Manual of Zen Buddhism by D.T. Suzuki 1935 便覧:解読第七十九則 投子一切仏声
第七十九則 投子一切仏声
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「碧巌録・第88則 《玄沙の三種の病人》」|野狐禅RRPGのブログ【第88則 玄沙接物利生】
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一巻 続蔵2-15、『少室六門』 二、『禅門撮要』 上 |
「碧巌録・第88則 《玄沙の三種の病人》」|野狐禅RRPGのブログ【第88則 玄沙接物利生】
「この意味がわかるだろうか? 穴がなくて棒を挿せないハンマーだ」
When gates and courts are established, then there are twos, there are threes, there is a realm of multiplicities; when a deep discourse is carried on on the highest subjects of intuition a world of sevens and eights is thoroughly broken through. In whatever ways views and opinions may be presented, they are crushed to pieces so that the barricades even when they are of golden chains are successfully brushed aside. When orders are given from the highest quarters, all traces are wiped off, leaving nothing whereby trailing is made possible. When do we come across such a koan? Let one who has an eye on the forehead see to it.[2]
Gensha gave the following sermon:
"It is asserted by all the worthy masters of the present time that they are working for the benefit of all beings. [--Each keeps a shop according to his means.--Some are rich and others are poor.]
"This being the case, what will you do if there suddenly appear before you three kinds of invalids? [--By beating up the weeds, we mean to frighten snakes out.--As for me, it makes my eyes open wide and my mouth close.-We all have to beat a retreat even for three thousand 1i.]
"Those who are blind fail to see you even when you
[1. Hsuan-sha, 835-908. The following is a literal translation of Case LXXXVIII of the Pi-yen Chi, which is one of the most important and at the same time the most popular of Zen texts. The words in brackets in the "Illustrative Case" and in Seccho's verse are those of Yengo. As to the nature and composition of the Pi-yen Chi, see my Zen Essays, Series II, p. 237 et seq.
2. The Remark purposes to make the reader abandon his usual relative point of view so that he can reach the absolute ground of all things.]
hold up a mallet or a hossu. [--Blind to the very core.--This is no other than 'benefiting all beings'.--Not necessarily failing to see.]
"Those who are deaf fail to hear you even when you talk volubly enough. [--Deaf to the very core!--This is no other than 'benefiting all beings'.--Not necessarily altogether deaf.--That something is still unheard.]
"Those who are dumb fail to speak out, whatever under. standing they may have inwardly. [--Dumb to the very core!--This is no other than 'benefiting all beings'.--Not necessarily altogether dumb.--That something is still left untold of.]
"What treatment are you going to accord to such people? If you do not know how to go on with them, Buddhism must be said to be lacking in miraculous works." [--Quite true, this world-I am ready to give myself up with my hands folded.--"Benefiting" already accomplished!--"He then struck."]
A monk asked Ummon (Yun-men) to be enlightened. [--It is also important to go about and inquire.--Hit!]
Said Ummon, "You make bows." [--As the wind blows, the grass bends.--Ch'ua!]
When the monk rose from making bows, [--This monk's staff is broken!]
Ummon poked him with a staff, and the monk drew back. Said Ummon, "You are not blind then?" [--Blind to the very core!--Do not say that this monk has a failing eye-sight.]
Ummon now told him to approach, and the monk approached. [--Washed with a second dipperful of dirty water.--Kwan-non is come! To give a "Kwatz!" was better.] Said Ummon, "You are not deaf then?" [--Deaf to the very core!--Do not say that this monk is deaf in his ears.]
Ummon further continued, "Do you understand?" [--Why does he not feed him with the right forage?--Pity that he then uttered a word at all.]
"No, master, I do not," was the reply. [--A double koan!--What a pity!]
Ummon said, "You are not dumb then?" [--Dumb is to the very core!--What eloquence!--Do not say that this monk is dumb.]
The monk now grasped the point. [--Stretching the bow when the burglar is off.--What old bowl is he after?]
