水曜日, 7月 24, 2019

Stiglitz doesn’t get Modern Monetary Theory. 2011/8

Stiglitz doesn’t get Modern Monetary Theory.



Joseph Stiglitzは、昨年末に赤字を減らすための意欲的なガイドを書いた。これが本稿の主なアイデアの手引きです。彼は1ページから始まる7つの主要なアイデアを出します。Brainwave No1。最初のアイデアは「原則と利子を返済するのに十分以上に税収を増やす公的投資は長期赤字を減らす」ということです。その考えは、私たちが不況にあるかどうかにかかわらず、価値のある公共投資(および民間投資)は常に行われるべきであるということです。第2の問題は、投資が「原則と利子を返済するのに十分なほど税収を増加させる」とすれば、投資は民間部門から現金を引き出すということです。バランスシートの不況の中、それは明白なことです。あるいはMMTの用語で言えば、不況時にやるべき最後のことは、民間部門の純金融資産を減らすことです。第三に、公共部門の投資はしばしば専門的な労働力を必要とする。高速道路や橋の建設。景気後退への公共部門の投資の劇的な増加は、関連する熟練労働力の欠如のために明らかに不可能または困難である可能性があります。しかし、経済のある分野を劇的に拡大することが可能であっても、それを縮小するためだけに回復は単に労働市場を歪めるだけで、あまり望ましくありません。ひずみは回復から来るはずです。スティグリッツはそれから彼のページ2の項目Aの下でこの公共部門の投資考えを拡大する。ここで彼は金利が現在低いので不況の間の公共部門の投資が良い考えであると主張する。よく待ってください。なぜ金利が低いのですか?それは、政府/中央銀行のマシンが彼らを慎重に下げたからです!そして、これらの低金利はお金を印刷し、政府の負債を買うことによって引き下げられました。だからスティグリッツは、政府は政府自身が生み出したもの(すなわちお金)を借りるべきだと言っている。さて、なぜそれをまた借りるためだけに民間部門にお金を払い出すことのすべての問題に行きますか???? MMTが提唱するのは、お金を印刷して(不況の中で)それを使うことだけのほうがはるかに簡単です。公共投資の項目Aの下の彼の次の理由は、高い失業率を考えると、そのような投資からの乗数が高くなることです。そうです。しかし、同じことがあらゆる種類の支出にも当てはまるので、これは特に投資に有利な点ではありません! MMTはスティグリッツを再び破った:MMTersは不況で給与税の減税を支持する傾向がある。そのような給与税の減税によって経済を拡大したので、拡大された経済の一部は間違いなく余分な公共部門の投資という形で終わるでしょう。しかしそれはbyによるものです。脳波2号スティグリッツの2番目の脳波は、「良いもの(仕事のようなもの)より悪いもの(汚染のようなもの)に課税する方が良い」ということです。世紀の啓示!私たちがなぜアルコールに課税するのか疑問に思った。今私は知っている。彼の第三のアイデアは、「経済的持続可能性は環境的持続可能性を必要とする。汚染者が他人に課すコストを支払うという汚染者支払いの原則は、効率性と公平性の両方に適しています。」しかし、赤字や不況にはどうすればよいのでしょうか。何もない。繰り返しますが、上記の原則は、景気後退を適用するか、または後退を適用しません。 Brainwave No4。これは、「企業の福祉を排除することが効率性と公平性の両方にとって有益である」ということです。確かに、これは明らかに不況や赤字とは関係ありません。 Brainwave No 5これは、「不平等と貧困の増加と、2001年と2003年の減税の不公平な性質を考えると、増税の発生率は漸進的であり、最貧のアメリカ人に対する税負担の増加はないはずですついに、少量のロジックを使用したアイデアです。不平等のポイントは、不平等のレベルを最適化することが有効な目標不況または不況なしであるという点で無関係です。しかし、この考えには、貧困層の方が金持ちよりも収入の増加傾向が高いという点で、論理が少しあります。このように、金持ちから貧乏人へのお金の移動は刺激的でしょう。しかし私が知る限りではスティグリッツは後者の「刺激的」な点を把握していない。少なくとも彼の論文ではそれを見つけることができない。技術的になるしかし、裕福な人々から貧しい人々へと資金を移動させることによる上記の刺激的な効果でさえも、この論文にとってはわずかな節約の恩恵です。その理由は、それが「1ドルあたりの利益」の議論の典型的な例であるということです - 支出される各ドルからできるだけ多くの雇用を得ることにはいくらかの利点があるという考えです。政府がドルを生み出し、それらを支出するプロセスは実質的に実質的に費用がかからないので、後者の明らかなメリットは実際には全くメリットではありません。唯一の重要な質問は次のとおりです。利用可能なさまざまなオプションのREAL効果は何ですか?各オプションを実行するために作成して使用する必要があるドル数は無関係です。 Abba Lerとして

