金曜日, 6月 28, 2019

#20 ビアズリー・ラムル Beardsley Ruml(1894~1960) 1946,Governments donot need the savings of the rich, nor their taxes! – Bill Mitchell –Modern Monetary Theory 2015/8/17

ラムル1946 税は財源ではない TAX POLICIES FOR PROSPERITY  By BEARDSLEY RUML  繁栄のための税制   



Ruml 1946 TAXES FOR REVENUE ARE OBSOLETE 歳入のための税金は時代遅れ 

#20 Governments do not need the savings of the rich, nor their taxes! – Bill Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory 2015/8/17

ビアズリー・ラムル Beardsley Ruml(1894~1960) 1946
Beardsley Ruml –  “Taxes for Revenue are Obsolete”.1946a

Beardsley Ruml (5 November 1894 – 19 April 1960) was an American statistician, economist, philanthropist, planner, businessman and man of affairs in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. 


"Tax Policies for Prosperity," Address before American Finance Association, Cleveland, Ohio; American Economic Review Proceedings, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, May 1946.


特別寄稿 迫り来る令和「金融恐慌」/評論家 中野剛志氏:FACTA ONLINE




1. ドルの購買力を安定化させるための財政政策的装置
2. 累進所得税や相続税に見られるような、富と所得の分配に関する公共政策の表現
3. 様々な産業や業界団体に対する補助金ないし罰金といった公共政策の表現
4. 高速道路や社会保障といった、特定の国益のコストの直接的分離・評価
Taxpayers do not fund anything – Bill Mitchell – Modern Monetary Theory
Ruml offers four insights into the purpose of taxation:
Federal taxes can be made to serve four principal purposes of a social and economic character. These purposes are:
1. As an instrument of fiscal policy to help stabilize the purchasing power of the dollar;
2. To express public policy in the distribution of wealth and of income, as in the case of the progressive income and estate taxes;
3. To express public policy in subsidizing or in penalizing various industries and economic groups;
4. To isolate and assess directly the costs of certain national benefits, such as highways and social security.

ビル・ミッチェル「納税は資金供給ではない」(2010年4月19日) - 経済学101

Mr. Ruml政府がどのように費用支払いを行うのかについて精確には記述していない。 考えられるのは、 ...
第二次世界大戦の前年、当時のニューヨーク連銀総裁のBeardsley Rumlはアメリカ法曹協会である講演を行った。
Bill Mitchell, “Taxpayers do not fund anything“, Bill Mitchell – billy blog, April 19, 2010.

時折、誰も読んでいないし何の注意も払われていないが、不換紙幣(fiat currency)に基づく金融システム運営を行っている政府の持つ選択肢について、基礎的理解を提供している過去のいくつかの資料を発見することがある。そうした資料のうち、今でも有効なものの一つについて詳説しよう。その理解のエッセンスはこの記事のタイトルに要約されている――「納税は資金供給ではない」。したがって、評論家や政治家が”納税者のお金が無駄遣いされた”みたいなことを発言しているのを聞いたら、彼らが金融システム機能について理解していないと即座に結論付けることが出来る。この点において、彼らの主張は無視した方が良い――最初の前提がそもそも間違っているので、その結論も間違っている可能性が高いからだ。問題なのは、一般の政策議論が概してこうした誤った前提に基づいているということである。結果として、概して劣悪な政策方針が採用され、たいていの場合、恵まれない立場にいる人々の利益が著しく害されることになる。


火曜日(2010/4/15)に77人の経済学者たちがUK Timesへ書簡を出した。それによると:

77人の経済学者の大多数は、NAIRUの神話を延命させようとしたり(例:Lord Layard)、サプライサイド政策の策定に携わっていたり(例:OECD Jobs Study)している主流派経済学者であった(特にサプライサイド政策は数多くの人々の人生設計を失業長期化によって毀損した)。77人のうちの残りは主要なポストケインジアンだった。これはenemy within(内なる敵)の別の繰り返しの見本だ。


財政ハト派に支配的な懸念は、政府が”危険水域(wild side)”(財政赤字)にとどまれるのは限られた時間だけで、他の時点で純支出を削減して黒字を達成しなければならないというものである。財政ハト派の立場からは、一定水準の懸念が基礎にある。

経済学者たちがどれだけ間違っているかについての他の目立つ例としては、イギリスのシンクタンクIFS(Institute of Fiscal Studeis)の最近のレポートがある。このレポートは、2010年4月18日付のガーディアン紙でChancellor Brown left public finances ill-prepared for the crunch” (ブラウン首相は”経済政策に対して準備不足”な公的財政状態を齎した)ということを示すものとして紹介された。私はまた別のブログ記事で、このレポートに含まれるロジックについて書くつもりだ。
しかし、彼らのメインの主張は以下だ。 ”危機的状況になりつつある高水準の債務は、イギリスが公的財政の劣化の後に2010年で最も貧弱な財政状況にある国の一つになったことを意味している。イギリス以上の財政劣化に陥った国は、三年以上前のアイルランド、およびアイスランドだけだ。”

さて、以上からわかる主要な論点は、「過去の財政スタンスが現在の通貨発行権持ち政府(currency-issuing government)の財政選択の実行を阻害・制約し得る」という考えはナンセンスだ、というところだ。こうした信条は、財政ハト派や主流派の思考を下支えしている神話的代物である。