Gensha gives this sermon from his standpoint where he is now able to sit, after years of his study of Zen, in absolute nakedness with no trumpery trimmings about him, altogether shorn of imaginations and free from conceptualism. In those days there were many Zen monasteries each of which rivalled the others. Gensha used to give this sermon to his monks:
"It is asserted by all the worthy masters of the present time that they are working for the benefit of all beings. This being the case, what will you do if three kinds of invalids suddenly appear before you here? Those who are blind fail to see you even when you hold up a mallet or a hossu. Those who are deaf fail to hear you even when you may talk volubly enough. Those who are dumb fail to speak out whatever understanding they may have inwardly. What treatment are you going to accord to such people? If you do not know how to go on with them, Buddhism must be said to be lacking in miraculous works."
If people understand him here as merely making reference to the blind, to the deaf, to the dumb, they are vainly groping in the dark. Therefore, it is said that you are not to search for the meaning in the words which kill; you are requested to enter directly into the spirit itself of Gensha, when you will grasp the meaning.
As Gensha ordinarily tested his monks with this statement, a monk who was staying for some time with him one day accosted him when he came up to the Dharma-hall, and asked: "Will you allow me to present my way of reasoning about your sermon on the three invalids?" Gensha said, "Yes, you may go on." Whereupon the monk remarked, "Fare thee well, O master!" and left the room. Gensha said, "Not that, not that." We can see that this monk has fully grasped Gensha.
Later on, Hogen (Fa-yen, died 958) made this statement: "When I listened to Master Jizo (Ti-tsang) making reference is to this monk's remark, I was enabled to understand Gensha's sermon on the three invalids."
I ask you now. "[Here is a puzzle for you, O monks!] If that monk did not understand Gensha, how was it that Hogen made this statement of his? If that monk understood Gensha, why did the latter declare, 'Not that, not that'?"
One day Jizo said to Gensha, "I am told that you have given a sermon on the three invalids, is that so?" Gensha answered, "Yes." Jizo then said, "I have my eyes, cars, nose, and tongue; what treatment would you give me?" Gensha was quite satisfied with this request on the part of Jizo.
When Gensha is understood, you will realize that his spirit is not to be sought in words. You will also see that those who understand make themselves naturally distinguishable from the rest.
Later when a monk came to Ummon (Yun-men, died 949) and asked him about Gensha's sermon, Ummon was ready to demonstrate it in the following way, for he thoroughly understood Gensha. Said Ummon to the monk, "You make bows." When the monk rose from making bows, Ummon poked him with a staff, and the monk drew back. Said Ummon, "You are not blind then?" Ummon now told him to approach, and the monk approached. Said Ummon, "You are not deaf then?" Finally, he said, "Do you understand?" "No, master", being the reply, Ummon remarked, "You are not dumb then?" This made the monk grasp the point.
If this monk of Ummon's had any sort of understanding about Gensha, he would have kicked up the master's chair when he was told to make bows, and no more fussing would have been necessary. In the meantime let me ask you whether Ummon and Gensha both understood the problem in the same way, or not. I tell you that their understanding is directed to one point. That the ancient masters come out among us and make all kinds of contrivance is because they wish to see somebody bite their hook and be caught up. They thus make bitter remarks in order to have us see into the great event of this life.
My own master Goso (Wu-tsu, died 1104) had this to say: "Here is one who can talk well but has no understanding; here is another who understands but is unable to talk about it. When these two present themselves before you, how will you distinguish the one from the other? If you cannot make this discrimination, you cannot expect to free people from their bondage and attachment. But when you can, I will see to it that, as soon as you enter my gate, I put on a pair of sandals and run through the inside of your body several times even before you realize. In case, however, you fail to have an insight in this matter, what is the use of hunting around for an old bowl? Better be gone!"
Do you wish to know what is the ultimate meaning of these complications in regard to the blind, deaf, and dumb? Let us see what Seccho says about it.
