月曜日, 11月 02, 2015

リーマン空間 by ロートマン&ベルクソン?:メモ(ドゥルーズMP#14より)

NAMs出版プロジェクト: リーマン空間 by ロートマン:メモ(ドゥルーズMP1980#14より)


NAMs出版プロジェクト: ドゥルーズ体系:メモ






(15) 『試論』の第二章以降、ベルクソンは繰り返し実詞「多様体」を用いているが、その使用の際の数々の条件は、当然、注釈者に注意を呼び起こしてよい。明示されてはいなくても、それがリーマンにもとづいていることは、疑問の余地がないように思われる。後に『物質と記憶』の中で、ベルクソンはアキレスの走行、さらにはその歩みも完全に、「もう一つ下のレベルの多数」に分割されるが、この多数は、それが分割する多様体とは本性を異にしていることを説明し、さらには同じように、亀の歩みとそれを分割した下位の多数も、「たがいに」本性を異にすると説明する。

(16) ベルクソン『試論』。一つの多様体が、「任意の数を、それ自身で付加される仮の単位のように扱う可能性を含むとしても、反対に単位の方が真の数であり、どのように大きなものであれ、それらを合成すべく分解することはさしあたって不可能とみなされる」。

(17) Albert Lautman, Les schémas de structure, Hermann, pp.23, 34, 35.  

(18) ユークリッド空間に固有のこの結合については(蓄積のプロセスとは非常に異なっている)、ロートマン、前掲書 pp.45-48.


Riemann spaces are on the contrary devoid of any kind of homogeneity. Each one is characterized by the form of the expression which defi nes the square of the distance between two infi nitely near points. This expression is called a quadratic differential form which generalizes the Euclidean formula of the distance between two …



(ds2 = du12 + du22. The Riemannian ds2 to two dimensions is of the following form ds2 = g11du12 + g12du1du2 + g21du2du1 + g22du22. In an ndimensional manifold we have the general formula: n ds 2 =/ , ij ij gdudu i j The gij are the absolutely arbitrary coeffi cients, which vary from point to point. The result, as Cartan said, is that ‘)

two neighboring observers can locate the points in a Riemann space that are in their immediate neighborhood, but they cannot, without new convention, be located with respect to one another’ (Cartan 1924, 297). 

Each neighborhood is therefore like a small bit of Euclidean space, but the connection from one neighborhood to the next neighborhood is not defi ned and can be done in an infi nity of ways. 

The most general Riemann space is thus presented as an amorphous collection of juxtaposed pieces that aren’t attached to one another. 」



 Mathematics, Ideas and the Physical Real: Albert Lautman, Simon B. Duffy: 洋書 原書フランス語?



Albert Lautman | The n-Category Café


One very important influence on me was Albert Lautman (1908-1944). ... but there is at least a translation of the introduction to Essai sur les notions de structure et d'existence en mathématiques: Les schémas de structure.


Lautman - University of Warwick


(Adobe PDF)


MATHEMATICS, IDEAS AND. THE PHYSICAL REAL. Albert Lautman. Translated by Simon B. Duffy ... Section 1: The Schemas of Structure. 93. Chapter 1 .... ' Essay on the notions of structure and existence in mathematics' (principal thesis)  ...

 Book II:  Essay on the Notions of Structure and Existence in Mathematics

Introduction: On the Nature of the Real in Mathematics 87

Section 1: The Schemas of Structure 93 

Chapter 1 The Local and the Global 95




「u i j The gij are the absolutely arbitrary coeffi cients, which vary from point to point. The result, as Cartan said, is that ‘two neighboring observers can locate the points in a Riemann space that are in their immediate neighborhood, but they cannot, without new convention, be located with respect to one another’ (Cartan 1924, 297). 

Each neighborhood is therefore like a small bit of Euclidean space, but the connection from one neighborhood to the next neighborhood is not defi ned and can be done in an infi nity of ways. 

The most general Riemann space is thus presented as an amorphous collection of juxtaposed pieces that aren’t attached to one another. 」

The distinction that thus exists between a Klein geometry and a Riemann geometry is found between the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity. Special relativity is of the Kleinian type, it studies, in the Minkowski four-dimensional universe, the invariants of the Lorentz group. 

General relativity is a Riemannian geometry in which the gij depend at each point of the distribution on the matter at that point. 

The space of the general theory of relativity however does not present this complete absence of organization that characterizes the most general Riemann spaces. A physics in which the laws of the universe would vary from point to point is in effect inconceivable. Einstein’s Riemannian space has what Cartan calls a Euclidean connection, that is, it is possible to locate step by step the different positions of an observer from each other. We discuss in the next chapter the philosophical problems that are related to this Euclidean connection of Riemann spaces. If the purely local point of view is exceeded, no knowledge of the universe as a whole is even obtained. The gap between the local point of view and the global point of view still remains, and, for Cartan, it is from this disparity that the principal diffi culties of the unifi ed fi eld theory arise, as presented by Einstein in 1929. The metric of the universe gives rise to a system of partial differential equations for which Einstein sought solutions without singularity existing in all of space. This would require the knowledge of the topological properties of space–time taken in its totality, like knowing for example whether it is open or closed. ‘This shows,’ Cartan said, ‘that the search for lo

e fi rst chapter of our principal thesis (Lautman 1938b), the differences between the synthetic conception and the infi nitesimal conception of geometry. 

The Riemannian defi nition of a space by the formula that gives the distance between two infi nitely near points is a purely local conception, the entire space is constructed by the step by step juxtaposition of infi nitesimal neighborhoods, whose assemblage is not, without new conventions, amenable to collective characterization. On the contrary, the defi nition of the properties of a space by those of the group of transformations whose properties in question are invariants, is a global defi nition which envisages the possibilities of group action on the totality of points of the space. It is also often possible to defi ne a





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