月曜日, 7月 22, 2019

#8:118 Untellable Truths « George Lakoff 2010

ジョージ・P・レイコフ(George P. Lakoff, 1941~ )

1999 with Mark Johnson). Philosophy In The Flesh: the Embodied Mind and its Challenge to Western Thought. Basic Books.
The mind is inherently embodied.
Thought is mostly unconcsious.
Abstract concepts are largely metaphorical. (p. 3)





Untellable Truths « George Lakoff

George Lakoff, an expert on linguistics, provides the following example. He tells readers 'Don't think of an elephant'. Try as you might, you will think of an elephant. If we go on to say, 'Whatever you do, do not think of Dumbo', most of you, especially those raised in Western countries, will think of the character from the popular  ...

マクロ経済学 -  118ページ
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn ...

William Mitchell  - プレビュー
言語学の専門家であるGeorge Lakoffは、次の例を提供しています。 彼は読者に「象を考えないで」と言う。 あなたができる限り試してみてください、あなたは象について考えるでしょう。 「あなたがしているものは何でも、ダンボを考えないで」と言い続けるならば、あなたの大部分、特に西側諸国で育った人々は、人気のある人からのキャラクターについて考えるでしょう...

Review and Analysis of George Lakoff's Book BusinessNews Publishing. BOOK. PRESENTATION: DON'T. THINK. OF. AN. ELEPHANT! BY. GEORGE. LAKOFF. BOOK ABSTRACT Frames are the mental structures that shape the way we view the world. Frames are the connotations that we instill words with and the context in ...
George Lakoff - 2008 - プレビューは利用できません - 他の版
Author George Lakoff has become a key advisor to the Democratic party, helping them develop their message and frame the political debate. In this book Lakoff explains how conservatives think, and how to counter their arguments.