第二次世界大戦の前年、当時のニューヨーク連銀総裁のBeardsley Rumlはアメリカ法曹協会である講演を行った。
この講演については、シカゴ大学図書館のGuide to the Beardsley Ruml Papers 1917-1960で閲覧可能だ。
歴史資料は、このスピーチが何も起こさず、”相応しい注目を集めなかった”ということを示している。このスピーチは1946年1月にAmerican Affairsの定期刊行物に掲載され、全文をここで読むことが出来る。
スピーチ(及び記事)のタイトルは収入のための租税は時代遅れ(Taxed for revenue are obsolete)というもので、これは確実にあなた方の心に響くだろう。もう一度声に出して読んでみよう――収入のための租税は時代遅れ。
American Affairsの編集者は当時、以下のように書いている:
(Rumlの)論文の主張は、(1)中央銀行システムのコントロール (2)不換紙幣という条件下においては、政府は最終的には資金の懸念から解放された状態であり、もはや政府自身の収入を目的とした徴税は必要にならないというものだ。このため、すべての租税は、社会・経済的効果の観点から評価されるべきだということになる。こうした考えを記述しているパラグラフは、テキストの中でイタリック体で見つかるはずだ。Mr. Rumlは政府がどのように費用支払いを行うのかについて精確には記述していない。考えられるのは、社会・経済的目的に基づいて徴収した税収から支出を捻出するか、あるいは必要に応じた紙幣印刷か、ということであろう。この論点は学術的なものだ。彼の論文の後半は、法人税への批判に捧げられている。
しかしながら、1945年では、アメリカは現在と同様の通貨発行権持ち国家だったわけだ! 間の何年間かは、ブレトンウッズ協定下において各国政府は通貨発行権を自発的に固定相場制度に譲渡していたが、この協定は最終的に1971年に崩壊した。
このプロセスに批判すべき点は何もない。課税される企業は、生身の人間、市民ではない。どれだけ抑圧されても一言も発さないし、そうあるべきだ。企業への課税の問題は、倫理の問題ではない。実際の影響に関する疑問だ:どのようにすればベストな成果を得られるか? どのように企業課税を行えば、最も公益に資することになるのか?
時にその裏に隠れている疑問を代わりに追求することが出来れば、啓蒙的になったりする。企業への課税に関する問題を理解しようとするなら、我々は以下の疑問を持たなくてはならない: ”一体なぜ、政府は租税を行う必要があるのか?”  これは簡単な質問に見えるが、そう見做してしまうと、得られる「明白な回答」が皮相的なものになる可能性が高い。もちろん、明白な回答というのは、「租税は政府にとって、費用を払うための収入である」というものだ。
第三に、こうした制約は必要なのだろうか? ”一体なぜ、政府は租税を行う必要があるのか?”  既に示した皮相的回答は、主流派の基礎的主張であり、租税の目的に関する主流派の(直感的な)思考のあらわれだ。しかし、彼らが束縛されているこうした皮相的外観は全て間違いだ。重要なのは、租税が ”政府にとって、費用を払うための収入” ではないというところだ。
さらにRumlは、歴史的に見て政府が借入を通じて税収以上の支出を行ってきたことを説明した。彼が言うには、借入は ”政府の費用支出に対して税収以外の必要支払手段を補うための代替手段として用いられている”。 しかし:
やっと合点がいった! 州政府や地方政府はこの意味で家計に似ていて、支出に際して金融的制約に直面している。それらは支出に際して資金を調達しなければならない。もちろん、州政府や地方政府は徴税権を持っていて、家計は持っていないが、それは程度の問題であって本質的な問題ではない。
この点についてのより詳しい議論は拙記事Who is in charge?をお読みいただきたい。

1. ドルの購買力を安定化させるための財政政策的装置
2. 累進所得税や相続税に見られるような、富と所得の分配に関する公共政策の表現
3. 様々な産業や業界団体に対する補助金ないし罰金といった公共政策の表現
4. 高速道路や社会保障といった、特定の国益のコストの直接的分離・評価

Rumlが言うには、 ”もし連邦税が不十分であるか、誤った形で課されたら、民衆の購買力は、購買力を十分に満たせるだけの財・サービス産出を大きく上回ってしまう可能性が高い。もし需要が過剰になれば、結果として価格が上昇し、それに釣り合うだけの商品量の増加は生じない。要するに…インフレーションが起こるということだ。一方で逆に、もし連邦税が過剰であるか、誤った形で課されたら、民衆の購買力は、生産者が作りたい全ての財・サービスを獲得するのに不十分なものとなるだろう。これは広範な失業に繋がる。”
4番目の目的は、どうもぎこちなく聞こえる。というのは、表面的な論理のように思われるからだ。しかし、これが意味しているのはまさに「担保付き支出(hypothecated spending)」なのだ。これは政治的に継続的な支出については透明性があるべきという議論なのである。実際、租税は”需要除去”なのであり、非政府部門の支出キャパシティを減らす。この意味で、その透明性は、税がなければ家計ないし企業の手にあったはずの資源が、どこに ”需要注入” されたか(例:高速道路への支出)を非政府部門が正確に確認することを可能にする。そのことは、租税が何かの資金源になっているということを意味したりはしない。ただ、機会費用(逸失利益)の同額分だけわかりやすくするだけだ。
この点についてのより詳しい議論はFunctional finance and modern monetary theoryという記事をお読みいただきたい。

繰り返すが、これ以上なく明瞭である。国家政策の優先順位は中心的な問題だ。そこでは、租税というのは、政府がこうした目標を進めるために最大限可能な全ての機能的財政政策パッケージの一部に過ぎない。Rumlによれば、 ”租税プログラムは一つの装置と考えられるべきであり、それが目的に対してどれだけ有効かで判断されるべきなのである。”


Modern Money Theory の要点 Why Minsky

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2019年5月5日 ... 貨制度」、「第7章 ソブリン通貨の金融政策と財政政策:政府は何をすべきか」、「第8章 完全雇用と物. 価安定のための ...... ーズリ・ルムル Beardsley Ruml、ニューディール期のニュ. ーヨーク連銀 ...

歳入のための税金は時代遅れ(ビアズリー・ラムル) - Mr.Ruml in Progress ☆

政府が企業よりも上位の立場を占めていることは、政府が企業に対して課税する権限を持つという点に最も ...

Governments do not need the savings of the rich, nor their taxes!