Joseph Stiglitzは、昨年末に赤字を減らすための意欲的なガイドを書いた。これが本稿の主なアイデアの手引きです。


脳波No 1


















ブレインウェーブNo 5





「1ドルあたりの利益」の議論の例 -  1ドルを使うごとにできるだけ多くの雇用を得ることにはある程度のメリットがあるという考え。


Abba Lernerが述べたように(p.39)、「政府の財政政策、その支出と課税、その借入と返済、その新しい資金の発行とその撤回は、これらの結果のみに注目して行われなければならない。 (「結果」という単語のイタリック体は元のものです)。


もう十分だ。 Brainwave No 5を超えて読むことに煩わされることはできません。

Joseph Stiglitz wrote an uninspiring guide to reducing the deficit at the end of last year. Here is guide to the main ideas in the paper. He gives seven main ideas, starting on page 1. Brainwave No 1. The first idea is to go for “Public investments that increase tax revenues by more than enough to pay back the principle plus interest reduce long-run deficits.” One flaw in that idea is that worthwhile public investments (and private investments) should be being made ANYWAY – regardless of whether we are in a recession or not. The second problem is that if the investment “increases tax revenues by more than enough to pay back the principle plus interest…” then the investment will withdraw cash from the private sector. In a balance sheet recession that’s plain daft. Or in MMT parlance, the last thing that needs to be done in a recession is to reduce private sector net financial assets. Thirdly, public sector investments often require specialised labour, e.g. highway or bridge construction. A dramatic increase in public sector investment in a recession could be plain impossible or difficult for lack of the relevant skilled labour. But even if it is possible, to dramatically expand one sector of the economy, only to contract it again come the recovery simply distorts the labour market: hardly desirable. The distortion has to be unwound come the recovery. Stiglitz then enlarges on this public sector investment idea under item A in his page 2. Here he claims that public sector investments during a recession a good idea because interest rates are currently low. Well hang on. WHY are interest rates low? It’s because the government / central bank machine has DELIBERATELY lowered them! And those low interest rates have been lowered by printing money and buying government debt. So Stiglitz is saying government should borrow the stuff (i.e. money) which government itself has produced. Well now, why go to all the trouble of dishing out money to the private sector only to borrow it back again???? It would be much simpler just to print money and spend it (in a recession), which is what MMT advocates!!! His next reason under item A for public investment is that given high unemployment, the multiplier from such investment will be high. True. But the same goes for any sort of spending, so this is not specifically a point in favour of investment! MMT beats Stiglitz yet again: MMTers tend to favour payroll tax reductions in a recession. Having expanded the economy via such payroll tax reductions, a portion of the expanded economy will doubtless end up in the form of extra public sector investment. But that’s by the by. Brainwave No 2. Stiglitz’s second brainwave is that “It is better to tax bad things (like pollution) than good things (like work).” Revelation of the century! There was me wondering why we tax alcohol. Now I know. Brainwave No 3. His 3rd idea is that “Economic sustainability requires environmental sustainability. The polluter pay principle—making polluters pay for the costs they impose on others—is good both for efficiency and for equity.” Quite right, but what’s that got to do with deficits or recessions? Absolutely nothing. Again, the above principle applies recession or no recession. Brainwave No 4. This is that “Eliminating corporate welfare is good both for efficiency and for equity.” True, but for the umpteenth time, this has nothing specifically to do with recessions or deficits. Brainwave No 5 This is “Given the increases in inequality and poverty and given the inequitable nature of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, the incidence of any tax increases should be progressive, and there should be no increases in the tax burden on the poorest Americans.” At last: an idea with a small amount of logic! The inequality point is irrelevant in that optimising the level of inequality is a valid aim recession or no recession. But the idea does have a small amount of logic in that the poor have a higher propensity to spend income increases than the rich. Thus transfers of money from rich to poor would be stimulatory. But as far as I can see Stiglitz has not grasped the latter “stimulatory” point: at least I can’t find it in his paper. Getting technical. But even the above stimulatory effect of transferring money from rich to poor is a feeble saving grace for this paper. Reason is that it is a classic example of the “bang per buck” argument – the idea that there is some merit in getting as much employment as possible from each dollar spent. The latter apparent merit is not actually a merit at all because the process of government creating dollars and spending them is virtually costless in real terms. The only important question is: what are the REAL effects of the different options available? The number of dollars that need to be created and spent to effect each option is irrelevant. As Abba Lerner put it (p.39) "government fiscal policy, its spending and taxing, its borrowing and repayments of loans, its issue of new money and its withdrawal of money, shall all undertaken with an eye only to the results of these actions….” (the italicisation of the word “results” is in the original). Stiglitz’s paper thus consists of a series of random ideas, most of which are no good. But when it comes to the one idea that is half valid, the author does not seem to realise why it is half valid. I’ve had enough. I’m can’t be bothered reading beyond Brainwave No 5. .