Untellable Truths

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Democrats of all stripes have been so focused on details of policy that they have surrendered public political discourse to conservatives, and with it the key to the nation’s future.
Materialist Perspectives
The differences between Democratic progressives and the president over the tax deal the president has made with Republicans is being argued from a materialist perspective. That perspective is real. It matters who gets how much money and how our money is spent.
But what is being ignored is that the answer to material policy questions depends on how Americans understand the issues, that is, on how the issues are realized in the brains of our citizens. Such understanding is what determines political support or lack of it in all its forms, from voting to donations to political pressure to what is said in the media.
What policies are proposed and adopted depend on how Americans understand policy and politics. That understanding depends on communication. And it is in that the Democrats — both the president and his progressive critics — have surrendered. The Democrats have left effective communication to the conservatives, who have taken advantage of their superior communications all too well.
From the progressive viewpoint, the president keeps surrendering in advance — giving in to conservatives before he has to and hence betraying Democratic principles. From the president’s perspective he is not surrendering at all; instead he is a pragmatic incrementalist — getting the best deal he can for the poor and middle class one step at a time.
Progressives differ on the reasons for the president’s behavior. Either he has no backbone to stand up for what he believes in, or his actions define his beliefs and he is more conservative than those who voted for him thought.
The progressives’ economic policy arguments are sound: continuing reduced tax payments for the wealthy will not work as a serious economic stimulus and will greatly increase the deficit and make the economic picture worse. From a progressive moral perspective, it isn’t fair; it increases an economic disparity that is already much too large.
The president’s pragmatic incrementalist arguments seem reasonable from his perspective: He got more immediate money for the poor and middle class than he gave to the rich, and the poor and middle class need as much as possible now (pragmatism) and further incremental steps can be taken later (incrementalism).
Those are the materialist arguments among Democrats. I want to shift the frame to the major causal factor that is being ignored on both sides: the role of communication in shaping what Americans understand.
Helping the Other Side
As someone who studies how brains work and how language affects politics, I see things somewhat differently. From my perspective, there is a form of surrender in advance on both sides — a major communications surrender.
Let’s start with an example, the slogan “No tax cuts for millionaires.” First, “no.” As I have repeatedly pointed out, negating a frame activates the frame in the brains of listeners, as when Christine O’Donnell said “I am not a witch” or Nixon said “I am not a crook.” Putting “no” first activates the idea “Tax cuts for millionaires.”
Next, “millionaires.” Think of the tv show, “So you want to be a millionaire” or the movies “Slumdog Millionaire” and “How to Marry a Millionaire.” To most Americans, being a millionaire is a good thing to aspire to.
Then, there is “tax.” To progressives, taxes are forms of revenue allowing the government to do what is necessary for Americans as a whole — unemployment insurance, social security, health care, education, food safety, environmental improvements, infrastructure building and maintenance, and so on.
But the conservative message machine, over the past 30 years, has come to own the word “tax.” They have changed its meaning to most Americans. They have been able to make “tax” mean “money the government takes out of the pockets of people who have earned it in order to give it to people who haven’t earned it and don’t deserve it.” Thus, “tax relief” assumes that taxation is an affliction to be cured, and a “tax cut” is a good thing in general. Hence, conservatives make the argument, “No one should have their taxes raised.”
The conservative slogan activates the conservative view of taxes. But the progressive slogan “No tax cuts for millionaires” also activates the conservative view of taxes! The progressives are helping the conservatives.
The conservatives have a superior message machine: Dozens of think tanks with communications facilities, framing experts, training institutes, a national roster of speakers, booking agents to books their speakers in the media and civic groups, and owned medias like Fox News and a great deal of talk radio. Their audience will hear, over and over, “No one should have their taxes raised.”
There is no comparable progressive message machine. But even if one were to be built, the Democrats might still be using messages that are either ineffective or that help the conservatives. Why?
Language, The Brain, and Politics
When democratic political leaders go to college they tend to study things like political science, economics, law, and public policy. These fields tend to use a scientifically false theory of human reason — Enlightenment reason. It posits that reason is conscious, that it can fit the world directly, that it is logical (in the sense of mathematical logic), that emotion gets in the way of reason, that reason is there to serve self-interest, and that language is neutral and applies directly to the world.
The brain and cognitive sciences have shown that every part of this is false. Reason is physical, it does not fit the world directly but only through the brain and body, it uses frames and conceptual metaphors (which are neural circuits grounded in the body), it requires emotion, it serves empathic connections and moral values as well as self-interest, and language fits frames in the brain not the external world in any direct way.
Conservatives who are savvy about marketing their ideas are closer to the way people really think than Democrats are, because people who teach marketing tend to be up on how the brain and language work. And over the past three decades they have not just built an effective message machine, but they repeated messages that have changed the brains of a great many Americans.
Democrats can do effective messaging while being sincere and factual. But this takes insight into the nature of unconscious reason and the role of language.
It’s Complicated