In Chapter 24 of The General Theory of Employment, Interest and MoneyConcluding Notes on the Social Philosophy towards which the General Theory might Lead, John Maynard Keynes confronted the issue of the “arbitrary and inequitable distribution of wealth and incomes” in capitalist economies. The argument he advances in that Chapter of his 1936 book contains guidelines for the progressive left that some just cannot seem to grasp. In short, governments (as our agents) do not need the savings of the rich to ensure that society prospers. There was another interesting contribution in 1946 from the American statistician and economist – Beardsley Ruml – who wrote that “Taxes for Revenue are Obsolete”. The progressive left would be advised to study his work and stop building political policy platforms on the claim that governments needs to make the rich pay their fair share of taxes so that adequate public services and infrastructure can be provided. The incomes and taxes paid by the rich are largely irrelevant to the capacity of a national, currency-issuing government to provide first-class public services and infrastructure. It is time to re-frame the debate and the way in which progressive political forces state their policy aspirations. This bears on the current interesting struggle in Britain for the leadership of their Labour Party.
In Chapter 24 of the General Theory, Keynes considers that the:
… outstanding faults of the economic society in which we live are its failure to provide for full employment and its arbitrary and inequitable distribution of wealth and incomes.
He said his work (the General Theory) had obvious relevance for the first fault – “failure to provide for full employment” – because it demonstrated categorically that mass unemployment was the result of a deficiency of total spending in the economy and that governments could easily use their fiscal capacities (spending and taxation) to redress that ill.
This observation destroyed the existing ‘macroeconomics’ of the day which had maintained that unemployment was due to excessive real wages and that wage cuts would restore full employment.
In the early years of the Great Depression, the ‘Treasury View’ (wage cutting) was tried and failed dramatically. Keynes’ insights, which built on what Marx had already understood and explained in detail many decades earlier, were demonstrated to be valid as governments introduced major fiscal stimulus and job creation programs to combat the growing mass unemployment in the 1930s.
The onset of the Second World War and the rise in fiscal deficits as governments sought to prosecute their respective War efforts ended the Great Depression and set the scene in the subsequent peace time for several decades of full employment managed by appropriate fiscal policy use.
That era ended when the neo-liberals stormed back into the policy dominance.
Chapter 24 also noted that their were “two important respects in which … [the General Theory] … is relevant to the second” fault – the “arbitrary and inequitable distribution of wealth and incomes”.
Keynes wrote:
Since the end of the nineteenth century significant progress towards the removal of very great disparities of wealth and income has been achieved through the instrument of direct taxation — income tax and surtax and death duties — especially in Great Britain. Many people would wish to see this process carried much further, but they are deterred by two considerations; partly by the fear of making skilful evasions too much worth while and also of diminishing unduly the motive towards risk-taking, but mainly, I think, by the belief that the growth of capital depends upon the strength of the motive towards individual saving and that for a large proportion of this growth we are dependent on the savings of the rich out of their superfluity. Our argument does not affect the first of these considerations. But it may considerably modify our attitude towards the second. For we have seen that, up to the point where full employment prevails, the growth of capital depends not at all on a low propensity to consume but is, on the contrary, held back by it; and only in conditions of full employment is a low propensity to consume conducive to the growth of capital. Moreover, experience suggests that in existing conditions saving by institutions and through sinking funds is more than adequate, and that measures for the redistribution of incomes in a way likely to raise the propensity to consume may prove positively favourable to the growth of capital.
In other words, the high saving of the rich actually undermine the capacity of the economy to achieve full employment and if they spent more then the government would not have to spend as much to achieve that aim.
But the idea that these savings were essential to fund government spending and could be accessed by taxing the rich was clearly understood by Keynes to be flawed reasoning.
In 1946, Beardsley Ruml published his 4-page article – Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete – in the journal American Affairs (January 1946, Vol VIII, No 1), which carried the sub-title “A Quarterly Journal of Free Opinion”.
This journal was published by the – National Industrial Conference Board, Inc – which is now known as the Conference Board.
The article is one of those gems that make you wonder why economists and politicians have been able to obscure the truth for so long and generate millions of unemployed and poverty in the process.
Once again, it is consistent with today’s theme – that the viability of the spending programs of a currency-issuing government is not dependent on high-income earners or the wealthy for tax revenue or their savings.
At the tine Beardsley Ruml was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the bio in the “Notes on Contributors” in the Journal described him as “an audacious thinker in the new world of social fiscal policy”.
Ruml’s argument was straightforward:
… given (1) control of a central banking system and (2) an inconvertible currency, a sovereign national government is finally free of money worries and need no longer levy taxes for the purpose of providing itself with revenue. All taxation, therefore should be regarded from the point of view of social and economic consequences.
Regular readers will no doubt identify this sentiment with Abba Lerner’s Functional Finance theories, which provide essential underpinnings to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
Please read my blog – Functional finance and modern monetary theory – for more discussion on this point.
I will come back to that.
Ruml began by noting that:
Taxation is one of the limitations placed by government on the power of business to do what it pleases … issues in the taxation of business are not moral issues, but are questions of practical effect: What will get the best results? How should business be taxes so that business will make the greatest contribution to the common good?
Ruml said that before we answer those questions:
… We must first ask: “Why does the government need to tax at all?”
He noted that a “simple answer” was “likely to be a superficial one”:
… that taxes provide the revenue which the government needs in order to pay its bills.
He noted that this was not true because governments had demonstrated a capacity to borrow to “supplement their revenues”. He observed that when government became reliant on borrowing and hence “the sources from which the money can be obtained”, the bond markets have the power to push up interest rates.
Ultimately such a government had to fall back on taxation to get clear of the power of the bond markets and remain solvent.
But, and this was his substantive point:
The necessity for a government to tax in order to maintain both its independence and its solvency is true for state and local governments, but it is not true for a national government. Two changes of the greatest consequence have occurred in the last twenty-five years which have substantially altered the position of the national state with respect to the financing of its current requirements.
The first of these changes is the gaining of vast new experience in the management of central banks.
The second change is the elimination, for domestic purposes, of the convertibility of the currency into gold.
So, where the currency issued by the central bank “is not convertible into gold or into other commodity”, then Federal government “has final freedom from the money market in meeting its financial requirements.”
And this means that decisions to tax have to be made on non-revenue grounds as noted above. Ruml said “All federal taxes must meet the test of public policy and practical effect. The public purpose which is served should never be obscured in a tax program under the mask of raising revenue”.
Most recently, I have been critical of Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign for leadership which has emphasised taxing the rich to fund public expenditure on progressive programs.
Please read my blogs:
Ruml would have made the same criticisms.
Public purpose is the goal (however defined) and taxation policy should support that aim and never be justified as a means of raising funds to permit government to spend.
In 1943, American economist Abba Lerner published his article – Functional Finance and the Federal Debt:
Many of our publicly minded men who have come to see that deficit spending actually works still oppose the permanent maintenance of prosperity because in their failure to see how it works they are easily frightened by fairy tales of terrible consequences.
His aim was to provide a roadmap for governments aiming to eliminate “economic insecurity” and to elucidate the “principles by which appropriate government action can maintain prosperity”.
Lerner understood that people are “easily frightened by fairy tales of terrible consequences” when new ideas are presented. The sense of fright is driven by a lack of education that leaves people unable to comprehend how the economy actually operates.
His approach should be a source of empowerment to progressives. I have read a lot in the last few weeks in the context of Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign about how it is correct for him to adopt neo-liberal narratives (eliminating the deficit etc) because otherwise the electorate will reject him.
Lerner never believed that sort of surrender politics. To him it would have represented the anathema of leadership and public purpose pursuit.
Neo-liberals magnify that sense of fright, by demonising what are otherwise sensible and viable explanations of economic matters. They know that by elevating these ideas into the domain of fear and taboo, they increase the probability that political acceptance of the ideas will not be forthcoming.
That strategy advances their ideological agenda.
The basic rules that should guide government fiscal policy are, as Lerner noted, “extremely simple” and “it is this simplicity which makes the public suspect it as too slick”.
Neo-liberals who have vested interests in ensuring that the public does not understand the true options available to a government that issues its own currency manipulate that suspicion. In the place of these simple truths, neo-liberals advance a sequence of myths and metaphors that they know will resonate with the public and become the reality.
Significantly, Lerner distinguished between what he called “functional finance” and “sound finance”, the latter being the orthodoxy he confronted.
‘Sound finance’, which also dominates the public debate in the current period, is usually expressed in terms of some defined fiscal and monetary policy rules. For example, governments should aim for a fiscal balance or not allow deficits to exceed 3 per cent of GDP.
Equally, the central bank should only allow the money supply to increase in line with the rate of output growth. These rules, which are rarely challenged, usually disguise an underlying conservative morality about the role of government (for example, deficits are characterised as “living beyond the means”).
Ruml clearly knew that this morality appeal was fallacious and diverted the public from the truth of the matter.
Abba Lerner considered a government should always use its policy capacity to achieve full employment and price stability and thought that fiscal or monetary policy rules based on conservative morality were not likely to help in that regard.
In contrast to “sound finance”, Lerner said:
The central idea is that government fiscal policy, its spending and taxing, its borrowing and repayment of loans, its issue of new money and its withdrawal of money, shall all be undertaken with an eye only to the results of these actions on the economy and not to any established traditional doctrine about what is sound and what is unsound … The principle of judging fiscal measures by the way they work or function in the economy we may call functional finance.The first responsibility of the government (since nobody else can undertake the responsibility) is to keep the total rate of spending in the country on goods and services neither greater nor less than that rate which at the current prices would buy all the goods that it is possible to produce. If total spending is allowed to go above this there will be inflation, and if it is allowed to go below this there will be unemployment. The government can increase total spending by spending more itself or by reducing taxes so that taxpayers have more money left to spend. It can reduce total spending by spending less itself or by raising taxes so that taxpayers have less money left to spend. By these means total spending can be kept at the required level, where it will be enough to buy the goods that can be produced by all who want to work, and yet not enough to bring inflation by demanding (at current prices) more than can be produced. (Emphasis in original)
Lerner”s “first law of Functional Finance”, recognises that the government responsibility should be to adjust its spending and taxation to ensure that all production is purchased and that this level of production generates jobs for all, such that the society cannot produce any more goods and services with its current available inputs.
What are the financial implications of this? Lerner noted that if in fulfilling its responsibilities, the government recorded a fiscal deficit, then it:
… would have to provide the difference by borrowing or printing money. In neither case should the government feel that there is anything especially good or bad about this result.
The goal is to “concentrate on keeping the total rate of spending neither too small nor too great, in this way preventing both unemployment and inflation” (p. 40). Importantly, assessments of “good” or “bad” are defined purely in terms of whether the government is achieving its goals.
Obviously, moral considerations enter at the stage of setting goals. It is clearly a values-based position to aim for a state where everyone who desires work can find it. Once agreed that this will be the societal goal, then we should be indifferent, if in different circumstances, a deficit of 1 per cent of GDP or a deficit of 5 per cent of GDP is required to meet that goal.
Thinking in this way flushes out the role of ideology. The neo-liberals obscure their disregard for mass unemployment by claiming that the 5 per cent deficit is dangerous and unsustainable.
If the public truly understood that the 5 per cent deficit is as sustainable as the 1 per cent deficit, then the neo-liberals would be forced to debate their preference for mass unemployment.
Clearly, the public would not generally accept that ideological preference and that is why the neo-liberals have to obfuscate their true motivations and hide behind the financial myths concerning the sustainability of government deficits and erect the metaphorical defense structures.
Lerner noted that:
… taxing is never to be undertaken merely because the government needs to make money payments … [it should] … be imposed only when it is desirable that the taxpayers shall have less money to spend”
Lerner also understood (as Ruml did) that a federal deficit could be matched by central bank credits (the so-called “printing money” option).
The term “printing money” is not used in MMT because it is not descriptive of the actual process that underpins government spending. The term also invokes irrational emotional responses about hyperinflation with the Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe immediately entering the conversation, and reasoned debate then becomes impossible.
Lerner was keenly aware that the conservative economists considered the “printing money” option to be taboo. He remarked that the:
… almost instinctive revulsion that we have to the idea of printing money, and the tendency to identify it with inflation, can be overcome if we calm ourselves and take note that this printing does not affect the amount of money spent.
To put it another way, the only reason the government would increase its deficit would be to fill a widening shortfall between the total spending required to maintain full employment and current private spending.
This would not be inflationary if the sales boost allows firms to maintain their current levels of production and eliminate unsold inventory. If governments expanded the deficits beyond that point then inflation would threaten. But the inflation risk lies in the spending growth rate, not whether the government matches its deficit with debt issuance or new money.
If the non-government sector, upon receipt of this new money, decided to reduce its current saving rate and to spend more, then the deficit would have to be lower to avoid higher inflation.
Equally, holders of government bonds could decide to liquidate their stocks and spend more. In the same way as before, this would require a lower deficit. The choice of debt issuance or new money creation is separate to the desire to avoid a surge in inflation.
For example, the Labour politicians in the United Kingdom confront the austerity debate with claims that they would “fix the budget” over a longer time period to avoid the massive damage that immediate austerity brings. Of course, even debating the “health” of the fiscal position in terms of some financial ratios is ceding ground to the conservatives, ground that is illegitimate.
Lerner (1951: 15) called progressives who argued in this way “proponents of organized prosperity” and said:
A kind of timidity makes them shrink from saying anything that might shock the respectable upholders of traditional doctrine and tempts them to disguise the new doctrine so that it might be easily mistaken for the old. This does not help much, for they are soon found out, and it hinders them because in endeavoring to make the new doctrine appear harmless in the eyes of the upholders of tradition, they often damage their case. Thus instead of saying that the size of the national debt is of no great concern … [and] … that the budget may have to be unbalanced and that this is insignificant when compared with the attainment of prosperity, it is proposed to disguise an unbalanced budget (and therefore the size of the national debt) by having an elaborate system of annual, cyclical, capital, and other special budgets.
Progressives should first and foremost seek to educate the public about how the economy and money actually operate and what opportunities the government has to act on our behalf to advance our well-being.
If we think in this way, then options that have been constructed by the neo-liberals to be “dangerous”, “radical” or “taboo” will start to appear reasonable and grounded in reality.
The next step is that they eventually become the mainstream orthodoxy. Progressives should avoid petty conversations that lead to statements such as ‘we will reduce the deficit more slowly than you but we will still reduce it’. 
Ruml clearly was operating with this understanding. He said that “Federal taxes … serve four principle purposes of a social and economic character”:
1. As an instrument of fiscal policy to help stabilize the purchasing power of the dollar;
2. To express public policy in the distribution of wealth and income …
3. To express public policy in subsidizing or in penalizing various industries and economic groups;
4. To isolate and assess directly the costs of certain national benefits, such as highways and social security.
So the government might impose taxes:
1. To control inflation.
2. To redistribute purchasing power from the rich to the poor (high income to low income).
3. To alter the allocation of resources away from undesirable ends – such as tobacco taxes.
4. To provide some hypothecated public transparency for major projects/programs.
So from a functional finance perspective, taxation must be designed to advance these purposes and the public discussion must be about the idea of public purpose and never about raising revenue.
In my recent blog – Correcting political ignorance and misperceptions – I made the point that the progressive challenge is to reframe macroeconomics to ensure that the neo-liberal myths are exposed. But it must begin, not with discussions about “facts” and “logic”, but rather broader outlines of the the social purpose of government policy.
This broad vision is in sharp contrast with the neo-liberal view of the economy as a natural entity, separated from us, which gets sick if government attempts to alter its natural course.
The social purpose of government policy should be articulated and narrated in ways that will resonate with and activate the frames in our brains that constrain the way we interpret information. 
This is what Ruml is on about when he said that the starting point are not “tax questions” but “questions as to the kind of country we want and the kind of life we want to lead”.
He understood that a primary role for taxation was “the maintenance of a dollar which has a stable purchasing power … the avoidance of inflation”:
If federal taxes are insufficient or of the wrong kind, the purchasing power in the hands of the public is likely to be greater than the output of goods and services with which this purchasing demand can be satisfied.
The result would be inflation. Note that implicit in this statement is that the government wants to command a certain quantity of the available real goods and services to fulfillits socio-economic program.
The excessive private sector purchasing power is thus assessed relative to the total available real output and the government’s desire to command some of that output.
He went on to discuss the other purposes of taxation and when a tax might be considered a “bad tax”, which he considers undermine the capacity of corporations to advance public purpose. I will leave it to your interest to read the rest of his argument which really just illustrates his substantive point that “Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete”.
Interestingly, in the same issue of American Affairs, there was an article by a Bradford B. Smith, who was introduced as a “one of the brilliant young economists on the conservative side”. His article – “Why We Can’t Buy Full Employment” – was a textbook exposition of what we would now consider to be neo-liberal thinking.
Lerner would have considered it to be one of those “fairy tales of terrible consequences” that scare people into conservativism.
How one could construct Smith’s exposition as that of a “brilliant” mind is beyond me. He goes through the “three ways to find the money” that the government would need to generate full employment and concludes they would all be disasters.
He focused on “The Printing Press” – that is the central bank just crediting bank accounts on behalf of the government. His argument against this essentially comes down to this:
If the government should print money wholesale it would scare people, for too many of them have heard about “continentals,” “greenbacks,” the “trillion-to-one” depreciation of the German mark. So, just to print money in too obvious a fashion would require a great deal of explaining and reassuring, and this could well prove rather inconvenient.
If that wasn’t enough, he went on to claim that allowing a government to pursue full employment via increased fiscal deficits would “constitute a major victory for totalitarianism in America.” Forced labour at slave wage rates follows.
Hmm, not much has changed in nigh on 70 years has it.
Beardsley Ruml was an important contributor to our understanding of the opportunities available to a government which uses its central bank to advance public purpose.
His insights – as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York – were consistent with the body of work that Abba Lerner provided under the guise of Functional Finance.
Both economists contributed to the literature that has been woven into what we now refer to as MMT.
In the current context, it demonstrates how lame the British Labour leadership debate is. The statements from Jeremy Corbyn’s opponents appear to be asinine in the extreme when one applies a deep understanding of the issues being debated.
But as I have said previously, statements about eliminating the deficit are also based on false premises and should be abandoned.
As Lerner said when he addressed the problem of progressives who present their arguments in a conservative way because the public might not understand the fundamentals of functional finance:
The scholars who understand it hesitate to speak out boldly for fear that the people will not understand. The people, who understand it quite easily, also fear to speak out while they wait for the scholars to speak out first. The difference between our present situation and that of the story is that it is not an emperor but the people who are periodically made to go naked and hungry and insecure and discontented – a ready prey to less timid organizers of discontent for the destruction of civilization. (Emphasis in original)
Developing comprehension is just the first step. A bold confidence is also required to withstand the vilification that comes with expressing ideas that are contrary to the neo-liberal norms.

