ランドの政治学者、ジョン ロックである。ジョン·ロックの頭の中では、おカネは
れによって我が国を危機に陥らせることができる(ロックの背幣数量説 奥山忠信)」
ロックの貨幣数量説 [in Japanese]
The quantity theory of money by Locke [in Japanese]
奥山 忠信
OKUYAMA Tadanobu
Faculty of Management, Saitama Gakuen University
Locke, John [1963], Works of John Locke, vol.5, 1823, rpt. Scientia Verlag Aalen. Locke [1991], Locke on Money, John W. Yolton, ed., Oxford University Press.
Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest, and Raising the Value of Money, 1692(『利子・貨幣論』、田中正司・竹本洋訳、東京大学出版会、1978).
Further Considerations concerning Raising the Value of Money, 1695(『利子・貨幣論』、田中正司・竹本洋訳、東京大学出版会).
Two Treatises of Government,1690、Works of John Locke, vol.5, 1823, rpt. Scientia Verlag Aalen(『政府二論』、加藤節訳、岩波文庫、2010).
John, Locke (1932-1704) Some considerations of the consequences of the lowering of interest, and raising the value of money. London : Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1692
イギリス経験論哲学の創始者であり、名誉革命の代表的思想家であるジョン・ロックの 経済学に関する著作。本書は「利子の引下げおよび貨幣の価値の引上げの諸成果に関する 若干の考察」というタイトルに「一議員への書簡から」という付記を持ち、書簡の形式を とる。当時下院に上程されていた2つの法案、法定利子引下法案と銀貨の5%減価による 鋳貨標準変更法案に反対論拠を提出するために匿名で出版される。これらの著作をとおし てロックは17世紀の2つに経済論争(利子論争と貨幣論争)の中心人物のひとりとなる。 邦訳は「貨幣の価値の引上げに関する再考察」とあわせて『利子・貨幣論』として出版さ れる。
Of Raising our Coin.
BEING now upon the Consideration of Interest and Money, give me leave to say one Word more on this occasion, which may not be wholly unseasonable at this time. I hear a Talk up and down of raising our Money, as a means to retain our Wealth, and keep our Money from being carried away. I wish those that use the Phrase of raising our Money, had some clear Notion annexed to it; and that then they would examine, Whether, that being true, it would at all serve to those Ends, for which is propos'd.
The raising of Money then signifies one of these two things; either raising the Value of our Money, or raising the Denomination of our Coin.
The raising of the Value of Money, or any thing else, is nothing, but the making a less quantity of it exchange for any other thing, than would have been taken for it before. v.g. If 5 s. will exchange for, or, (as we call it) buy a Bushel of Wheat; if you can make 4 s. buy another Bushel of the same Wheat, it is plain the Value of your Money is raised, in respect of Wheat One Fifth. But thus nothing can raise or fall the value of your Money, but the proportion of its Plenty, or Scarcity, in proportion to the Plenty, Scarcity, or Vent of any other Commodity, with which you compare it, or for which you would exchange it. And thus Silver, which makes the Intrinsick Value of Money, compar'd with it self, under any Stamp or Denomination of the same or different Countries, cannot be raised. For an Ounce of Silver, whether in Pence, Groats, or Crown Pieces, Stivers or Ducatoons, or in Bullion, is and always eternally will be of equal Value to any other Ounce of Silver, under what Stamp or Denomination soever; unless it can be shewn that any Stamp can add any new and better qualities to one parcel of Silver, which another parcel of Silver wants.
Silver therefore being always of equal Value to Silver, the value of Coin, compar'd with Coin, is greater, less, or equal, only as it has more, less or equal Silver in it: And in this respect, you can by no manner of way raise or fall your Money. Indeed most of the Silver of the World, both in Money and Vessels being alloy'd, (i.e. mixed with some baser Metals) fine Silver (i.e. Silver separated from all Alloy) is usually dearer than so much Silver alloy'd, or mixed with baser Metals. Because, besides the Weight of the Silver, those who have need of fine (i.e. unmix'd) Silver; as Gilders, Wyre-drawers, &c. must according to their need, besides an equal Weight of Silver mixed with other Metals, give an Overplus to reward the Refiner's Skill and Pains. And in this Case, fine Silver, and alloy'd or mixed Silver are considered as two distinct Commodities. But no Money being Coin'd of pure fine Silver, this concerns not the Value of Money at all; wherein an equal quantity of Silver is always of the same Value with an equal quantity of Silver, let the Stamp, or Denomination be what it will.