I am often asked, “Is there a slogan I can use tomorrow that will turn things around?” Certainly there are better things that can be said tomorrow. But things don’t turn around so quickly. There is a lot do and to bear in mind over the long haui. Here is a brief list.
• Communication is a long-term effort. Political leaders rarely say anything that isn’t already in public discourse. That means that people who are not in office have to start effective communication efforts, including new ways of thinking and talking.
• All politics is moral. Policies are proposed because they are assumed to be right, not wrong. The moral values behind a policy always should be made clear.
• Conservatives and progressives have two different conceptions of morality.
• Democrats need to unite behind a simple set of moral principles and to create an effective language to express them. President Obama in his campaign expressed those principles simply, as the basis of American democracy. (1) Empathy — Americans care about each other. (2) Responsibility, both personal and social. We have to act on that care. (3) The ethic of excellence. We have to make ourselves better so we can make our families, our communities, our country and the world better. Government has special missions: to protect and empower our citizens to have at least the necessities. I don’t know any Democrats who don’t believe in these principles. They need to be said out loud and repeated over and over.
• Leaders need a movement to get out in front of. Not a coalition, a movement. We have the simple principles. Those of us outside of government have to organize that unified movement, and not be limited by specific issue areas. The movement is about progressivism, not just about environmentalism, or social justice, or labor, or education, or health, or peace. The general principles govern them all.
• Many people are “bi-conceptual,” this is, they have both conservative and progressive moral systems and apply them in different issue areas. These are sometimes called “independents,” “swing voters,” moderates,” “the center,” etc. They are the crucial segment of the electorate to address. Each moral system is represented by a circuit in their brains. The more one circuit is activated and strengthened the more the other is weakened. Conservatives have moved them to the right by repeating conservative moral messages 24/7. The Democrats need to activate and strengthen the progressive moral circuitry in their brains. That means using only progressive language and progressive arguments, and not moving to the right or using the right’s language. This is the opposite of “moving to the center.” There is no ideology of the center, just combinations of progressive and conservative views.
• Don’t use conservative language, since it will activate their moral system in the brains of listeners. Don’t try to negate their arguments. That will only make their arguments more prominent. Use your own language and your own arguments. Truth squads and wonk rooms are insufficient.
• Remember that in the conservative moral system, the highest moral principle is to preserve, defend, and extend the conservative moral system itself. For example, from their perspective, individual responsibility is moral; social responsibility is not.
• Learn the difference between framing and spin/propaganda. Framing is normal; we think in frames. If you want to formulate a policy that is understandable, the policy must be framed so it came be readily communicated. Framing precedes effective policy. When you use framing to express what you really believe and what the truth is, you are just being an effective communicator. Framing can also be misused for the sake of propaganda. I strongly recommend against it.
• Educate the press and the pollsters to all of these matters.
• Find a part to play in getting an effective communications system going!
For a detailed background, take a look at my book, The Political Mind.
Untellable Truths
The conservative message machine has so dominated political discourse that they have changed the meaning of words and made some truths untellable by political leaders in present discourse. It takes a major communication effort to change that.
Here are just a few examples of presently untellable truths:
• There is a Principle of Conservation of Government: If conservatives succeed in cutting government by the people for the public good, our lives will still be governed, but now by corporations. We will have government by corporations for corporate profit. It will not be a kind government. It will be a cruel government, a government of foreclosures, outsourcing, union busting, outrageous payments for every little thing, and pension eliminations.
• The moral missions of government include the protection and empowerment of citizens. Protection includes health care, social security, safe food, consumer protection, environmental protection, job protection, etc. Empowerment is what makes a decent life possible – roads and infrastructure, communication and energy systems, education, etc. No business can function without them. This has not been discussed adequately. Government serving those moral missions is what makes freedom, fairness, and prosperity possible. Conservatives do not believe in those moral missions of government, and when in power, they subvert the ability of government to carry out those moral missions.
• The moral missions of government impose a distinction between necessities and services. Government has a moral mission to provide necessities: Adequate food, water, housing, transportation, education, infrastructure (roads and bridges, sewers, public buildings), medical care, care for elders, the disabled, environmental protection, food safety, clean air, and so on. Necessities should never be subordinated to private profit. The public should never be put at the mercy of private profit. Public funds for necessities should never be diverted to private profit.
• Services are very different; they start where necessities end. Private service industries exist to provide services — car rentals, parking lots, hair salons, gardening, painting, plumbing, fast food, auto repair, clothes cleaning, and so on. It is time to stop speaking of government “services” and speak instead of government providing necessities. Similarly, “spending” does not suggest providing necessities. “Spending” suggests services that could just as well be eliminated or provided by private industry. Economists should drop the term “spending” when discussing necessities.
• The market is supposed to be “efficient” at distributing goods and services, and sometimes, with appropriate competition, it is. But the market is most often inefficient at proving necessities, because every dollar that goes to profit is a dollar that does not go to necessities. Health care is a perfect example.
