全に「償却」するであろうが、それでもなお二つの側面は完全に異なり無関係である。マシンによって失われた値が、追加された値と同等であるべき理由はありません。労働との類似性は、これら2つの大きさを一致させることに関わる誤りを強調しています。労働者が自給自足の賃金を受け取り、就業日に労働能力が枯渇すると、労働者は自給自足の賃金 - 労働力の交換価値に相当する量だけ減価償却すると論じることができます。しかし、この減価償却費は、労働者が1日の労働で付加することができる価値の量、つまり労働の使用価値の制限ではありません。付加価値は失われた価値とは無関係であり、それよりも大きい。そうでなければ、黒字はあり得ないでしょう。しかし、私の言うことを言わないでください。マルクスの剰余価値の起源(III)上記のように、マルクスは最初に資本のラフドラフトに取り組んでいる間商品の彼の弁証法的分析を開発しました。彼は当初、このアプローチにとても興味を持っていたので、彼が以前の分析とどのように一致したかにほとんど関係なく、自由にそれを調査しました。これをしている間、彼はマシンが減価償却によって失われたより多くの価値を加えることができると述べることによって、この新しい論理を正しく適用して、直接古いものと矛盾すると述べました。表1は、価値生産性に関するマルクスの標準的な数値例です。その表では、剰余価値は労働力(「変動資本」)に正比例し、総生産額は生産手段の価値に変動資本を加えた金額と剰余価値の合計になります。この分析では、非労働投入物の生産額への寄与は、それらの減価償却費と正確に等しい。しかし、彼の使用価値/交換価値分析を開発した直後に同様の表を参照すると、Marx氏は次のようにコメントしています。 'また、マシンの使用価値はかなり高いと仮定しなければなりません。その値より大きい。すなわち、生産のサービスにおけるその切り下げは生産へのその増大する影響に比例していない」(Marx 1857)。
There then follows the example shown in Table 17.7. Both firms employ the same amount of variable capital –four days’ labor which is paid 40 ‘thalers’ (a unit in the German currency of the time), the value of the labor-power purchased. However, the first firm (‘ Capital 1’), with older capital, produces surplus value of just 10, while the second, with newer capital, produces a surplus of 13.33. The 3.33 difference in the surplus they generate is attributable to the difference in their machinery, and the fact that ‘the use-value of the machine significantly greater than its value; i.e. –its devaluation in the service of production is not proportional to its increasing effect on production.’ 23 TABLE 17.7 Marx’s example where the use-value of machinery exceeds its depreciation Marx without the labor theory of value Marx’s dialectical analysis thus contradicts a central tenet of the labor theory of value, that labor is the only source of surplus value. Having reached the conclusion above, Marx suddenly found himself trapped, as he had argued (in his PhD thesis) that Hegel was, in a compromise with his own principles. The principle of the dialectical analysis of the commodity was powerful, and the conclusions that followed logically from it inescapable: the labor theory of value could be true only if the use-value of a machine was exactly equal to its exchange-value, and yet a basic tenet of this analysis was that use-value and exchange-value are incommensurable. 24 If Marx had followed his newfound logic, the labor theory of value would have been history. But with the labor theory of value gone, so too would be the tendency for the rate of profit to fall, and with it the inevitability of socialism. The tendency for the rate of profit to fall was predicated upon the propositions that (a), over time, the capital-to-labor ratio would rise, and that (b), this would cause the rate of profit to fall. But (b) was dependent upon labor being the only source of surplus value, so that a rising capital-to-labor