Upcoming Event – Reframing the Debate: Economics for a Progressive Politics, London, August 27, 2015

The NHA is very pleased to be able to present an evening with Professor Bill Mitchell, Professor of Economics and renowned proponent of Modern Monetary Theory, during his visit to the UK at the end of this month.
Come and join Professor Mitchell in conversation with Richard Murphy (Tax Research) and Ann Pettifor (Prime Economics), both currently economic advisors to Jeremy Corbyn”s campaign.
The original venue has proven to be (very) small relative to demand. It was fully subscribed in a few hours. The organisers are now seeking a larger venue.
All readers who have E-mailed me indicating that you wanted to attend but could not get tickets please go to the WWW site for Registration and use the Contact link (at the bottom) to send your name and contact details to the organisers so they can ensure you get in to the new venue – should they find a larger venue.
The Event will be held on Thursday, August 27, 2015 from 18:30 to 20:30 (BST)
That is enough for today!
(c) Copyright 2015 William Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.

歳入のための税金は時代遅れ(ビアズリー・ラムル) - Mr.Ruml in Progress


18/03/05 16:58



by Beardsley Ruml,
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


Mr. Ruml read this paper before the American Bar Association during the last year of the war [World War II]. It attracted then less attention than it deserved and is even more timely now, with the tax structure undergoing change for peacetime. His thesis is that given (1) control of a central banking system and (2) an inconvertible currency, a sovereign national government is finally free of money worries and need no longer levy taxes for the purpose of providing itself with revenue. All taxation, therefore, should be regarded from the point of view of social and economic consequences. The paragraph that embodies this idea will be found italicized in the text. Mr. Ruml does not say precisely how in that case the government would pay its own bills. One may assume that it would either shave its expenses out of the proceeds of taxes levied for social and economic ends or print the money it needs. The point may be academic. The latter end of his paper is devoted to an argument against taxing corporation profits. --- Editor.


The superior position of public government over private business is nowhere more clearly evident than in government's power to tax business. Business gets its many rule-making powers from public government. Public government sets the limits to the exercise of these rule-making powers of business, and protects the freedom of business operations within this area of authority. Taxation is one of the limitations placed by government on the power of business to do what it pleases.


There is nothing reprehensible about this procedure. The business that is taxed is not a creature of flesh and blood, it is not a citizen. It has no voice in how it shall be governed --- nor should it. The issues in the taxation of business are not moral issues, but are questions of practical effect: What will get the best results? How should business be taxed so that business will make its greatest contribution to the common good?


It is sometimes instructive when faced with alternatives to ask the underlying question. If we are to understand the problems involved in the taxation of business, we must first ask: "Why does the government need to tax at all?" This seems to be a simple question, but, as is the case with simple questions, the obvious answer is likely to be a superficial one. The obvious answer is, of course, that taxes provide the revenue which the government needs in order to pay its bills.



It Happened

If we look at the financial history of recent years it is apparent that nations have been able to pay their bills even though their tax revenues fell short of expenses. These countries whose expenses were greater than their receipts from taxes paid their bills by borrowing the necessary money. The borrowing of money, therefore, is an alternative which governments use to supplement the revenues from taxation in order to obtain the necessary means for the payment of their bills.