Blind, deaf, dumb! [--Even before any word is uttered.--The three sense-organs are perfectly sound.--Already finished is one paragraph!]
Infinitely beyond the reach of imaginative contrivances! [--Where do you wish to hunt for it?--Is there anything here which permits your calculations?--What relationship have they after all?]
Above the heavens and below the heavens! [--Perfectly free is the working of Truth.--Thou hast said!]
How ludicrous! How disheartening! [--What is it that is so ludicrous, so disheartening?--Partly bright and partly dark.]
Li-lou does not know how to discriminate the right colour. [--Blind fellow!--A good craftsman leaves no trace.--Blind to the very core!]
How can Shih-k'uang recognize the mysterious tune? [--Deaf in his ears!--There is no way to appreciate the greatest merit.--Deaf to the very core!]
What life can compare with this?--Sitting alone quietly by the window, [--This is the way to go on.--Do not try to get your livelihood in a cave of ghosts.--Break up all at once this cask of coal tar!]
I observe the leaves fall and the flowers bloom as the seasons come and go. [--What season do you think it is now?--Do not regard this as doing-nothingness.--Today, morning is followed by evening; tomorrow, morning is followed by evening.]
Seccho now remarked: "Do you understand, or not?" [--"Repeated in the gatha."I
An iron bar without a hole! [--Coming up with your own confession!--Too bad that he was released too easily,--"Then he struck."]
"Blind, deaf, dumb!
Infinitely beyond the reach of imaginative contrivances!"
In this, Seccho has swept everything away for you what you see together with what you do not see, what you hear together with what you do not hear, and what you talk about together with what you cannot talk about. All these are completely brushed off, and you attain the life of the blind, deaf, and dumb. Here all your imaginations, contrivances' and calculations are once for all put an end to, they are no more made use of this is where lies the highest point of Zen, this is where we have true blindness, true deafness, and true dumbness, each in its artless and effectless aspect.
"Above the heavens and below the heavens!
How ludicrous! how disheartening!"
Here Seccho lifts up with one hand and with the other puts down. Tell me what he finds to be ludicrous, what he finds to be disheartening. It is ludicrous that this dumb person is not after all dumb, that this deaf one is not after all deaf; it is disheartening that the one who is not at all blind is blind for all that, and that the one who is not at all deaf is deaf for all that.
'Li-lou does not know how to discriminate the right colour."
When he is unable to discriminate between blue and yellow, red and white, he is certainly a blind man. He lived in the reign of the Emperor Huang. He is said to have been able to discern the point of a soft hair at a distance of one hundred steps. His eye-sight was extraordinary. When the Emperor Huang had a pleasure-trip to the River Chih, he dropped his precious jewel in the water and made Li fetch it up. But he failed. The Emperor made Ch'ih-kou search for it, but he also failed to locate it. Later Hsiang-wang was ordered to get it, and he got it. Hence:
"When Hsiang-wang goes down, the precious gem shines most brilliantly;
But where Li-lou walks about, the waves rise even to the sky."
When we come up to these higher spheres, even the eyes of Li-lou are incapacitated to distinguish which is the right colour.
"How can Shih-kuang recognize the mysterious tune?"
Shih-kuang was son of Ching-kuang of Chin in the province of Chiang in the Chou dynasty. His other name was Tzu-yeh. He could thoroughly distinguish the five sounds and the six notes, he could even hear the ants fight on the other side of a hill. When Chin and Ch'u were at war, Shih-kuang could tell, by merely quietly playing on the strings of his lute, that the engagement would surely be unfavourable for Chu. In spite of his extraordinary sensitiveness, Seccho (Hsueh-t'ou) declares that he is unable to recognize the mysterious tune. After all, one who is not at all deaf is really deaf in his ears. The most exquisite note in the higher spheres is indeed beyond the ear of Shih-kuang. Says Seccho: "I am not going to be a Li-lou, nor to be a Shih-kuang, but
"What life can compare with this?--Sitting alone quietly by the window,
I observe the leaves fall, the flowers bloom as the seasons come and go."