その後、表17.7に示す例が続きます。どちらの会社も、購入した労働力の価値である40タラー(ドイツ通貨の単位)の支払いが行われる、同じ量の4日分の変動資本を使用しています。しかし、旧資本を持つ最初の会社(「資本1」)はわずか10の剰余価値を生み出しますが、より新しい資本を持つ2番目の会社は13.33の黒字を生み出します。彼らが生み出す剰余金の3.33の違いは、彼らの機械の違い、そしてその事実がそのマシンの使用価値よりもかなり大きいという事実に起因する。つまり、生産のサービスにおける価値の低下は生産への影響の増加に比例するわけではありません。 ''労働の価値の価値理論なしで、機械の使用価値がその減価償却を超えるマルクスの例マルクスの弁証法的分析は矛盾します。労働の価値の理論によれば、その労働が余剰価値の唯一の源である。上記の結論に達すると、マルクスは、自身の原則と妥協して、ヘーゲルは(自分の博士論文で)主張していたように、突然自分自身を閉じ込めたことに気づきました。商品の弁証法的分析の原理は強力であり、それから論理的に導かれた結論は避けられない。価値の労働理論は、機械の使用価値がその交換価値と正確に等しい場合にのみ真実であり得るこの分析の基本的な原則は、使用価値と交換価値は計り知れないということでした。 24もしマルクスが彼の新たな論理に従えば、価値の労働理論は歴史であっただろう。しかし、価値の労働理論がなくなると、利益率が低下する傾向が強まり、それに伴って社会主義が不可避となるでしょう。利益率が低下する傾向は、(a)やがて資本対労働比率が上昇し、(b)これが利益率を低下させるという命題に基づいていた。しかし、(b)は余剰価値の唯一の源である労働に依存していたので、資本対労働の増加は
ratio would mean a falling rate of profit. If surplus could instead be garnered from any input to production, not just labor, then an increase in the capital-to-labor ratio would have no necessary implications for the rate of profit: it could fall, rise, or stay the same. With no necessity for the rate of profit to fall, there was similarly no necessity for capitalism to give way to socialism. Yet Marx had prided himself upon being the ‘scientific socialist,’ the one who in contrast to ‘utopian socialists,’ who merely dreamed of a better world, would prove why socialism had to come about. Now he finds that his new logical tool, which is evidently so superior to his old, challenges the basis of his argument for the inevitability of socialism. It is little wonder that Marx then tried to find a way to make his new logic appear consistent with the old. By the time of Capital, he had convinced himself that the two were consistent: that the new positive methodology concurred with the old on the issue of the value productivity of machinery. Marx succumbed to the same flaw that (in his PhD thesis) he once noted in Hegel: It is conceivable that a philosopher should be guilty of this or that inconsistency because of this or that compromise; he may himself be conscious of it. But what he is not conscious of is that in the last analysis this apparent compromise is made possible by the deficiency of his principles or an inadequate grasp of them. So if a philosopher really has compromised it is the job of his followers to use the inner core of his thought to illuminate his own superficial expression of it. In this way, what is a progress in conscience is also a progress in knowledge. This does not involve putting the conscience of the philosopher under suspicion, but rather construing the essential characteristics of his views, giving them a definite form and meaning, and thus at the same time going beyond them. (Karl Marx, 1839: notes to his doctoral dissertation, reprinted in McLellan 1971) So Marx succeeded in compromising his theory in a way which hid ‘the deficiency of his principles or an inadequate grasp of them.’ But ‘success’ came at a cost. The new logic, of which Marx was so proud, was ignored by his successors. In part, Marx contributed to this by the obfuscation he undertook to make his positive method appear consistent with the old negative one. But I can’t detract from the impressive contribution ‘Marxists’ themselves have made to the misinterpretation of Marx.
