土曜日, 6月 30, 2018

Anarchism: From Theory to Practice Daniel Guerin


Anarchism: From Theory to Practice Kindle版

By Way of Conclusion

However, the very excesses of this system soon began to generate their own negation. They engendered the idea that paralyzing state centralization should be loosened up, that production units should have more autonomy, that workers would do more and better work if they had some say in the management of enterprises. What medicine calls “antibodies” were generated in one of the countries brought into servitude by Stalin. 
しかし、このシステムの非常に過剰なものは、すぐに彼ら自身の否定を生成し始めた。 彼らは、国の中央集権化を麻痺させ、生産部門の自律性を高め、企業の経営に何らかの言動があれば、労働者はより多くの仕事をするだろうという考えを生み出した。 「抗体」と呼ばれる薬は、スターリンによって拘束された国の一つで生成されました。 

Tito’s Yugoslavia freed itself from the too heavy yoke which was making it into a sort of colony. It then proceeded to re-evaluate the dogmas which could now so clearly be seen as anti-economic. It went back to school under the masters of the past, discovering and discreetly reading Proudhon. 

ティトのユーゴスラビアはそれを一種の植民地にしていたあまりにも重いヨークから解放しました。 それは、今や抗経済的に見えるはずのドグマを再評価することに進んだ。 過去の巨匠のもとで学校に戻り、Proudhonを発見し、慎重に読んでいました。 

It bubbled in anticipation. It explored the too-little-known libertarian areas of thinking in the works of Marx and Lenin. Among other things it dug out the concept of the withering away of the State, which had not, it is true, been altogether eliminated from the political vocabulary, but had certainly become no more than a ritual formula quite empty of substance. Going back to the short period during which Bolshevism had identified itself with proletarian democracy from below, with the soviets, Yugoslavia gleaned a word which had been enunciated by the leaders of the October Revolution and then quickly forgotten: self-management. Attention was also turned to the embryonic factory councils which had arisen at the same time, through revolutionary contagion, in Germany and Italy and, much later, Hungary. As reported in the French review Arguments by the Italian, Roberto Guiducci, the question arose whether “the idea of the councils, which had been suppressed by Stalinism for obvious reasons,” could not “be taken up again in modern terms.” When Algeria was decolonized and became independent its new leaders sought to institutionalize the spontaneous occupations of abandoned European property by peasants and workers. They drew their inspiration from the Yugoslav precedent and took its legislation in this matter as a model.