When one attains this stage of realization, seeing is no-seeing, hearing is no-hearing, preaching is no-preaching. When hungry one eats, when tired one sleeps. Let the leaves fall, let the flowers bloom as they like. When the leaves fall, I know it is the autumn; when the flowers bloom, I know it is the spring. Each season has its own features.
Having swept everything clean before you, Seccho now opens a passageway, saying: "Do you understand, or not?" He has done all he could for you, he is exhausted, only able to turn about and present to you this iron-bar without a hole. It is a most significant expression. Look and see with your own eyes! If you hesitate, you miss the mark for ever.
Yengo (Yuan-wu, the author of this commentary note) now raised his hossu and said, "Do you see?" He then struck his chair and said, "Do you hear?" Coming down from the chair, he said, "Was anything talked about?"
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『碧巌録』第二二則の頌に「象骨巖高人不到。到者須是弄蛇手。稜師備師不奈何。喪身失命有多少。韶陽知。重撥草。南北東西無處討。忽然突出拄杖杖頭。〓(才尢力)對雪峰大張口。大張口兮同閃電。剔起眉毛還不見。如今藏在乳峰前。來者一一看方便。師高聲喝云。看脚下。」(象骨は巌高くして人到らず、到る者はすべからく是れ蛇を弄する手なるべし。稜師、備師、いかんともせず。喪身失命多少かある。韶陽知って、重ねて草を撥う。南北東西討ぬるに処なし。忽然として拄杖頭を突き出し、雪峰に放対して大いに口を張る。大いに口を張るや閃電に同じ、眉毛を剔起るも還た見えず。如今、蔵して乳峰の前に在り、来る者は一一方便するを看よ。師、高声に喝して云く、脚下を看よ。)とある。象骨(ぞうこつ);福州(福建省)象骨山。『祖庭事苑』に「象骨、即雪峰之別山、以形似而稱。」(象骨、すなわち雪峰の別山、形似るを以って称す。)とある。稜師(りょうし);中国唐五代の禅僧・長慶慧稜(ちょうけいえりょう:854~932)。備師(びし);中国唐五代の禅僧・玄沙師備(げんしゃしび:835~908)。韶陽;雲門のこと。雲門大師が韶州雲門山に住するによる。剔起眉毛(てつきびもう);目を見開くこと。乳峰(にゅうほう);雪竇山のこと。『五燈會元』の五祖法演禪師章に「三佛侍師於一亭上夜話。及歸燈已滅。師於暗中曰。各人下一轉語。佛鑑曰。彩鳳舞丹霄。佛眼曰。鐵蛇橫古路。佛果曰。看脚下。師曰。滅吾宗者。乃克勤爾。」(三仏、師に侍し一亭上に夜話す。帰るに及び灯已滅す。師、暗中に曰く、各人一転語を下せと。仏鑑曰く、彩鳳、丹霄に舞う。仏眼曰く、鉄蛇、古路に横たわる。仏果曰く、脚下を看よ。師曰く、吾宗を滅する者は、すなわち克勤のみ。)とあり、圜悟克勤がその師五祖法演に示したところから特に喧伝されるようになる。三佛;五祖法演の弟子で「五祖下三佛」といわれる、佛果克勤、佛鑑慧懃、佛眼清遠の三人。「演門二勤一遠」ともいう。 | |
ラベル: 禅
以下、ヘーゲル(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel、1770- 1831)が1801年、大学で講義資格を得るための討論に際して事前に提出した12ヶ条からなる「討論テーゼ(Dissertationi philosophiae. De orbitis Planetarum decía en su segunda tesis)」(あるいはドイツ語で"Hegel's Habilitationsthesen")。ローゼンクランツが伝記で触れているが、残念ながら討論そのものの内容は残されていない(参考『ヘーゲル哲学の基本構造』中野肇308頁より)
1. Contradictio est regula veri, non contradictio falsi.
2. Syllogismus est principium Idealismi.
3. Quadratum est lex naturae, triangulum mentis.
4. In Arithmetica vera nee additioni nisi unitatis ad dyadem, nee subtractioni nisi dyadis a triade neque triadi ut summae, neque unitati ut differentiae est locus.