A government which depends on loans and on the refunding of its loans to get the money it requires for its operations is necessarily dependent on the sources from which the money can be obtained. In the past, if a government persisted in borrowing heavily to cover its expenditures, interest rates would get higher and higher, and greater and greater inducements would have to be offered by the government to the lenders. These governments finally found that the only way they could maintain both their sovereign independence and their solvency was to tax heavily enough to meet a substantial part of their financial needs, and to be prepared ---if placed under undue pressure --- to tax to meet them all.

The necessity for a government to tax in order to maintain both its independence and its solvency is true for state and local governments, but it is not true for a national government. Two changes of the greatest consequence have occurred in the last twenty-five years which have substantially altered the position of the national state with respect to the financing of its current requirements.

The first of these changes is the gaining of vast new experience in the management of central banks.

The second change is the elimination, for domestic purposes, of the convertibility of the currency into gold.

Free of the Money Market

Final freedom from the domestic money market exists for every sovereign national state where there exists an institution which functions in the manner of a modern central bank, and whose currency is not convertible into gold or into some other commodity.

The United States is a national state which has a central banking system, the Federal Reserve System, and whose currency, for domestic purposes, is not convertible into any commodity. It follows that our Federal Government has final freedom from the money market in meeting its financial requirements. Accordingly, the inevitable social and economic consequences of any and all taxes have now become the prime consideration in the imposition of taxes. In general, it may be said that since all taxes have consequences of a social and economic character, the government should look to these consequences in formulating its tax policy. All federal taxes must meet the test of public policy and practical effect. The public purpose which is served should never be obscured in a tax program under the mask of raising revenue.



1. 財政政策の補助手段として〔用い〕、ドルの購買力を安定させるのを助けるため。

2. 累進的所得税、累進的遺産税などの例のように、富と所得の分配政策を表明するため。

3. 様々な産業や経済集団に補助的便宜を与える、あるいは罰則を科する政策を表明するため。

4. 公道や社会保障制度など、特定の公共サービスにかかる費用を分離し、〔そのための費用を〕直接的に徴収するため。

What Taxes Are Really For

Federal taxes can be made to serve four principal purposes of a social and economic character. These purposes are:

1. As an instrument of fiscal policy to help stabilize the purchasing power of the dollar;

2. To express public policy in the distribution of wealth and of income, as in the case of the progressive income and estate taxes;

3. To express public policy in subsidizing or in penalizing various industries and economic groups;

4. To isolate and assess directly the costs of certain national benefits, such as highways and social security.


In the recent past, we have used our federal tax program consciously for each of these purposes. In serving these purposes, the tax program is a means to an end. The purposes themselves are matters of basic national policy which should be established, in the first instance, independently of any national tax program.

Among the policy questions with which we have to deal are these:

Do we want a dollar with reasonably stable purchasing power over the years?

Do we want greater equality of wealth and of income than would result from economic forces working alone?

Do we want to subsidize certain industries and certain economic groups?

Do we want the beneficiaries of certain federal activities to be aware of what they cost?

These questions are not tax questions; they are questions as to the kind of country we want and the kind of life we want to lead. The tax program should be a means to an agreed end. The tax program should be devised as an instrument, and it should be judged by how well it serves its purpose.

By all odds, the most important single purpose to be served by the imposition of federal taxes is the maintenance of a dollar which has stable purchasing power over the years. Sometimes this purpose is stated as "the avoidance of inflation"; and without the use of federal taxation all other means of stabilization, such as monetary policy and price controls and subsidies, are unavailing. All other means, in any case, must be integrated with federal tax policy if we are to have tomorrow a dollar which has a value near to what it has today.


The war has taught the government, and the government has taught the people, that federal taxation has much to do with inflation and deflation, with the prices which have to be paid for the things that are bought and sold. If federal taxes are insufficient or of the wrong kind, the purchasing power in the hands of the public is likely to be greater than the output of goods and services with which this purchasing demand can be satisfied. If the demand becomes too great, the result will be a rise in prices, and there will be no proportionate increase in the quantity of things for sale. This will mean that the dollar is worth less than it was before --- that is inflation. On the other hand, if federal taxes are too heavy or are of the wrong kind, effective purchasing power in the hands of the public will be insufficient to take from the producers of goods and services all the things these producers would like to make. This will mean widespread unemployment.

The dollars the government spends become purchasing power in the hands of the people who have received them. The dollars the government takes by taxes cannot be spent by the people, and, therefore, these dollars can no longer be used to acquire the things which are available for sale. Taxation is, therefore, an instrument of the first importance in the administration of any fiscal and monetary policy.



To Distribute the Wealth

The second principal purpose of federal taxes is to attain more equality of wealth and of income than would result from economic forces working alone. The taxes which are effective for this purpose are the progressive individual income tax, the progressive estate tax, and the gift tax. What these taxes should be depends on public policy with respect to the distribution of wealth and of income. It is important, here, to note that the estate and gift taxes have little or no significance, as tax measures, for stabilizing the value of the dollar. Their purpose is the social purpose of preventing what otherwise would be high concentration of wealth and income at a few points, as a result of investment and reinvestment of income not expended in meeting day-to-day consumption requirements. These taxes should be defended and attacked it terms〔訳者注:in termsの間違いか?〕 of their effects on the character of American life, not as revenue measures.


The third reason for federal taxes is to provide a subsidy for some industrial or economic interest. The most conspicuous example of these taxes is the tariffs on imports. Originally, taxes of this type were imposed to serve a double purpose since, a century and a half ago, the national government required revenues in order to pay its bills. Today, tariffs on imports are no longer needed for revenue. These taxes are nothing more than devices to provide subsidies to selected industries; their social purpose is to provide a price floor above which a domestic industry can compete with goods which can be produced abroad and sold in this country more cheaply except for the tariff protection. The subsidy is paid, not at the port of entry where the imported goods are taxed, but in the higher price level for all goods of the same type produced and sold at home.


The fourth purpose served by federal taxes is to assess, directly and visibly, the costs of certain benefits. Such taxation is highly desirable in order to limit the benefits to amounts which the people who benefit are willing to pay. The most conspicuous examples of such measures are the social security benefits, old-age and unemployment insurance. The social purposes of giving such benefits and of assessing specific taxes to meet the costs are obvious. Unfortunately and unnecessarily, in both cases, the programs have involved staggering deflationary consequences as a result of the excess of current receipts over current disbursements.


法人の利潤に対する連邦税は企業活動への影響を考えると、もっとも重要な税である。〔また、〕特殊な部類の企業にとっては重大であるような他の税〔も〕ある。 営利企業に課せられる国税と地方税には多くの問題があり、とりわけ会社が利益をまったくあげていないときには、それは火急の問題となる。

The Bad Tax

The federal tax on corporate profits is the tax which is most important in its effect on business operations. There are other taxes which are of great concern to special classes of business. There are many problems of state and local taxation of business which become extremely urgent, particularly when a corporation has no profits at all. However, we shall confine our discussion to the federal corporation income tax, since it is in this way that business is principally taxed. We shall also confine our considerations to the problems of ordinary peacetime taxation since, during wartime, many tax measures, such as the excess-profits tax, have a special justification.