• Public servant pensions have been earned. Public servants have taken lower salaries in return for better benefits later in life. They have earned those pensions through years of hard work at low salaries. Pensions were ways for both corporations and governments to pay lower salaries. Responsible institutions, public and private, took the money saved by committing to pensions and invested it so that the money would be there later. Those corporation and governments that took the money and ran are now going broke. Those institutions (both companies and governments) are now blaming the unions who negotiated deferred earnings in the form of pensions or benefits for the lack of money to pay pensions. But the institutions themselves (e.g., general motors) are to blame for not putting those deferred salary payments aside and investing them safely.
• Education is a public good, not a private good. It benefits all of us to live in a country with educated people. It benefits corporations to have educated employees. It benefits democracy to have educated citizens. But conservatives are only considering education as a means to make money and hence as a private good. This leads them to eliminate the public funding of education, which is a major disaster for all of us, not just those who will either be denied an education or who will be forced into unconscionable debt.
• Huge discrepancies in wealth are a danger to democracy and a cause for major public alarm. The enormous accumulation of wealth at the top of American society means unfair access to scarce resources, a restriction on access to necessities for many, and a grossly unfair distribution of power — power over the media and political power.
• Tax “cuts,” “breaks,” and “loopholes” sound good (wouldn’t you like one?) even for super-wealthy individuals and corporations. What they really mean is that money is being transferred from poorer people to richer people: The poor and middle are giving money to the rich! Why? Money that would otherwise go to their necessities: food, education, health, housing, safety, and so on is instead going into the pockets of super-wealthy people who don’t need it.
• Markets in a democracy have a fundamentally moral as well as economic function. Working people who produce goods and services are necessary for businesses and should be paid in line with profits and productivity. Salary scales in private industry are a matter of public, not just private concern. Middle-class salaries have not gone up in 30 years, while the income of the top 1 percent has zoomed upward astronomically. This is a moral issue.
• Carbon-based fuels — oil, coal, natural gas — are deadly. They bring death to people and animals and destruction to nature. We are not paying for their true cost because they are being subsidized: tens of billions of dollars for naval protection of tankers, hundreds of billions for oil leases, hundreds of billions in destruction of nature, as in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska coast. Death comes from the poisoning of air and water through pollution and natural gas frakking. And global warming pollution destroys nature itself — the ice cap, the creation of violent storms, floods, deserts, the blowing up of hilltops. The salesmen of death — the oil and coal companies — are profiting hugely from our payouts to them via subsidies and high prices. And with the money ordinary citizens are giving to them in subsidies, they are corrupting the political process, influencing political leaders not to deal with global warming — our greatest threat. We are dependent on them for energy, to a large extent because they have politically blocked the development of alternatives for decades.
• What is called “school failure” is actually a failure of citizens to pay for and do what is needed for excellent schools: early childhood education, better training and pay for teachers, a culture of learning in place a culture of entertainment, a poverty-free economy.
• Taxpayers pay for business perks. Because business can deduct the costs of doing business, taxpayers wind up paying a significant percentage of business write-offs — extravagant offices, business cars and jets, first-class and business-class flights, meetings at expensive lodges and spas, and so on. Businesses regularly rip off taxpayers through tax deductions.
• The economic crisis and the ecological crisis are the same crisis. It has been caused by short-term greed. Thomas Friedman has described it well. The causes of both are the same: Underestimation of risk. Privatization of profit. Socialization of Loss. But that truth lies outside of public discourse.
• Low-paid immigrant workers make the lifestyles of the middle and upper classes possible. Those workers deserve gratitude — as well as health care, education for their kids, and decent housing.
Notice that it takes a paragraph to tell each of these truths. Each paragraph creates a frame required for the truth to be told. Words are defined in terms of such conceptual frames. Without the frames in common understanding, there are presently no simple commonplace words to express the frames. Such words have to be invented and will only come into common use when these presently untellable truths become commonplace truths. Try to imagine how public understanding would have to be enhanced for expressions like the following to come into normal public discourse:
• greed crisis in place of economic crisis
• blessed immigrants in place of illegal immigrants
• government for profit in place of privatization
• public theft in place of tax breaks
• failing citizens in place of failing schools
• corporate cruelty in place of profit maximization
• deadly coal in place of clean coal
Presidents can have a discourse-changing power if they know how to use it and care to use it. But they cannot do it alone.
If there is a teachable communication moment for President Obama, this is it. Bring back “empathy” — “the most important thing my mother taught me.” Speak of “empathy” for “people who are hurting.” Say again how empathy is basis of democracy (“caring for your fellow citizens”), how we have a responsibility to act on that empathy: social as well as personal responsibility. Bring the central role of empathy in democracy to the media. And make it clear that personal responsibility alone is anti-patriotic, the opposite of what America is fundamentally about. That is the first step in telling our most important untellable truths. And it is a necessary step in loosening the conservative grip on public discourse.
For videos of the president speaking about empathy, Google: Obama Empathy Youtube, and Obama Empathy Speeches. 
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信じられない真実«George Lakoff


