水曜日, 5月 17, 2017

fisher 1929

《Stocks have fallen in a week 30%, and a week ago, they had fallen some 10% from the previous high of this year. The real reason, as I understand it, for this drop is that people have been speculating on small margins. It was not that the stock market was very much too high, but that people were so enthusiastic about making the money that they properly expected to make in the investment of stocks, tried to do business on a shoestring. They went into debt, and the real lesson of this market is, "If you buy stock, buy them with your own money, and not with borrowed money any more than can be helped." If that lesson is learned, possibly in the end, this experience to some people, 
may be a blessing in disguise. 

This country is fundamentally sound.…》1929/10/30
and the technical situation in the stock market is not going to prevent the great improvement, forcastive improvement in our wonderful prosperity.
All of the world today people are vitally interested in new york stock market.
Millions of people looking a daily paper to see what had happend their favorit stocks.
and thousands of people have suffered severely during the last week.

A week ago today, a too black afternoon, there was bear rate on the stock market.
and ever since that time that has been frenzic feeling and panic selling such as the country has never seen.

It is one of the greatest tragedy in history of this country.
At tenderly it now looks like bottom of market have been  found and many are taking  advantage  of the oppotunity to come back and  invest again.

If what I say is true, if this nurses is correct, we may expect that the future of this country will justify the stocks that they have been.

Living in the ill: a great invensions. And as ease, invensions are exploited. Invensions are made in these great invensions.  Now produce more recovery ever before in the history of ill.

America as a whole it surely got benefit wonderfully by the earnings of the companies that will exploit these new invensions.


Blogger yoji said...

and the technical situation in the stock market is not going to prevent the great improvement, forcastive improvement in our wonderful prosperity.
All of the world today people are vitally interested in new york stock market.
Millions of people looking a daily paper to see what had happend their favorit stocks, and thousands of people have suffered siverely during the last week.
A week ago today, a too pack afternoon, there was bare rate of stock market.
And ever since that time that has been frenzic feeling and panic selling such as the country has never seen.
It is one of the greatest tragedy in history of this country.
At tenderly it now looks like bottom of market have been found and many are taking advantage of the oppotunity to come back and invest again.
If what I say is true if this nurses is correct, we may expect that the future of this country will justify the stocks that they have been.
Living in the ill: a great invensions. And as ease, invensions are exploited. Invensions are made in these great invensions. Now produce more recovery ever before in the history of ill.
America as a whole should go benefit wonderfully by the earnings of the companies that will exploit these new invensions.

11:23 午前  


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