All then that can be done in this great mystery of Raising Money, is only to alter the Denomination, and call that a Crown now, which before by the Law was but a part of a Crown. For Example: Supposing, according to the Standard of our Law, 5 s. or a Crown, were to weigh an Ounce, (as it does now, wanting about 16 Grains) whereof one twelfth were Copper, and eleven twelfths Silver, (for there-abouts it is) 'tis plain here 'tis the quantity of Silver gives the Value to it. For let another Piece be Coin'd of the same Weight, wherein half the Silver is taken out, and Copper or other Alloy put into the place, every one knows it will be worth but half as much. For the Value of the Alloy is so inconsiderable as not to be reckoned. This Crown now must be rais'd, and from henceforth our Crown Pieces Coin'd one Twentieth lighter; which is nothing but changing the Denomination, calling that a Crown now, which yesterday was but a part, viz. Nineteen twentieths of a Crown; whereby you have only raised 19 parts to the Denomination formerly given to 20. For I think no body can be so senseless, as to imagine, that 19 Grains or Ounces of Silver can be raised to the Value of 20; or that 19 Grains or Ounces of Silver shall at the same time exchange for, or buy as much Corn, Oyl, or Wine, as 20; which is to raise it to the Value of 20. For if 19 Ounces of Silver can be worth 20 Ounces of Silver, or pay for as much of any other Commodity, then 18, 10, or 1 Ounce may do the same. For if the abating One Wentieth of the quantity of the Silver of any Coin, does not lessen its Value, the abating Nineteen twentieths of the quantity of the Silver of any Coin, will not abate its Value. And so a single Threepence, or a single Penny, being call'd a Crown, will buy as much Spice, or Silk, or any other Commodity, as a Crown-piece, which contains 20 or 60 times as much Silver; which is an Absurdity so great, That I think no body will want Eyes to see, and Sense to disown.
Now, this raising your Money, or giving a less quantity of Silver the Stamp and Denomination of a greater, may be done two ways.
1. By raising one Species of your Money.
2. By raising all your Silver Coin at once, proportionably; which is the thing I suppos'd, now propos'd.
1. The raising of one Species of your Coin, beyond its intrinsick Value, is done by Coining any one Species, (which in account bears such a proportion to the other Species of your Coin) with less Silver in it, than is required by that value it bears in your Money.
“For I think no body can be so senseless, as to imagine, that 19 Grains or Ounces of Silver can be raised to the Value of 20; or that 19 Grains or Ounces of Silver shall at the same time exchange for, or buy as much Corn, Oyl, or Wine as 20; which is to raise it to the Value of 20. For if 19 Ounces of Silver can be worth 20 Ounces of Silver, or pay for as much of any other Commodity, then 18, 10, or 1 Ounce may do the same. . . . And so a single Threepence, or a single Penny, being call’d a Crown, will buy as much Spice or Silk, or any other Commodity, as a Crown-piece, which contains 20 or 60 times as much Silver; which is an Absurdity so great, That I think no body will want eyes to see, and Sense to disown.”
some considerations of the Lowering of Interest and raising the value of Money,John Locke
TheMoneyIllusion » Paul Krugman, John Locke, Emperor Diocletian, and the zero lower bound
利子・貨幣論 (初期イギリス経済学古典選集) 単行本 – 1978/2
ジョン・ロック (著), 田中正司 (著)
単行本: 386ページ
出版社: 東京大学出版会 (1978/02)
言語: 日本語
ISBN-10: 4130440543
ISBN-13: 978-4130440547
発売日: 1978/02
47 ロック 『利子・貨幣論』 1692年 ロンドン 330/690-47//D
John, Locke (1932-1704) Some considerations of the consequences of the lowering of interest, and raising the value of money. London : Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1692
イギリス経験論哲学の創始者であり、名誉革命の代表的思想家であるジョン・ロックの 経済学に関する著作。本書は「利子の引下げおよび貨幣の価値の引上げの諸成果に関する 若干の考察」というタイトルに「一議員への書簡から」という付記を持ち、書簡の形式を とる。当時下院に上程されていた2つの法案、法定利子引下法案と銀貨の5%減価による 鋳貨標準変更法案に反対論拠を提出するために匿名で出版される。これらの著作をとおし てロックは17世紀の2つに経済論争(利子論争と貨幣論争)の中心人物のひとりとなる。 邦訳は「貨幣の価値の引上げに関する再考察」とあわせて『利子・貨幣論』として出版さ れる。
ジョン・ロック『貨幣利子並に貿易に関する論文集』 1696
(John Locke, "Several papers relating money, interest and trade, &c...." London, Printed A. and F. Churchill 1696)
著者のロック(1632-1704)はイギリスの哲学者であり、政治思想家。経験論哲学を体系化し、自然権思想を主張した。労働に基づく私有財産の不可侵を論証し、ブルジョワジーの台頭に思想的基盤を与えた。経済思想上ではペティとならんで、前期重商主義から後期重商主義への過渡期の思想家として、重要な役割を果たした。 本書には、ロックの主著である『貨幣価値引き上げおよび利子引き下げの結果に関する考察』(1692)と『貨幣価値引き上げに関する再論』(1695)等が収録されている。前者は、重商主義の理論家であり、イギリス東インド会社の理事や総裁などとして活躍したチャイルド(1630-1699)が、1668年に法定利子率の引き下げを主張したのを批判して書かれたもので、ここでロックは、経済的自由主義の立場にたって利子率を貨幣の需給関係に自由にまかせるべきだと主張している。後者は前者の続編で、国庫の役人であったウィリアム・ラウンズが、1695年に提出した貨幣の名目価値の引き上げを主張する報告を批判したものである。(貴重書庫)
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