5. Ut magnes est vectis naturalis, ita gravitas planetarum in solem pendulum naturale.
6. Idea est synthesis infiniti et finiti et philosophia omnis est in ideis.
7. philosophia critica caret ideis et imperfecta est Scepticismi forma.
8. Materia postulati rationis, quod philosophia critica exhibet, Cam ipsam philosophiam destruit, et principium est Spinozismi.
9. Status naturae non est injustus et eam ob causam, ex illo exeundum.
10. Principium scientiae moralis est reverentia fato habenda.
11. Virtus innocentiam tum agendi tum patiendi excludit.
12. Moralitas omnibus numeris absoluta virtuti repugnat.
1. 矛盾は真理の規則にして、非矛盾は虚偽の規則なり
2. 推論は観念論の原理なり
3. 四角形は自然の法則にして、三角形は精神の法則なり
5. 磁石が自然の梃子であるように、太陽に向かう諸惑星の重力は自然の振り子である
6. 理念は有限と無限の総和にして、全哲学は理念のうちにあり
7. 批判哲学は理念を欠くがゆえに懐疑論の不完全なる形式なり
8. 批判哲学の樹立せる理性の要請なるものは、まさしくこの哲学そのものを破壊し、スピノザ主義の原則なり
10. 道徳学の原理は運命に捧げられるべき畏敬なり
11. 徳は能動および受動いずれの無罪潔白をも排除す
12. すべてにおいて絶対的なる道徳は徳と矛盾す
1. Contradictio est regula veri, non contradictio falsi.
2. Syllogismus est principium Idealismi.
3. Quadratum est lex naturae, triangulum mentis.
風に吹かれて : 「投機」が禅語だなんて、信じられます・・・(@_@;)。
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禅林墨跡 - Wikipedia禅林墨跡
世界古典文学全集 第36巻 A 禅家語録
出版者 筑摩書房
出版年 1972.12
大きさ等 23cm 519p 図版1枚
NDC分類 908
NDC分類 188.84
件名 禅宗-語録 ≪再検索≫
内容 内容:達摩二入四行論(柳田聖山訳) 六祖壇経(柳田聖山訳) 頓悟要門(平野宗浄訳
) 黄檗伝心法要(入矢義高訳) 臨済録(秋月竜☆訳) 趙州録(秋月竜☆訳) 各編
書誌番号 3-0190166927
世界古典文学全集 第36巻 B 禅家語録
出版者 筑摩書房
出版年 1974.2
大きさ等 23cm 514,9p
注記 付(図1枚):中国禅宗地図
NDC分類 908
NDC分類 188.84
件名 禅宗-語録 ≪再検索≫
内容 内容:寒山詩 西谷啓治著. 三祖信心銘・永嘉証道歌 大森曹玄訳. 参同契・洞山宝
鏡三昧 鏡島元隆訳. 洞上五位頌 平田精耕訳. 〔イ〕山警策 梶谷宗忍訳. 十牛
図 柴山全慶訳. 坐禅儀 大森曹玄訳. 碧巌録 苧坂光龍ほか訳. 無門関 平田精
耕訳. 解説 西谷啓治著
書誌番号 3-0190123677
『維摩経』 (ゆいまきょう、梵: Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa Sūtra ヴィマラキールティ・ニルデーシャ・スートラ[1])は、大乗仏教経典の一つ。別名『不可思議解脱経』(ふかしぎげだつきょう)。