Joseph Stiglitz wrote an uninspiring guide to reducing the deficit at the end of last year. Here is guide to the main ideas in the paper. 

He gives seven main ideas, starting on page 1. 

Brainwave No 1. 

The first idea is to go for “Public investments that increase tax revenues by more than enough to pay back the principle plus interest reduce long-run deficits.” 

One flaw in that idea is that worthwhile public investments (and private investments) should be being made ANYWAY – regardless of whether we are in a recession or not. 

The second problem is that if the investment “increases tax revenues by more than enough to pay back the principle plus interest…” then the investment will withdraw cash from the private sector. In a balance sheet recession that’s plain daft. Or in MMT parlance, the last thing that needs to be done in a recession is to reduce private sector net financial assets. 

Thirdly, public sector investments often require specialised labour, e.g. highway or bridge construction. A dramatic increase in public sector investment in a recession could be plain impossible or difficult for lack of the relevant skilled labour. But even if it is possible, to dramatically expand one sector of the economy, only to contract it again come the recovery simply distorts the labour market: hardly desirable. The distortion has to be unwound come the recovery. 

Stiglitz then enlarges on this public sector investment idea under item A in his page 2. Here he claims that public sector investments during a recession a good idea because interest rates are currently low. 

Well hang on. WHY are interest rates low? It’s because the government / central bank machine has DELIBERATELY lowered them! And those low interest rates have been lowered by printing money and buying government debt. 

So Stiglitz is saying government should borrow the stuff (i.e. money) which government itself has produced. Well now, why go to all the trouble of dishing out money to the private sector only to borrow it back again???? 

It would be much simpler just to print money and spend it (in a recession), which is what MMT advocates!!! 

His next reason under item A for public investment is that given high unemployment, the multiplier from such investment will be high. True. But the same goes for any sort of spending, so this is not specifically a point in favour of investment! 

MMT beats Stiglitz yet again: MMTers tend to favour payroll tax reductions in a recession. Having expanded the economy via such payroll tax reductions, a portion of the expanded economy will doubtless end up in the form of extra public sector investment. But that’s by the by. 

Brainwave No 2. 

Stiglitz’s second brainwave is that “It is better to tax bad things (like pollution) than good things (like work).” Revelation of the century! There was me wondering why we tax alcohol. Now I know. 

Brainwave No 3. 

His 3rd idea is that “Economic sustainability requires environmental sustainability. The polluter pay principle—making polluters pay for the costs they impose on others—is good both for efficiency and for equity.” 

Quite right, but what’s that got to do with deficits or recessions? Absolutely nothing. Again, the above principle applies recession or no recession. 

Brainwave No 4. 

This is that “Eliminating corporate welfare is good both for efficiency and for equity.” True, but for the umpteenth time, this has nothing specifically to do with recessions or deficits. 

Brainwave No 5 

This is “Given the increases in inequality and poverty and given the inequitable nature of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, the incidence of any tax increases should be progressive, and there should be no increases in the tax burden on the poorest Americans.” 

At last: an idea with a small amount of logic! The inequality point is irrelevant in that optimising the level of inequality is a valid aim recession or no recession. But the idea does have a small amount of logic in that the poor have a higher propensity to spend income increases than the rich. Thus transfers of money from rich to poor would be stimulatory. But as far as I can see Stiglitz has not grasped the latter “stimulatory” point: at least I can’t find it in his paper. 

Getting technical. 

But even the above stimulatory effect of transferring money from rich to poor is a feeble saving grace for this paper. Reason is that it is a classic example of the “bang per buck” argument – the idea that there is some merit in getting as much employment as possible from each dollar spent. 

The latter apparent merit is not actually a merit at all because the process of government creating dollars and spending them is virtually costless in real terms. The only important question is: what are the REAL effects of the different options available? The number of dollars that need to be created and spent to effect each option is irrelevant. 

As Abba Lerner put it (p.39) "government fiscal policy, its spending and taxing, its borrowing and repayments of loans, its issue of new money and its withdrawal of money, shall all undertaken with an eye only to the results of these actions….” (the italicisation of the word “results” is in the original). 

Stiglitz’s paper thus consists of a series of random ideas, most of which are no good. But when it comes to the one idea that is half valid, the author does not seem to realise why it is half valid. 

I’ve had enough. I’m can’t be bothered reading beyond Brainwave No 5. 

「中央銀行についての大嘘」by Joseph E. Stiglitz

以下の文は、Joseph E. Stiglitz,”Big Lies about Central Banking“の翻訳になります。2003年の記事ですが内容はタイムリーなものです。誤字・誤訳の指摘はコメント欄にお願いします。














