ロバート・パットナム(Robert David Putnam,1940~)
哲学する民主主義 2001^1993 MAKING DEMOCRACY WORK
Montesquieu, Liberalism and the Critique of Political Universalism by Keegan Callanan 2011
EL Montesquieu. [1748] 1989. The Spirit of the Laws, ed. Anne Cohler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
MP Montesquieu. [1899] Forthcoming 2012. My Thoughts, ed. Henry C. Clark. Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund.
LP Montesqueiu. [1721] 2008. Persian Letters, ed. Andrew Kahn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In his Considerations on the Greatness of the Romans and Their Decline, Montesquieu puts the matter this way: “At the birth of societies, the leaders of republics create the institutions; thereafter, it is the institutions that form the leaders of republics.”117 Of course, not all institutions are created products of human agency. In the rise of political institutions, chance plays a role as great if not greater than human prudence (EL, V.14).118 Some institutions are created; some grow. But whether products of chance or intelligence, institutions invariably play a role in forming men. In this passage from the Considerations, Montesquieu proceeds to explain that the office of consul, owing to its short one-year terms, tended to form particularly ambitious leaders. But even beyond their influence upon leaders, every form of government imparts to the populace “a certain orientation, a certain disposition” (MP, 603). This is true of despotic and moderate governments alike.
117 Montesquieu, Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and their Decline, ed. David Lowenthal (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1968), 169.
118 Plato, Laws, 709a-c. 119 Throughout the chapter, Montequieu speaks in the subjunctive mood (“they would be”; “they would have”) to make it clear that his analysis is in some measure deductive and therefore generalizable.
117 Montesquieu、ローマ人の偉大さの原因とその衰退に関する考察。 David Lowenthal(ニューヨーク州イサカ:Cornell University Press、1968)、169。
118プラトン、法律、709a − c。 119章を通して、Montequieuは彼の分析がある程度は演繹的で一般化可能であることを明確にするために主観的な気分(「そうだろう」、「彼らはそうだろう」)で話します。
第 五 篇 立法者の制定する法は政体の原理と関連していなければならぬこと
第 十四 章 法は専制政体の原理といかに関係するか
第 十五 篇 市民的奴隷制の法は風土の性質とどのような関係を有するか
Montesquieu. 1777. The Complete Works of M. de Montesquieu. London: T. Evans. Montesquieu. 1949-1951. Oeuvres Complètes de Montesquieu, ed. Roger Caillois. 2 vols. Paris: Pléiade, NRF. Montesquieu. 1950-1955. Oeuvres Complètes de Montesquieu, ed. Andre Masson. 3 vols. Paris: Nagel. Montesquieu. 1968. Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and their Decline, ed. David Lowenthal. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Montesquieu. 1989. The Spirit of the Laws, ed. Anne Cohler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Montesquieu. 1998-2011. Oeuvres Complètes de Montesquieu, ed Catherine VolpilhacAuger. 22 vols. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation. Montesquieu. 2002. Persian Letters, trans. George Healy. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. Montesqueiu. 2008. Persian Letters, ed. Andrew Kahn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Montesquieu. 2012. My Thoughts, ed. Henry C. Clark. Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, Forthcoming.
ローマ人盛衰原因論 (岩波文庫) 文庫 – 1989/7/17
ローマ盛衰原因論 (中公クラシックス) 単行本 – 2008/7
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