Manual of Zen Buddhism: V. From the Japanese Zen Masters THE JAPANESE ZEN MASTERS(禅日本関連サブインデックス)
NAMs出版プロジェクト: The Sutras(禅インド関連サブインデックス)出版プロジェクト: 大応国師(1235-1309)
NAMs出版プロジェクト: 大燈国師(1282-1338)
NAMs出版プロジェクト: 関山国師(1277-1361)「無相大師遺誡」
NAMs出版プロジェクト: 夢窓疎石(1275-1351)
NAMs出版プロジェクト: 白隠(1686-1769) 隻手音声
SUZUKI Daisetz 鈴木大拙 NHK婦人の時間 聞き手犬養道子
Manual of Zen Buddhism Index
証道歌(永嘉大師)YOKA DAISHI'S "SONG OF ENLIGHTENMENT"信心銘(僧燦)ON BELIEVING IN MIND by Seng-ts'an (J: Sosan)出版プロジェクト: 景徳伝灯録 The Transmission of the Lamp 1004年(二入四行論 or 菩提達磨四行論)出版プロジェクト: 二入四行論 - 菩提達磨 禅の歴史
NAMs出版プロジェクト: 慧能 六祖壇経出版プロジェクト: Baso (Ma-tsu) and Sekito (Shih-tou) 馬祖道一と石頭希遷 景徳伝灯録 is a reality even prior to heaven and earth;
Indeed, it has no form, much less a name;
Eyes fail to see it; It has no voice for ears to detect;
To call it Mind or Buddha violates its nature,
For it then becomes like a visionary flower in the air;
It is not Mind, nor Buddha;
Absolutely quiet, and yet illuminating in a mysterious way,
It allows itself to be perceived only by the clear-eyed.
It is Dharma truly beyond form and sound;
It is Tao having nothing to do with words.
Wishing to entice the blind,
The Buddha has playfully let words escape his golden mouth;
Heaven and earth are ever since filled with entangling briars.
O my good worthy friends gathered here,
If you desire to listen to the thunderous voice of the Dharma,
Exhaust your words, empty your thoughts,
For then you may come to recognize this One Essence.
Says Hui the Brother, "The Buddha's Dharma
Is not to be given up to mere human sentiments."
Those who enter the gate of Buddhism should first of all cherish a firm faith in the dignity and respectability of monkhood, for it is the path leading them away from poverty and humbleness. Its dignity is that of the sonship of the Dharmaraja of the triple world; no princely dignity which extends only over a limited area of the earth compares with it. Its respectability is that of the fatherhood of all sentient beings; no parental respectability belonging Only to the head of a little family group equals it. When the monk finds himself in this position of dignity and respectability, living in the rock-cave of the Dharma where he enjoys the greatest happiness of a spiritual life, under the blissful protection of all the guardian gods of the Triple Treasure, is there any form of happiness that can surpass his?
The shaven head and the dyed garment are the noble symbols of Bodhisattvahood; the temple-buildings with all their ornamental fixtures are the honorific emblems of Buddhist virtue. They have nothing to do with mere decorative effects.
[1. Left to his disciples as his last words when he was about to pass away.]
That the monk, now taking on himself these forms of dignity and respectability, is the recipient of all kinds of offerings from his followers; that he is quietly allowed to pursue his study of the Truth, not troubling himself with worldly labours and occupations-this is indeed due to the loving thoughts of Buddhas and Fathers. If the monk fails in this life to cross the stream of birth-and-death, when does expect to requite all the kindly feelings bestowed upon him by his predecessors? We are ever liable as time goes on miss opportunities; let the monk, therefore, be always on e watch not to pass his days idly.
The one path leading up to the highest peak is the mysterious orthodox line of transmission established by Buddhas and Fathers, and to walk along this road is the essence of appreciating what they have done for us. When the monk fails to discipline himself along this road, he thereby departs from the dignity and respectability of monk-hood, laying himself down in the slums of poverty and misery. As I grow older I feel this to be my greatest regret, and, O monks, I have never been tired day and night of giving you strong admonitions on this point. Now, on the eve of my departure, my heart lingers with you, and my sincerest prayer is that you are never found lacking in the virtue of the monkish dignity and respectability, and that you ever be mindful of what properly belongs to monkhood. Pray, pray, 'be mindful of this, O monks!
This is the motherly advice of Nampo;[1] old monk-mendicant of Kencho Monastery.
吹毛常磨『大燈遺偈』 | 實相寺 公式サイト吹毛常磨『大燈遺偈』/…そうした気概溢れる鋭い禅者であった大燈国師が亡くなる時の境地を表現したのが次の遺偈です。
大燈国師の遺偈? - 哲学 解決済 | 教えて!goo
Buddhas and Fathers cut to pieces--
The sword is ever kept sharpened!
Where the wheel turns,
The void gnashes its teeth.
[1. In those monasteries which are connected in some way with the author of this admonition, it is read or rather chanted before a lecture or Teisho begins.]