The misinterpretation of Marx
比率は利益率の低下を意味します。労働力だけでなく、生産への投入から剰余金を調達することができれば、資本対労働比率の増加は利益率に必要な影響を与えることはなく、それは下降、上昇、または変わらない可能性があります。利益率が下がる必要はないが、資本主義が社会主義に道を譲る必要もなかった。それでもマルクスは「科学的社会主義者」であることを誇りにしていた。「ユートピア的社会主義者」とは対照的に、単により良い世界を夢見ていただけで、なぜ社会主義がもたらされなければならなかったかを証明する。今や彼は、彼の新しい論理的な道具は明らかに彼の昔の道具よりもはるかに優れているが、社会主義の必然性に対する彼の主張の根拠に挑戦していることに気付いた。それからマルクスが彼の新しい論理を古いものと一致するように見せる方法を見つけようとしたのは少し不思議ではありません。首都の時までに、彼は2つが首尾一貫していると確信していました:新しい前向きな方法論が機械の価値生産性の問題に関して古いと同意したということ。マルクスは、彼がかつてヘーゲルで指摘していたのと同じ欠陥(彼の博士論文において)に屈した。哲学者はこれまたはその妥協のせいでその矛盾を罪に問うべきであると考えられる。彼はそれを意識しているかもしれません。しかし、彼が意識していないのは、最後の分析ではこの明らかな妥協は彼の原則の欠如またはそれらの不適切な把握によって可能になったということです。それで、哲学者が本当に妥協したならば、それの彼自身の表面的な表現を照らすために彼の思想の内側のコアを使うことは彼の信者の仕事です。このように、良心の進歩は、知識の進歩でもあります。これは哲学者の良心を疑うことではなく、むしろ彼の見解の本質的な特徴を解釈し、それらに明確な形と意味を与え、そして同時にそれらを超えて行くことを含みます。 (Karl Marx、1839年:彼の博士論文へのメモ、McLellan 1971年に転載)そこでマルクスは「彼の原則の不備またはそれらの不適切な把握」を隠すような方法で彼の理論を妥協することに成功した。コスト。マルクスがとても誇りに思っていた新しい論理は、彼の後継者によって無視されました。部分的に、マルクスは彼が彼の積極的な方法を古い否定的なものと一致しているように見えるようにすることを約束した難読化によってこれに貢献しました。しかし、私はマルクス主義者自身がマルクスの誤解に対して行った印象的な貢献を損なうことはできません。
Though much of this occurred after his death, Marx had one taste of how his theories would be misinterpreted by friend and foe alike. He wrote a caustic commentary on the German economist Adolph Wagner’s gross misinterpretation of his arguments in Capital, yet ironically, Wagner’s hostile misinterpretation became the accepted interpretation of Marx by his followers after his death. Wagner argued that Marx had completely misunderstood the notion of use-value, and that use-value played no part in Marx’s analysis. Marx acerbically commented that: Rodbertus had written a letter to him –where he, Rodbertus, explains why ‘there is only one kind of value,’ use value –Wagner says: ‘This is completely correct, and necessitates an alteration in the customary illogical “division” of ‘value’ into use-value and exchange-value’ –and this same Wagner places me among the people according to whom ‘use-value’ is to be completely ‘dismissed’ ‘from science.’ (Marx 1971 [1879]) Marx then made an emphatic statement of the role that use-value played in his economics: All this is ‘driveling.’ Only an obscurantist, who has not understood a word of Capital, can conclude: Because Marx, in a note to the first edition of Capital, overthrows all the German professorial twaddle on ‘use-value’ in general, and refers readers who want to know something about actual use-value to ‘commercial guides,’ –therefore, use-value does not play any role in his work. The obscurantist has overlooked that my analysis of the commodity does not stop at the dual mode in which the commodity is presented, [but] presses forward [so] that surplus value itself is derived from a ‘specific’ use-value of labor-power which belongs to it exclusively etc. etc., that hence with me use-value plays an important role completely different than [it did] in previous [political] economy. (Ibid.) Marx’s protestations were to no avail. Despite such a strident statement that use-value was an essential component of his analytic method, and despite the fact that this document was available to and read by early twentieth-century Marxists, use-value and the ‘positive’ methodology of which it was an integral part were expunged from mainstream Marxism. Paul Sweezy stated in his influential The Theory of Capitalist Development that ‘Every commodity,’ Marx wrote, ‘has a twofold aspect, that of use-value and exchange-value.’ Use-value is an expression of a certain relation between the consumer and the object consumed. Political economy, on the
