火曜日, 4月 23, 2019

ヘリコプター・マネー(helicopter money)

ミルトン・フリードマン  資本主義と自由  Milton Friedman Capitalism and freedom 1962 

The Optimum Quantity of Money (English Edition) 1st Edition, Kindle版
"Let us suppose now that one day a helicopter flies over this community and drops an additional $1,000 in bills from the sky, which is, of course, hastily collected by members of the community. Let us suppose further that everyone is convinced that this is a unique event which will never be repeated." (Milton Friedman, "The Optimum Quantity of Money," 1969)

岩村充 『中央銀行が終わる日―ビットコインと通貨の未来―』新潮社2016

おすすめの本の紹介:『ヘリコプターマネーの正体 週刊エコノミストebooks』(週刊エコノミスト編集部 著)

【ヘリコプターマネーの正体】図とQ&Aで理解するヘリマネ 2016年8月2日 

Q ヘリコプターマネーって何?
A ある日、お札をヘリコプターからまいたとすれば、人々はそれを拾って所得が増え、支出するので物価は確実に上がる──。経済学者ミルトン・フリードマンが論文で提示した思考実験が元にある(a)。
Q 日銀の量的緩和(QE)と何が違うの?
A 現在、日銀は国債などの資産を買い入れることでマネタリーベース(通貨供給量=流通する現金+金融機関の日銀当座預金)を増やし、人々の予想インフレ率を高めようとしている。同時に、政府は国債発行で賄って経済対策を講じている(c)。ただ、借金である国債は返さなければならず、お金はいずれ回収される。
Q 「財政ファイナンス」との関係は?
A 財政ファイナンスは、日銀が通貨を発行して、政府の財政赤字を埋めることを指す。ヘリコプターマネーはまさに財政ファイナンスと言える(a・b)。


週刊エコノミスト 2016年08月02日号 [雑誌]

「ヘリコプター・マネー」は、米経済学者のミルトン・ フリードマン氏が、1969年の論文(”TheOptimum Quality of Money”)ch.1のなかで提唱された。


Blogger yoji said...

おすすめの本の紹介:『ヘリコプターマネーの正体 週刊エコノミストebooks』(週刊エコノミスト編集部 著)

ヘリコプターマネーは既に現実 予期せぬ“出口”への備えが必要=岩村充

5:35 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

「ヘリコプター・マネー」は、米経済学者のミルトン・ フリードマンが、1969年の論文(”TheOptimum Quality of Money”)ch.1のなかで提唱した。

1992年MONEY MISCHIEF 『貨幣の悪戯』(1993・三田出版会)2章で再説。

昭和45年1月 世界経済 161号(p40~p45) 要約のみ
Milton Friedman;The Optimum Quantity of Money And other Essays. 1969.

国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション - 世界経済 = Journal of world economy. 25(1)(復刊161)

The Optimum Quantity Of Money - Milton Friedman - Google ブックス

5:36 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

おすすめの本の紹介:『ヘリコプターマネーの正体 週刊エコノミストebooks』(週刊エコノミスト編集部 著)

ヘリコプターマネーは既に現実 予期せぬ“出口”への備えが必要=岩村充

5:35 午後 削除
Blogger yoji さんは書きました...
「ヘリコプター・マネー」は、米経済学者のミルトン・ フリードマンが、1969年の論文(”TheOptimum Quality of Money”最適通貨量)ch.1
1992年MONEY MISCHIEF 『貨幣の悪戯』(1993・三田出版会)2章で再説。

The Optimum Quantity Of Money - Milton Friedman - Google ブックス

5:37 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

おすすめの本の紹介:『ヘリコプターマネーの正体 週刊エコノミストebooks』(週刊エコノミスト編集部 著)

ヘリコプターマネーは既に現実 予期せぬ“出口”への備えが必要=岩村充

「ヘリコプター・マネー」は、米経済学者のミルトン・ フリードマンが、1969年の論文(”TheOptimum Quality of Money”最適通貨量)ch.1
1992年MONEY MISCHIEF 『貨幣の悪戯』(1993・三田出版会)2章で再説。