George Lakoff 12月10、2010




どのような政策が提案され採用されているかは、アメリカ人が政策と政治をどのように理解しているかによって異なります。その理解はコミュニケーションにかかっています。そして大統領と彼の進歩的な批評家の両方 - 民主党員が降伏したということです。民主党は保守派に効果的なコミュニケーションを取り残してきた。保守派は彼らの優れたコミュニケーションをうまく利用しすぎている。

進歩的な観点から、大統領は前もって降伏し続けます - 彼が民主主義の原則に従わなければならない前に保守派に屈服します。大統領の立場からすれば、彼はまったく降伏していない。代わりに、彼は実用的な増分主義者です - 彼が貧乏人と中産階級のために一度に1つのステップで最高の取引を得ること。






頭脳がどのように機能するのか、そして言語が政治にどう影響するのかを研究している人として、私は物事が多少異なると思います。私の側から見れば、両側に前もって降伏の形があります - 主要な通信の降伏。

例として、「億万長者の減税はありません」というスローガンを考えてみましょう。最初に指摘したように、フレームを無効にすると、Christine O'Donnellが言ったようにリスナーの頭脳のフレームが有効になります。 「魔女ではない」またはニクソンは、「私は詐欺師ではない」と述べました。「no」を入力すると、最初に「億万長者の減税」という概念が有効になります。



しかし、保守的なメッセージ機は、過去30年間で、「税」という言葉を所有するようになりました。それらは、その意味をほとんどのアメリカ人に変えました。彼らは「税」を「稼いでいないしそれに値しない人々にそれを与えるために政府がそれを稼いだ人々のポケットから出すお金」を意味することができました。 「軽減」は、課税は矯正すべき苦痛であると仮定しており、「減税」は一般に良いことである。したがって保守派は、「誰も自分たちの税金を引き上げるべきではない」と主張している。


保守派は優れたメッセージ機を持っている:通信施設、フレーミング専門家、訓練機関、講演者の全国名簿、メディアや市民団体で講演者を予約する代理店の予約、およびFox Newsのような所有メディア、そして素晴らしいトークラジオの取引。彼らの観客は




民主的な政治指導者たちが大学に進学するとき、彼らは政治学、経済学、法律、そして公共政策のようなことを研究する傾向があります。これらの分野は、科学的に誤った人間的理由の理論 - 悟りの理由 - を使用する傾向があります。それは、理由は意識的であり、それは世界に直接適合することができ、論理的であること(数学的論理の意味で)であること、感情が理由の邪魔をすること、その理由は自己利益を果たすためにあること、中立であり、世界に直接適用されます。









•民主党員は、単純な一連の道徳的原則の背後で団結し、それらを表現するための効果的な言語を作成する必要があります。オバマ大統領のキャンペーンでは、アメリカの民主主義の基盤として、これらの原則を単に表明しました。 (1)共感 - アメリカ人は互いを気にかけます。 (2)個人的および社会的責任。私達はその心配に行動しなければなりません。 (3)卓越性の倫理。私たちは自分の家族、地域社会、私たちの国、そして世界をより良くするために私たち自身をより良くしなければなりません。政府は特別な使命を持っています:私たちの市民を保護し、少なくとも必要性を持つ力を与えることです。私はこれらの原則を信じていない民主党員を知りません。彼らは大声で言って何度も何度も繰り返される必要があります。