これの多くは彼の死の後に起こったけれども、マルクスは彼の理論がどのように友人と敵によって同様に誤解されるかについての1つの好みを持っていました。彼はドイツの経済学者アドルフワーグナーの首都での彼の主張の大まかな誤解について苛酷な解説を書いたが、皮肉なことに、ワーグナーの敵対的誤解は彼の追従者による彼の追随者による受け入れられた解釈となった。 Wagnerは、Marxがuse-valueの概念を完全に誤解しており、use-valueはMarxの分析には関与していないと主張しました。 Rodbertusは彼に手紙を書いた - 彼の、Rodbertusの所で、なぜ '1種類の価値しかないのか'と説明している。ワーグナーは言う: 'これは完全に正しいものであり、慣習的な非論理的な変更を必要とする「価値」の「使用価値」と「交換価値」への「分割」 - そしてこれと同じワーグナーは、「使用価値」を「科学から完全に「却下」されるべきであるとする人たちの間に私を置いている。マルクスはそれから彼の経済学で使用価値が果たした役割の強調した声明をしました:すべてこれは「駆動力」です。首都の言葉を理解していない隠蔽主義者だけが結論を下すことができます。キャピタルの初版に、一般的に「使用価値」についてのすべてのドイツの教授討論をひっくり返して、「商業ガイド」に実際の使用価値について何かを知りたい読者を言及します - したがって、使用価値は遊びません彼の作品におけるあらゆる役割隠蔽主義者は、私の商品分析が商品が提示される二重モードで止まるのではなく、余剰価値自体が労働力の「特定の」利用価値から派生していると主張するのを見逃している。それゆえ、私にとっては、使用価値は以前の[政治的]経済とはまったく異なる重要な役割を果たしています。 (同上)マルクスの抗議は無駄だった。 use-valueは彼の分析方法の本質的な要素であるというそのような厳格な声明にもかかわらず、そしてこの文書が20世紀初頭のマルクス主義者に利用可能であって読まれたという事実にもかかわらず不可欠な部分は主流マルクス主義から抹消された。 Paul Sweezyは、彼の影響力のあるThe Capitalist Developmentの理論の中で、 'Marxが書いた'すべての商品 'は2つの側面、すなわち使用価値と交換価値の側面を持っていると述べた。そしてオブジェクトは消費されました。政治経済、
other hand, is a social science of the relations between people. It follows that ‘use-value as such lies outside the sphere of investigation of political economy.’ (Sweezy 1942, citing Marx 1859) Yet ironically, the statement Sweezy used to support the notion that use-value plays no role in Marx’s analysis was the very one referred to by Marx (in the reference to the ‘first edition of Capital,’ by which he meant the 1859 work A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy), when he labeled Wagner an ‘obscurantist.’ In Marx’s own words, therefore, twentieth-century Marxism has completely misunderstood the philosophical core of Marx’s analysis of capitalism. A poverty of philosophy Bose’s critique and Marx’s dialectic of the commodity establish that philosophy can’t save the labor theory of value from Steedman’s critique. Philosophical analysis strengthens Steedman’s case that the labor theory of value is logically flawed. Instead, mathematics and Marx’s philosophy confirm that surplus value –and hence profit –can be generated from any input to production. There is no one source of surplus: Adam Smith’s apparently vague musings that animals and machines both contribute to the creation of new value were correct.
Whither Marxism?
Marxist economics is analytically far stronger once it is shorn of the labor theory of value. The use-value/ exchange-value methodology, which was applied above only to the question of the source of surplus value, has application to a huge range of issues on which labor theory of value Marxism is either silent or pedestrian (see Groll 1980 and Keen 1993a, 1993b and 2000 for a discussion of some of these). Marxism becomes the pinnacle of classical economics, rather than its dead end. However, I am as pessimistic about the chances of this ‘new, improved Marxism’ being adopted by today’s Marxists as I am about the chances of neoclassical economists abandoning the concept of equilibrium. Their resistance, as with neoclassical economists to the critiques outlined in this book, is due in large part to ideology.