The Optimum Quantity Of Money - Milton Friedman - Google ブックス

5:38 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

Not to be confused with People's QE or Basic income.
Helicopter money is a proposed unconventional monetary policy, sometimes suggested as an alternative to quantitative easing (QE) when the economy is in a liquidity trap (when interest rates near zero and the economy remains in recession). Although the original idea of helicopter money describes central banks making payments directly to individuals, economists have used the term 'helicopter money' to refer to a wide range of different policy ideas, including the 'permanent' monetization of budget deficits – with the additional element of attempting to shock beliefs about future inflation or nominal GDP growth, in order to change expectations.[1] A second set of policies, closer to the original description of helicopter money, and more innovative in the context of monetary history, involves the central bank making direct transfers to the private sector financed with base money, without the direct involvement of fiscal authorities.[2][3] This has also been called a citizens' dividend or a distribution of future seigniorage.[4]

The phrase "helicopter money" was first coined by Milton Friedman in 1969, when he wrote a parable of dropping money from a helicopter to illustrate the effects of a monetary expansion. The concept was revived by economists as a monetary policy proposal in the early 2000s following Japan's Lost Decade. In November 2002, Ben Bernanke, then Federal Reserve Board governor, and later chairman, suggested that helicopter money could always be used to prevent deflation.

Although very similar concepts have been previously defended by various people including Major Douglas and the Social Credit Movement, Nobel winning economist Milton Friedman is known to be the one who coined the term 'helicopter money' in the now famous paper "The Optimum Quantity of Money", where he included the following parable:

Let us suppose now that one day a helicopter flies over this community and drops an additional $1,000 in bills from the sky, which is, of course, hastily collected by members of the community. Let us suppose further that everyone is convinced that this is a unique event which will never be repeated.

10:27 午前  
Blogger yoji said...

「ある日、ヘリコプターがこのコミュニティの上を飛んで空から追加の1,000ドルの請求書を落としたとしましょう。もちろん、コミュニティのメンバーによって急いで集められました。 決して繰り返されることのないユニークなイベント。」 (ミルトン・フリードマン、「最適な金額」、1969年)

10:39 午前  
Blogger yoji said...

Let us now complicate our example by supposing that the dropping of money, instead of being a unique, miraculous event, becomes a continuous process, which, perhaps after a lag, becomes fully anticipated by everyone. Money rains down from heaven at a rate which produces a steady increase in the quantity of money, let us say, of 10 per cent per year. The path of the quantity of money is shown in Figure 1, M0 being the initial quantity of money ($ 1,000 in our example), t0 the date at which the money starts to rain from heaven, and μ the rate of growth of the quantity of money (10 per cent per year in our example). Mathematically,

8:03 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

The distribution of the additional nominal balances among individuals does not
matter for our purposes, provided that an individual is not able to affect the amount of additional cash he receives by altering the amount of cash balances he holds. The simplest assumption is that each individual gets a share of the new nominal balances equal to the percentage of nominal balances he initially held, and that this share, once determined, remains constant, whatever his future behavior. The reason for this assumption will become clear. Even with this assumption, there may be distributional effects, by contrast with the once-and-for-all case, if final equilibrium cash balances are distributed differently than initial balances. For the moment, however, we shall neglect any distributional effects. Individuals could respond to this steady monetary downpour as they did to the once-and-for-all doubling of the quantity of money, namely, by keeping real balances unchanged. If they did so, and responded instantaneously and without friction, all real magnitudes could remain unchanged. Prices would behave in precisely the same manner as the nominal money stock. They would rise from their initial level at the rate of 10 per cent per year, as shown in Figure 2. Nominal income, defined as the value of services and excluding the bonanza Fig. 2 from the sky, would behave in the same way; its time path could be represented by the same line. The bonanza, if included, would raise nominal income from

8:04 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

私たちの例を複雑にしてみましょう。ユニークで奇跡的な出来事ではなく、お金の落とし込みが連続的なプロセスになると仮定して、おそらく遅れた後に、誰もが完全に予期するようになります。 お金は、年間10%の、金額の着実な増加を生み出す速度で天から降りてきます。 金額の経路を図1に示します。M0は初期の金額(この例では1,000ドル)、t0は天から雨が降り始める日、およびµの成長率です。 お金(私達の例では年10%)。 数学的には、

8:04 午後  
Blogger yoji said...


8:05 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



8:07 午後  


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