截断仏祖 吹毛常磨 機輪転処 虚空咬牙|向龍昇人無相大師遺誡 #1 - web智光院 was in the Shogen period (1259) that our forefather venerable Dai-o crossed the stormy waves of the great ocean in order to study Zen in Sung. He interviewed Hsu-t'ang (Kido) the great Zen master at Ching-tz'u (Jinzu) and under him Dai-o whole-heartedly devoted himself to the realization of Zen experience. Finally at Ching-shan (Kinzan) he was able to master all the secrets longing to it. For this reason he was praised by his master as "having once more gone over the path", and the prophecy was also given him that his "descendants would ever be increasing." That the rightful lineage of the Yang-ch'i, (Yogi) school was transported to this country of ours is to be ascribed to the merit of our venerable forefather.
Daito, my old venerable teacher, followed the steps of Dai-o who stayed in the western part of the capital; personally attending on him, he was in close contact with the "Master during his residence at Manju in Kyoto and at Kencho in Kamakura. Throughout the many years of attendance Daito never laid himself on a bed for sleep. He reminds us in many respects of the ancient worthies. When finally he mastered Zen, the venerable Dai-o gave him his testimony but ordered him to mature his experience for twenty years in quiet retirement. Surely enough, he proved to be a great successor truly worthy of his illustrious master, Dai-o. He resuscitated Zen which had been in a state of decline; he left an admonition for his followers to be ever mindful of keeping vigorously alive the true spirit of Zen discipline; all this is his merit.
[1. Muso Daishi is the honorific title posthumously given by an Emperor to Kwanzan Kokushi, the founder of Myoshinji, Kyoto, which is one of the most important Zen headquarters in Japan. All the Zen masters of the present day in Japan are his descendants. Some doubt is cherished about the genuineness of this Admonition as penned by Kwanzan himself, on the ground that the Content is too "grandmotherly".]
That in obedience to the august order of his Holiness the Ex-Emperor Hanazono I have come to establish this monastery, is due to the motherly love of my late master who chewed food for his helpless baby. O my followers, you may some day forget me, but if you should forget the loving thoughts of Dai-o and Daito, you are not my descendants. I pray you to strive to grasp the origin of things. Po-yun (Hakuun) was impressed with the great merit of Pai-chang (Hyakjo), and Hu-ch'iu (Kokyu) was touched with the words of warning given by Po-yun (Hakuun). Such are our precedents. You will do well not to commit the fault of picking leaves or of searching for branches, [instead of taking hold of the root itself].
白隠禅師坐禅和讃翻訳衆生本来仏なり 水と氷の如くにて
水を離れて氷なく 衆生の外に仏なし
衆生近きを知らずして 遠く求むるはかなさよ
たとえば水の中にいて 渇を叫ぶがごとくなり
長者の家の子となりて 貧里に迷うにことならず
六趣輪廻の因縁は 己が愚痴の闇路なり
闇路に闇路を踏みそえて いつか生死を離るべき
夫れ摩訶衍の禅定は 称歎するに余りあり
布施や持戒の諸波羅蜜 念仏懺悔修行等
其品多き諸善行 皆このうちに帰するなり
一座の功をなす人も 積みし無量の罪ほろぶ
悪趣何処に有りぬべき 浄土即ち遠からず
辱なくも此の法を 一たび耳にふるる時
讃歎随喜する人は 福を得る事限りなし
いわんや自ら回向して 直に自性を証すれば
自性即ち無性にて すでに戯論を離れたり
因果一如の門ひらけ 無二無三の道直し
無相の相を相として 行くも帰るも余所ならず
無念の念を念として 歌うも舞うも法の声
三昧無碍の空ひろく 四智円明の月さえん
此時何をか求むべき 寂滅現前するゆえに
当所即ち蓮華国 此身即ち仏なり
Sentient beings are primarily all Buddhas:
It is like ice and water,
Apart from water no ice can exist;
Outside sentient beings, where do we find the Buddhas?
Not knowing how near the Truth is,
People seek it far away,--what a pity!
They are like him who, in the midst of water,
Cries in thirst so imploringly;
They are like the son of a rich man
Who wandered away among the poor.
The reason why we transmigrate through the six worlds
Is because we are lost in the darkness of ignorance;
Going astray further and further in the darkness,
When are we able to get away from birth-and-death?
As regards the Meditation practised in the Mahayana,
We have no words to praise it fully:
The virtues of perfection such as charity, morality, etc.,
And the invocation of the Buddha's name, confession, and ascetic discipline,
And many other good deeds of merit,--
All these issue from the practice of Meditation;
Even those who have practised it just for one sitting
Will see all their evil karma wiped clean;
Nowhere will they find the evil paths,
But the Pure Land will be near at hand.
With a reverential heart, let them to this Truth
Listen even for once,
And let them praise it, and gladly embrace it,
And they will surely be blessed most infinitely.
For such as, reflecting within themselves,
Testify to the truth of Self-nature,
To the truth that Self-nature is no-nature,
They have really gone beyond the ken of sophistry.
For them opens the gate of the oneness of cause and effect,
And straight runs the path of non-duality and non-trinity.
Abiding with the not-particular which is in particulars,
Whether going or returning, they remain for ever unmoved;
Taking hold of the not-thought which lies in thoughts,
In every act of theirs they hear the voice of the truth.
How boundless the sky of Samadhi unfettered!
How transparent the perfect moon-light of the fourfold Wisdom!
At that moment what do they lack?
As the Truth eternally calm reveals itself to them,
This very earth is the Lotus Land of Purity,
And this body is the body of the Buddha.
NAMs出版プロジェクト: 大正新脩大蔵経(諸宗部)
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