金曜日, 2月 05, 2016

祈り oratio スピノザ

At the end of chapter 10 of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, and therefore at the conclusion of his long and detailed demonstration of the inconsistencies, discontinuities, and contradictions that characterize scripture as it is in its actual existence, he recognizes that "perhaps someone will object that I am plainly subverting scripture [scriptura plane evertere-which could also be translated as "completely destroying or overturning scripture"], for according to this argument everyone can suspect it of being everywhere where faulty."23 What he has done, he protests, is instead to separate the faulty and corrupt from the clear and pure and prevent the latter from being harmonized with the former in a protocol of reading that sees the reconciliation of apparently discordant and heteronomous elements as the condition of a text's intelligibility. To note the presence ence of certain faulty passages does not render the entire text suspect and thus, as he puts it, overthrow or destroy it. It is at this point that Spinoza appeals not to the singularity of scripture as an unusually heteroclite text but precisely the contrary: "No book is found without faults" (nullus enim liber unquam sine mendis repertus est).24 

 The sentence that follows (An quaeso ea de causa ubique mendosos aliquis unquam suspicatus est? Nemo sane: preasertum quando oratio est perspicua, & mens authoris Clare percipitur ["Has anyone for this reason suspected that it is everywhere faulty? No one has done so, especially when the meaning is

24 Spinoza, Tractatus, 195; Spinoza, Opera, 3:149. 
25 Spinoza, Tractatus, 195; Spinoza, Opera, 3:149. 
26 "We cannot know anyone except by his works." Spinoza, Tractatus, 123; Spinoza, Opera, 3:80.

9 Baruch Spinoza, Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, trans. Samuel Shirley (Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1991), 140. Spinoza, Opera, ed. Carl Gebhardt (Heidelberg, Germany: Carl Winter, 1925), 3:97.

spinoza now