Taxes on corporation profits have three principal consequences --- all of them bad. Briefly, the three bad effects of the corporation income tax are:

1. The money which is taken from the corporation in taxes must come in one of three ways. It must come from the people, in the higher prices they pay for the things they buy; from the corporation's own employees in wages that are lower than they otherwise would be; or from the corporation's stockholders, in lower rate of return on their investment. No matter from which sources it comes, or in what proportion, this tax is harmful to production, to purchasing power, and to investment.

2. The tax on corporation profits is a distorting factor in managerial judgment, a factor which is prejudicial to clear engineering and economic analysis of what will be best for the production and distribution of things for use. And, the larger the tax, the greater the distortion.

3. The corporation income tax is the cause of double taxation. The individual taxpayer is taxed once when his profit is earned by the corporation, and once again when he receives the profit as a dividend. This double taxation makes it more difficult to get people to invest their savings in business than if the profits of business were only taxed once. Furthermore, stockholders with small incomes bear as heavy a burden under the corporation income tax as do stockholders with large incomes.




Let us examine these three bad effects of the tax on corporation profits more closely. The first effect we observed was that the corporation income tax results in either higher prices, lower wages, reduced return on investment, or all three in combination. When the corporation income tax was first imposed it may have been believed by some that an impersonal levy could be placed on the profits of a soulless corporation, a levy which would be neither a sales tax, a tax on wages, or a double tax on the stockholder. Obviously, this is impossible in any real sense. A corporation is nothing but a method of doing business which is embodied in words inscribed on a piece of paper. The tax must be paid by one or more of the people who are parties at interest in the business, either as customer, as employee, or as stockholder.

It is impossible to know exactly who pays how much of the tax on corporation profits. The stockholder pays some of it, to the extent that the return on his investment is less than it would be if there were no tax. But, it is equally certain that the stockholder does not pay all of the tax on corporate income --- indeed, he may pay very little of it. After a period of time, the corporation income tax is figured as one of the costs of production and it gets passed on in higher prices charged for the company's goods and services, and in lower wages, including conditions of work which are inferior to what they otherwise might be.

The reasons why the corporation income tax is passed on, in some measure, must be clearly understood. In the operations of a company, the management of the business, directed by the profit motive, keeps its eyes on what is left over as profit for the stockholders. Since the corporation must pay its federal income taxes before it can pay dividends, the taxes are thought of --- the same as any other uncontrollable expense --- as an outlay to be covered by higher prices or lower costs, of which the principal cost is wages. Since all competition in the same line of business is thinking the same way, prices and costs will tend to stabilize at a point which will produce a profit, after taxes, sufficient to give the industry access to new capital at a reasonable price. When this finally happens, as it must if the industry is to hold its own, the federal income tax on corporations will have been largely absorbed in higher prices and in lower wages. The effect of the corporation income tax is, therefore, to raise prices blindly and to lower wages by an undeterminable amount. Both tendencies are in the wrong direction and are harmful to the public welfare.


それは条件による。もしその産業の競争は激しければ、小売業の場合のように、多くが〔財の〕価格の引き下げのために使われ、より少ない分が賃金の増加に回され、その産業へ投資された貯蓄による収益が増加することになるだろう。 もしその産業の労働者が、鉄道、鉄鋼、自動車産業のように、強力に組織化されているなら、賃金の引き上げに回る分け前が増加していくだろう。もしも、その産業が競争的でもなく、〔労働者が〕組織化されておらず、規制もされていないなら――そのような産業はきわめて少ないが――多くの分け前が株主のもとへ行くだろう。それゆえ、現在の法人所得税の排除は物価を下げ、すべての人の生活基準を引き上げるだろう。

Where Would the Money Go?

Suppose the corporation income tax were removed, where would the money go that is now paid in taxes? That depends. If the industry is highly competitive, as is the case with retailing, a large share would go in lower prices, and a smaller share would go in higher wages and in higher yield on savings invested in the industry. If labor in the industry is strongly organized, as in the railroad, steel, and automotive industries, the share going in higher wages would tend to increase. If the industry is neither competitive nor organized nor regulated --- of which industries there are very few --- a large share would go to the stockholders. In so far as the elimination of the present corporation income tax would result in lower prices, it would raise the standard of living for everyone.


The second bad effect of the corporation income tax is that it is a distorting factor in management judgment, entering into every decision, and causing actions to be taken which would not have been taken on business grounds alone. The tax consequences of every important commitment have to be appraised. Sometimes, some action which ought to be taken cannot be taken because the tax results make the transaction valueless, or worse. Sometimes, apparently senseless actions are fully warranted because of tax benefits. The results of this tax thinking is to destroy the integrity of business judgment, and to set up a business structure and tradition which does not hang together in terms of the compulsion of inner economic or engineering efficiency.


Premium on Debt

The most conspicuous illustration of the bad effect of tax consideration on business judgment is seen in the preferred position that debt financing has over equity financing. This preferred position is due to the fact that interest and rents, paid on capital used in business, are deductible as expense; whereas dividends paid are not. The result weighs the scales always in favor of debt financing, since no income tax is paid on the deductible costs of this form of capital. This tendency goes on, although it is universally agreed that business and the country generally would be in a stronger position if a much larger proportion of all investment were in common stocks and equities, and a smaller proportion in mortgages and bonds.

It must be conceded that, in many cases, a high corporation income tax induces management to make expenditures which prudent judgment would avoid. This is particularly true if a long-term benefit may result, a benefit which cannot or need not be capitalized. The long-term expense is shared involuntarily by government with business, and, under these circumstances, a long chance is often well worth taking. Scientific research and institutional advertising are favorite vehicles for the use of these cheap dollars. Since these expenses reduce profits, they reduce taxes at the same time; and the cost to the business is only the margin of the expenditure that would have remained after the taxes had been paid --- the government pays the rest. Admitting that a certain amount of venturesome expenditure does result from this tax inducement, it is an unhealthy form of unregulated subsidy which, in the end, will soften the fibre of management and will result in excess timidity when the risk must be carried by the business alone.

The third unfortunate consequence of the corporation income tax is that the same earnings are taxed twice, once when they are earned and once when they are distributed. This double taxation causes the original profit margin to carry a tremendous burden of tax, making it difficult to justify equity investment in a new and growing business. It also works contrary to the principles of the progressive income tax, since the small stockholder, with a small income, pays the same rate of corporation tax on his share of the earnings as does the stockholder whose total income falls in the highest brackets. This defect of double taxation is serious, both as it affects equity in the total tax structure, and as a handicap to the investment of savings in business.



Shortly, an Evil

Any one of these three bad effects of the corporation income tax would be enough to put it severely on the defensive. The three effects, taken together, make an overwhelming case against this tax. The corporation income tax is an evil tax and it should be abolished.