•多くの人が「双概念」であり、つまり、保守的で進歩的な道徳システムを持ち、それらをさまざまな問題分野に適用しています。これらは「独立者」、「スウィング有権者」、「モデレート」、「センター」などと呼ばれることがあります。これらは、対処する有権者の重要なセグメントです。各道徳的システムは、彼らの脳内の回路によって表されます。 1つの回路がアクティブになり強化されるほど、他の回路は弱くなります。保守派は保守的な道徳的メッセージを24時間365日繰り返すことによってそれらを右に動かしました。民主党は彼らの頭脳の進歩的な道徳的回路を活性化し強化する必要がある。それは進歩的な言語と進歩的な議論だけを使用することを意味します、そして、権利への移動または権利の言語の使用はしません。これは「中心に動く」ことの反対です。中心のイデオロギーはありません。進歩的で保守的な見方の組み合わせだけです。







詳細な背景については、私の本、The Political Mindを見てください。





•政府の道徳的使命には、市民の保護とエンパワーメントが含まれます。保護には、ヘルスケア、社会保障、安全な食料、消費者保護、環境保護、雇用保護などが含まれます。道路とインフラ、通信とエネルギーシステム、教育など、適切な生活を可能にするのはエンパワーメントです。 。これは十分に議論されていません。これらの道徳的使命を果たす政府は、自由、公正、繁栄を可能にするものです。保守派は政府のこれらの道徳的使命を信じておらず、権力があると、それらの道徳的使命を遂行する政府の能力を破壊する。

•政府の道徳的使命は、必需品とサービスを区別するものです。適切な食料、水、住居、交通機関、教育、インフラ(道路や橋、下水道、公共施設)、医療、高齢者介護、障害者、環境保護、食の安全、きれいな空気、 等々。必需品は私的利益に決して従属するべきではありません。公衆は私的利益のなすがままにされるべきではありません。必需品のための公的資金は決して私的利益に転用されるべきではありません。

•サービスは大きく異なります。彼らは必需品が終わるところから始まります。レンタカー、駐車場、美容院、ガーデニング、絵画、配管、ファーストフード、自動車修理、衣類の掃除など、民間サービス業がサービスを提供しています。政府の「サービス」について話すのをやめ、必要なものを提供する政府の代わりに話す時が来ました。同様に、「支出」は必需品を提供することを示唆するものではありません。 「支出」とは、民間産業によって排除または提供される可能性があるサービスを示唆しています。経済学者は、必需品について議論するときは「支出」という用語を削除する必要があります。








•炭素系燃料 - 石油、石炭、天然ガス - は致命的です。彼らは人や動物に死をもたらし、自然に破壊をもたらします。メキシコ湾やアラスカの海岸のように、それらは助成金を受けているので、私たちは彼らの本当のコストを払っていません:タンカーの海軍保護のための数千億ドル、オイルリースのための数千億の億。死は、汚染や天然ガスの不正行為による空気や水の中毒に起因します。そして、地球温暖化汚染は自然そのものを破壊します - 氷冠、暴力的な暴風雨、洪水、砂漠の形成、丘の上への爆風。死のセールスマン - 石油と石炭会社 - は補助金と高価格を通して彼らへの我々の支払いから大いに利益を上げています。そして、一般市民が助成金で彼らに与えているお金で、彼らは地球温暖化に対処しないように政治指導者に影響を及ぼしています - 私たちの最大の脅威。彼らは何十年にもわたって代替案の開発を政治的に阻止してきたので、私たちはエネルギーを彼らに大いに依存しています。