他方では、人々の間の関係の社会科学です。その結果、「使用価値そのものが政治経済の調査の範囲外にある」(Sweezy 1942、Marx 1859を引用)それでも皮肉なことに、Sweezyは、使用価値がMarxの分析には関与しないという考えを支持していた。マルクスがワーグナーを「隠蔽主義者」とラベルしたときの、マルクスによって言及されたまさにそのもの(彼が1859年の作品「政治経済批評への貢献」を意味する「首都の初版」への言及において)。したがって、20世紀のマルクス主義は、マルクスの資本主義分析の哲学的中心を完全に誤解しています。哲学の貧困ボーズの批判とマルクスの商品の弁証法は、哲学がスティードマンの批評から労働価値観を救うことができないことを立証している。哲学的分析は、価値の労働理論が論理的に欠陥があるというSteedmanの主張を強化する。その代わりに、数学とマルクスの哲学は、生産へのどんな入力からでも余剰価値、ひいては利益を生み出すことができることを確認します。動物と機械の両方が新しい価値の創造に貢献するというアダム・スミスの明らかに漠然とした黙想は、剰余金の唯一の源ではありません。
The advantage Marxists have over economists is that at least they are upfront about having an ideology. Marxists are as consciously committed to the belief that capitalism should give way to a socialism as economists are to the often unconscious belief that, if only we could rid ourselves of government intervention in the market, we would currently reside in the best of all possible worlds. The tendency for the rate of profit to fall is crucial to this belief in the inevitability of socialism, and it is one of the many concepts that evaporate once the labor theory of value is expunged. Marxist economists are likely to continue to cling to the labor theory of value, to hang on to the faith, in preference to embracing logic. If my pessimism is well founded, then Marxist economics will continue its self-absorbed and impossible quest for a solution to the transformation problem, and will remain irrelevant to the future development of economics. However, labor theory of value Marxism will continue to be the ideology of choice of the left, particularly in the Third World. The argument that labor is the only source of profit, and that capitalism is thus based upon the exploitation of the worker, is a simple, compelling analysis to the downtrodden in our obscenely unequal world. A specter may no longer be haunting Europe, but Marxism will continue to be the banner of the dispossessed for many a year to come. However, if non-neoclassical and non-Marxist economists can ignore the hullabaloo generated by the remaining band of adherents to the labor theory of value, and instead extract from Marx his rich philosophical foundation for the analysis of capitalism, then Marx’s dialectical theory of value may yet play a role in the reform of economic theory. At present, however, the various non-neoclassical schools of thought have no coherent theory of value as an alternative to the neoclassical school’s flawed subjective theory of value. But even though they lack the central organizing concept of a theory of value, these alternative schools of thought contain the promise of an economic theory that may actually be relevant to the analysis and management of a capitalist economy.
Marx succumbed to the same flaw that (in his PhD thesis) he once noted in Hegel:
It is conceivable that a philosopher should be guilty of this or that inconsistency because of this or that compromise; he may himself be conscious of it. But what he is not conscious of is that in the last analysis this apparent compromise is made possible by the deficiency of his principles or an inadequate grasp of them. So if a philosopher really has compromised it is the job of his followers to use the inner core of his thought to illuminate his own superficial expression of it. In this way, what is a progress in conscience is also a progress in knowledge. This does not involve putting the conscience of the philosopher under suspicion, but rather construing the essential characteristics of his views, giving them a definite form and meaning, and thus at the same time going beyond them. (Karl Marx, 1839: notes to his doctoral dissertation, reprinted in McLellan 1971)
哲学者はこれに対して有罪であるべきである、あるいはこれまたはその妥協のためにその矛盾を犯すべきであると考えられます。 彼はそれを意識しているかもしれません。 しかし、彼が意識していないのは、最後の分析ではこの明らかな妥協は彼の原則の欠如またはそれらの不適切な把握によって可能になったということです。 それで、哲学者が本当に妥協したならば、それの彼自身の表面的な表現を照らすために彼の思想の内側のコアを使うことは彼の信者の仕事です。 このように、良心の進歩は、知識の進歩でもあります。 これは哲学者の良心を疑うことではなく、むしろ彼の見解の本質的な特徴を解釈し、それらに明確な形と意味を与え、そして同時にそれらを超えて行くことを含みます。 (カールマルクス、1839年:彼の博士論文へのメモ、1971年のマクレランで転載)
民間負債の対GDP比率(Bank Share[=主流派が軽視したミンスキー的認識!!])、
産出に占める賃金の割合(Wage Share)。
産出に占める賃金の割合(Wage Share)、
民間負債の対GDP比率(Bank Share[=主流派が軽視したミンスキー的認識!!])だ。
産出[=GDP]に占める賃金の割合(Wage Share)、
民間負債の対GDP比率(Bank Share[=主流派が軽視したミンスキー的認識!!])だ。
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