@horbergus well, Dali was hurge to Freud to read Dali's scientific thesis about a paranoid study he did with Lacan, but Freud was interested in Dali's painting. Dalí told Freud, very emphatically, hitting the table: "I want that you read my work about paranoid tonight!!. Freud moved back in his chair, a little amazed, and said: "Never I have seen a prototype of Spanish guy more clearly. He is a fanatic!! (Sorry for my translation, but you have now a better idea (hopefully)
As Freud arrived in London, a young Salvador Dali (1904–1989) sat in a
Paris cafe eating a plate of snails. While thumbing through a newspaper
he read news of his hero.
He later recalled: “I had just that
instant discovered the morphological secret of Freud! Freud’s cranium is
a snail! His brain is in the form of a spiral – to be extracted with a
Dali managed to contact the author Stefan Zweig (1881–1942), an admirer of his own work and a close friend of Freud’s.
asked whether he would meet “the only painter of genius in our epoch”,
explaining that “he is the most faithful and most grateful disciple of
your ideas among the artists”. Freud agreed and a meeting was arranged.
Dali approached Freud’s first London house, 39 Elsworthy Road, in
Primrose Hill, accompanied by the author, he noticed something he
thought to be significant.
“I saw a bicycle leaning up against
the wall, and on the saddle, attached by a string, was a red rubber
hot-water bottle which looked full of water, and on the back of the
hot-water bottle walked a snail!”
Dali remembered that “we devoured each other with our eyes” as he spoke no German or English.
The artist began to sketch the head of his idol creating an image which resembled both Freud and a snail.
he continued, Freud whispered in German, “That boy looks like a
fanatic. Small wonder that they have civil war in Spain if they look
like that”.
Zweig discouraged Dali from showing his final image fearing that it might shock the elderly man.
【12月30日 AFP】絵画界の巨匠であるサルバドール・ダリ(Salvador Dali)やウィレム・デ・クーニング(Willem de Kooning)ら、神経変性疾患を患っていたことで知られる画家の作品を分析した結果、筆遣いの変化を病気の早期診断に役立てられる可能性があることが分かったとの研究結果が、29日に発表された。
▽関連 Maynooth University Can paint strokes help identify Alzheimer’s? https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/news-events/can-paint-strokes-help-identify-alzheimer-s
【神経心理学】巨匠の筆遣いに神経疾患の兆候 病気の早期診断に役立てられる可能性 ©2ch.net
1 : 白夜φ ★@無断転載は禁止 ©2ch.net2016/12/31(土) 00:02:24.36 ID:CAP_USER
巨匠の筆遣いに神経疾患の兆候、早期診断の一助に 研究
【12月30日 AFP】絵画界の巨匠であるサルバドール・ダリ(Salvador Dali)やウィレム・デ・クーニング(Willem de Kooning)ら、神経変性疾患を患っていたことで知られる画家の作品を分析した結果、筆遣いの変化を病気の早期診断に役立てられる可能性があることが分かったとの研究結果が、29日に発表された。
研究チームは、パーキンソン病を患っていたスペイン出身のダリやカナダ先住民画家ノーバル・モリソー(Norval Morrisseau)、アルツハイマー病を患っていたオランダ出身のデ・クーニングや米画家ジェームス・ブルックス(James Brooks)の作品を含む絵画2029点の分析を実施。
比較対象として、これらの疾患がなかったとされるマルク・シャガール(Marc Chagall)やパブロ・ピカソ(Pablo Picasso)、クロード・モネ(Claude Monet)の作品も加え、絵画の真贋(しんがん)鑑定でのパターン分析に使用されるフラクタル解析を用いて作品の相対的複雑性を計測した。
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▽引用元:AFPBBNews 2016年12月30日 07:19 発信地:ロンドン/英国
Maynooth University
Can paint strokes help identify Alzheimer’s?
Salvador Dali worked with Disney for an animation in 1946
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