•「学校の失敗」と呼ばれるものは、実際には優秀な学校に必要なことを市民が支払うことや実行することの失敗です。幼児教育、よりよい訓練と教師への支払い、娯楽の文化、貧困の文化 - 無料の経済。

•納税者はビジネス上の利益を支払います。ビジネスはビジネスのコストを差し引くことができるので、納税者はビジネスの償却のかなりの割合を支払うことになります - 贅沢なオフィス、ビジネスカーとジェット機、一流とビジネスクラスのフライト、高価なロッジやスパでの会議など。企業は定期的に税控除を通じて納税者を引き裂いています。

•経済危機と生態学的危機は同じ危機です。それは短期の欲によって引き起こされました。 Thomas Friedmanはそれをよく説明しています。両方の原因は同じです:リスクの過小評価。利益の民営化損失の社会化しかし、その真実は公の談話の外側にあります。











オバマ大統領のために教えられるコミュニケーションの瞬間があれば、これはそれです。 「共感」 - 「母が私に教えてくれた最も重要なこと」を取り戻してください。「傷ついている人たち」のための「共感」について話してください。その共感に基づいて行動する責任があります:社会的責任と個人的責任。共感の中心的役割をdにもたらす

メディアへの民主主義。 そして、個人的責任だけが反愛国的であり、アメリカが基本的に何をしているのかとは反対であることを明確にしてください。 それが私たちの最も重要でわかりにくい真実を語るための最初のステップです。 そしてそれは、公の談話に対する保守的なグリップを緩める上で必要なステップです。
共感について語っている大統領のビデオについては、Google:Obama Empathy Youtube、およびObama Empathy Speeches。


 象のことを考えてはいけません!: イメージ文法と言語コミュニケーション論


 この実験からもわかるように、すべての語はイメージを立ち上げます。ある語を聞いて立ち上がるイメージのことをフレームと呼びますが、鈴木孝夫氏が指摘するように、語の意味が知識と体験の総体である故、一人一人異なるという点も考えれば、ある語を発して、相手の頭の中に立ちあがるフレームが必ずしも、自分が期待するものではないことは予想がつくのではないかと思います。では、もう一つ、具体例を考えてみましょう。筆者は、以前、長野へ行ったとき、名物のお焼きを売っているお店に「当店人気No1」という表示が、野沢菜のお焼きのところに書いてあったのを見たことがあります。皆さんが、お焼きをお土産に買おうとしているとして、この表示を見たら何を考えますか?お焼きには、なす、かぼちゃ、野沢菜、あんこ、などいろいろな種類が販売されているのですが、野沢菜のお焼きに、「当店人気No1」の表示が付いています。おそらく、これが一番売れているから美味しいんだ、店の一押しなんだ、などのイメージを思い浮かべるのではないでしょうか?しかし、待ってください。長野が観光地であり、お焼きを買うお客さんが一見客が多いということを考えれば、長野=野沢菜というフレームが立ち上がることとも相まって、野沢菜お焼きの売れいきが一番だということであり、必ずしも、野沢菜お焼きが店の一押しであるか、一番おいしいかどうかはわからないのですが、「当店人気No1」という表示は、期待以上のフレームを立ち上げてしまうことは事実なんです。これが、コミュニケーションにおいては、伝えたいこと以上のことが伝わってしまうゆえんだということですね。George Yule氏は、Pragmatics(語用論)とは何かという説明の1つとして、Pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is said.(言葉で言われる以上のことがどうして伝わってしまうかに関する研究)ということを挙げていますが、その一つの答えとして次のように答えられるかと思います。すべての言葉がフレーム知識を立ち上げ、そのフレーム知識は、話し手の期待するものでは必ずしもない。なぜならば、言葉の意味は、知識と体験の総体故、一人一人異なるからだということですね。

建築作品にみるメタファーの類型化と構造分析 - J-Stage

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の思考のプロセスは本質的に隠喩的なのである。 レイコフらは、メタファーとは二つの意味領域(domain)間の写. (mapping) ...