概要 編集
不二法門 編集
原典・主な訳注 編集
渡邊海旭 『國譯維摩詰所説經』(國譯大藏經 第十巻 解題・原文) 国民文庫刊行会、1917年、原文は弘教藏より収録
同上(復刻) 第一書房、1974年 ISBN 978-4-8042-0251-8
長尾雅人 『維摩経、首楞厳三昧経』(新版) 中央公論社「大乗仏典7」、中公文庫、2002年 ISBN 978-4122040786、チベット語訳からの現代語訳、後者は丹治昭義と共訳。
『梵蔵漢対照 維摩經』、『智光明莊嚴經』解説、大正大学綜合仏教研究所梵語佛典研究会編、大正大学出版会、2004年 ISBN 4-924297-16-X
『梵蔵漢対照 維摩経』大正大学綜合仏教研究所梵語佛典研究会編、大正大学出版会、2004年 ISBN 4-924297-17-8
高橋尚夫[4]・西野翠[5] 『梵文和訳 維摩経』 春秋社、2011年 ISBN 978-4-393-11308-0
植木雅俊 『維摩経 梵漢和対照・現代語訳』 岩波書店、2011年 ISBN 978-4-00-025413-7(パピルス賞受賞)
石田瑞麿 『維摩経 不思議のさとり』 平凡社東洋文庫、1966年、ISBN 978-4582800678 漢訳仏典に基づく。
主な解説講話 編集
鎌田茂雄 『維摩経講話』 講談社学術文庫、1990年 ISBN 978-4-06-158919-3
紀野一義 『維摩経』 大蔵出版〈佛典講座〉 新装版、2004年 ISBN 978-4804354514
菅沼晃 『維摩経をよむ』 日本放送協会出版〈NHKライブラリー〉、1999年 ISBN 978-4140841020
増補改訂版 『誰でもわかる維摩経』 大法輪閣、2011年 ISBN 9784804613208
『ひろさちやの『維摩経』講話』 春秋社、2012年 ISBN 9784393135525
長尾雅人 『『維摩経』を読む』 岩波現代文庫(新版)、2014年 ISBN 978-4-00-600320-3。初刊は岩波書店、1986年
注・出典 編集
^ 「ニルデーシャ」(nirdeśa)とは、「演説・説教」のこと。
^ それ以前は逸失したものと思われていたが、1999年に大正大学学術調査隊によって、チベット・ラサのポタラ宮のダライ・ラマの書斎で発見された。
^ この病気は、風邪や腹痛、伝染病などではない。維摩の言葉、「衆生が病むがゆえに、我もまた病む」は大乗仏教の慣用句となっている。
^ 大正大学教授
^ 大正大学総合仏教研究所研究員
関連項目 編集
経集部 (大正蔵)
執筆の途中です この項目は、仏教に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(ポータル 仏教/ウィキプロジェクト 仏教)。
意識と本質 東洋哲学の共時的構造化のために
本 質 直 観イスラーム哲学断章
「僧 肇 は『天地と我とは同根。万物は我れと一体』と言っているが、私にはどうもこの点がよくわからない」と言った人にたいして、南泉普願禅師は庭に咲く一株の花を指しつつ「世人のこの一株の花を見る見方はまるで夢でも見ているようなものだ」と言った(碧巌録、四十)。世人の目に映る感覚的花は花性をその本質として動きのとれぬように固定されたものである。花の花的側面だけはありありと見えているが、花の非花的側面は全
意識と本質 東洋哲学の共時的構造化のために
本 質 直 観イスラーム哲学断章
「僧 肇 は『天地と我とは同根。万物は我れと一体』と言っているが、私にはどうもこの点がよくわからない」と言った人にたいして、南泉普願禅師は庭に咲く一株の花を指しつつ「世人のこの一株の花を見る見方はまるで夢でも見ているようなものだ」と言った(碧巌録、四十)。世人の目に映る感覚的花は花性をその本質として動きのとれぬように固定されたものである。花の花的側面だけはありありと見えているが、花の非花的側面は全
意識と本質 東洋哲学の共時的構造化のために
本 質 直 観イスラーム哲学断章
禅における言語的意味の問題 ☆
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