金曜日, 5月 10, 2019

bovari 2018

1. See www.bis.org/ statistics/ totcredit.htm and www.bis.org/ statistics/ pp.htm (source: National Sources, BIS Residential Property Price database). 
2. See www.bis.org/ publ/ arpdf/ ar2007e.htm.

Note: Real private credit (log-levels, left axis) is plotted against total unemployment rate (right axis, %) for the United States between 1980 and 2000. The sample period corresponds to the Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s. The dashed line indicates the year of the credit peak, i.e., the beginning of the credit contraction.

bovari 2018



credit 貸付と失業率 アメリカ p.18