The corporation income tax cannot be abolished until some method is found to keep the corporate form from being used as a refuge from the individual income tax and as a means of accumulating unneeded, uninvested surpluses. Some way must be devised whereby the corporation earnings, which inure to the individual stockholders, are adequately taxed as income of these individuals.

The weaknesses and dangers of the corporation income tax have been known for years, and an ill-fated attempt to abolish it was made in 1936 in a proposed undistributed profits tax. This tax, as it was imposed by Congress, had four weaknesses which soon drove it from the books. First, the income tax on corporations was not eliminated in the final legislation, but the undistributed profits tax was added on top of it. Second, it was never made absolutely clear, by regulation or by statute, just what form of distributed capitalization of withheld and reinvested earnings would be taxable to the stockholders and not to the corporation. Third, the Securities and Exchange Commission did not set forth special and simple regulations covering securities issued to capitalize withheld earnings. Fourth, the earnings of a corporation were frozen to a particular fiscal year, with none of the flexibility of the carry-forward, carry-back provisions of the present law.

Granted that the corporation income tax must go, it will not be easy to devise protective measures which will be entirely satisfactory. The difficulties are not merely difficulties of technique and of avoiding the pitfalls of a perfect solution impossible to administer, but are questions of principle that raise issues as to the proper locus of power over new capital investment.


Can the government afford to give up the corporation income tax? This really is not the question. The question is this: Is it a favorable way of assessing taxes on the people --- on the consumer, the workers and investors --- who after all are the only real taxpayers? It is clear from any point of view that the effects of the corporation income tax are bad effects. The public purposes to be served by taxation are not thereby well served. The tax is uncertain in its effect with respect to the stabilization of the dollar, and it is inequitable as part of a progressive levy on individual income. It tends to raise the prices of goods and services. It tends to keep wages lower than they otherwise might be. It reduces the yield on investment and obstructs the flow of savings into business enterprise. 



Blogger yoji said...

20.5 税と主権国家の支出

これらの全てについて、1940年代に連邦準備銀行の理事長を務めたビアーズリー・ラムルによって勘案されている。彼は税の役割についての重要な論文を書いている(Taxes for Revenue are Obsolete and Tax Policies for Prosperity,Ruml,1946a 及び 1946B)。

5:17 午後  
Blogger yoji said...


5:17 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

Herald’s Ross Gittins – No infrastructure unless you borrow(published October 31, 2009).

Functional finance and modern monetary theory

billSunday, November 1, 2009
Today I am continuing my recent theme of considering the flaws in the standard progressive attack on neo-liberalism. I will write sometime about manufacturing but it is Sunday and it has been a beautiful day here and I don’t feel like setting off the flamethrowers out there that clearly think manufacturing is important. It might be, but the standard arguments are based on a vertically integrated conception of the sector that we haven’t had for years anyway. But later. Today, I consider the “public debt is good” approach that progressive use to counter the manic “public debt is always bad” arguments proferred by the mainstream of my profession.

The vehicle I use to explore this issue is yesterday’s economic commentary by the Sydney Morning Herald’s Ross Gittins – No infrastructure unless you borrow (published October 31, 2009).

Gittins begins:

Get this straight: if you think we should be spending a lot more on economic infrastructure, you can’t be chicken-hearted about government debt. Similarly, if you think debt-free is the only acceptable way for governments to be, resign yourself to living in an economy characterised by bottlenecks at ports, inadequate rail and road systems, rising congestion on urban roads, inadequate public transport and the threat of urban water shortages.

5:37 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

ヘラルドのロス・ギティンズ - 借りなければインフラなし(2009年10月31日公開)



私はこの問題を探求するために使用する車両は、シドニーモーニングヘラルドのロス-ギティンズによる昨日の経済解説である - あなたが借りない限り、インフラストラクチャはありません(2009年10月31日公開)。



5:39 午後  
Blogger yoji said...


https://iitomo2010.blogspot.com/2021/10/1946-2.html 作業中

11:09 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



《National states no longer need taxes to get the wherewithal to meet their expenses” (1946b, pp. 267–8). 》


(Ruml, Beardsley. 1946b. “Tax Policies for Prosperity,” American Economic Review, Vol. 36, No. 2: 265‐274. )

https://www.jstor.org/stable/1818210?socuuid=ccac5a87-cae3-48a0-8740-106b7535b63f&socplat=email&utm_source=email# 要登録



12:29 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



《National states no longer need taxes to get the wherewithal to meet their expenses” (1946b, pp. 267–8). 》


(Ruml, Beardsley. 1946b. “Tax Policies for Prosperity,” American Economic Review, Vol. 36, No. 2: 265‐274. )

https://www.jstor.org/stable/1818210?socuuid=ccac5a87-cae3-48a0-8740-106b7535b63f&socplat=email&utm_source=email# 要登録



12:29 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



《National states no longer need taxes to get the wherewithal to meet their expenses” (1946b, pp. 267–8). 》


(Ruml, Beardsley. 1946b. “Tax Policies for Prosperity,” American Economic Review, Vol. 36, No. 2: 265‐274. )

https://www.jstor.org/stable/1818210?socuuid=ccac5a87-cae3-48a0-8740-106b7535b63f&socplat=email&utm_source=email# 要登録



12:29 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



《National states no longer need taxes to get the wherewithal to meet their expenses” (1946b, pp. 267–8). 》


(Ruml, Beardsley. 1946b. “Tax Policies for Prosperity,” American Economic Review, Vol. 36, No. 2: 265‐274. )

https://www.jstor.org/stable/1818210?socuuid=ccac5a87-cae3-48a0-8740-106b7535b63f&socplat=email&utm_source=email# 要登録



12:30 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



《National states no longer need taxes to get the wherewithal to meet their expenses” (1946b, pp. 267–8). 》


(Ruml, Beardsley. 1946b. “Tax Policies for Prosperity,” American Economic Review, Vol. 36, No. 2: 265‐274. )

https://www.jstor.org/stable/1818210?socuuid=ccac5a87-cae3-48a0-8740-106b7535b63f&socplat=email&utm_source=email# 要登録



12:31 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

992 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 2021/10/30(土) 04:47:27.05 ID:qbtKKCcN
特別寄稿 迫り来る令和「金融恐慌」/評論家 中野剛志氏:FACTA ONLINE



7:13 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



新フィッシャー主義とFTPL - himaginaryの日記

7:15 午後  
Blogger yoji said...


⁦‪@hidetomitanaka‬⁩ 元ネタはラムルという人らしいです。

《National states no longer need taxes to get the wherewithal to meet their expenses" (1946b, pp. 267–8). 》


jstor.org/stable/1818210… 要登録

2021/11/11 14:44


9:50 午後  
Blogger yoji said...


10:51 午前  


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