Lawrence Ferlinghetti - ローレンス ファーレンゲティ(ファリンゲッティ)
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Last(Loud) Prayer
Hollow be thy name
Unless things change
Thy wigdom come and gone
Thy will will be undone
On earth, as it isn’t heaven
Give us this day our daily dread
At least three times a day
And forgive us our trespasses
On love’s territory
For thine is the wigdom and power and glory
Oh, man
少なくとも 日に3度は
ローレンス ファーレンゲティ
Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Last(Loud) Prayer
Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Last Prayer (The Last Waltz) 英語字幕付き[Lawrence Ferlinghetti – Loud Prayer]Let us pray Our father whose art’s in heaven
Hollow be thy name
Unless things change
Thy wigdom come and gone
Thy will will be undone
On earth, as it isn’t heaven
Give us this day our daily dread
At least three times a day
And forgive us our trespasses
On love’s territory
For thine is the wigdom and power and glory
Oh, man
少なくとも 日に3度は
ローレンス ファーレンゲティ
...してはいず、しかしまた未分化の深層と 一体化してもいない領域である。この領域は、意識の領域として は規定されえない。サルトルの努力にもかかわらず、個人という形式と個体化の視点を拒否しておいて、 場としての意識をそのままにしておくことはできない。意識は統 一する綜合がなければ何でもない。しか し、私という形式と、自我という視点がなければ、意識の統 一的綜合は存在しない。反対に、個体的でも 人称的でもないものは、無意識的な表層で形成され、意識の綜合の条件である、固定的で動かない配分と は区別される、ノマド的配分による自己統 一の内在的動因という原理を持つ限りにおいて、特異性の放出 で あ る 。 特 異 性 は 、 先 験 的 な 真 の で き ご と で あ る 。 そ れ は 、 フ ァ リ ン ゲ ッ テ ィ 〔ア メ リ カ の 詩 人 、 1919 ― 〕 が
《単数の第四人称》と呼ぶものである。特異性は、 けっして個体的もしくは人称的ではないが、個体や人 称の生成を支配する。特異性は、ひとつの 《潜在的なもの》のなかで配分されるが、この潜在的なものは、 それ自体では自我も私も包含せず、それ自体を現実化し、効果的にすることによ って、自我と私を生産す る。そしてこの現実化のかたちは、効果を持つものになった潜在的なものとまったく似ていない。特異点 についての理論だけが、特異点が意識のなかにある (形成される)ばあいの人称の綜合、個体の分析を超 える傾向がある。われわれは、心理学 ・宇宙論 ・神学のすべてを巻き込むような二者択 一を受け入れるこ とはできない。それは、個体・個人のなかにすでに捉えられている特異性か、未分化の深淵かという二者 択 一である。名前がなく、ノマド的で、非人称的で、前個体的な特異性に満ち満ちた世界が開かれるとき、 われわれはついに先験的なものの領域を踏むのである。先行するセリーの過程のなかに、こうした世界の 五つの主要な特徴が素描されている。
第 一に、できごととしての特異性は、ひとつのシステムとして組織される異質なセリーに対応している。 このシステムは、安定してもいず、不安定でもなく、《メタ安定》であ り、セリー間で差異が配分される
《単数の第四人称》と呼ぶものである。特異性は、 けっして個体的もしくは人称的ではないが、個体や人 称の生成を支配する。特異性は、ひとつの 《潜在的なもの》のなかで配分されるが、この潜在的なものは、 それ自体では自我も私も包含せず、それ自体を現実化し、効果的にすることによ って、自我と私を生産す る。そしてこの現実化のかたちは、効果を持つものになった潜在的なものとまったく似ていない。特異点 についての理論だけが、特異点が意識のなかにある (形成される)ばあいの人称の綜合、個体の分析を超 える傾向がある。われわれは、心理学 ・宇宙論 ・神学のすべてを巻き込むような二者択 一を受け入れるこ とはできない。それは、個体・個人のなかにすでに捉えられている特異性か、未分化の深淵かという二者 択 一である。名前がなく、ノマド的で、非人称的で、前個体的な特異性に満ち満ちた世界が開かれるとき、 われわれはついに先験的なものの領域を踏むのである。先行するセリーの過程のなかに、こうした世界の 五つの主要な特徴が素描されている。
第 一に、できごととしての特異性は、ひとつのシステムとして組織される異質なセリーに対応している。 このシステムは、安定してもいず、不安定でもなく、《メタ安定》であ り、セリー間で差異が配分される
Deleuze and Beckett - 154 ページ - このページを訳す
S.E. Wilmer, Audronė Žukauskaitė - 2015 - プレビュー - 他の版
The preceding chapters of Deleuze's book have presented what he calls a logic of sense that undoes the privileging of good or common sense ... radically distinct from fixed and sedentary distributions as conditions of the syntheses of consciousness' (Deleuze, 1990, p. ... into the realm of the subject, the Self or the I.
Deleuze turns to the US poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti for the term 'fourth person singular', ...
Philosophical Paths in the Public Sphere - 71 ページ - このページを訳す
Gaetano Chiurazzi, Davide Sisto, Søren Tinning - 2014 - プレビュー
“Structure is in fact a machine for the production of incorporeal sense” (Deleuze 1990: 71). ... Certain literary autobiographies serve as examples: “Singularities are the true transcendental events, and Ferlinghetti calls them 'the fourth person ...
Starting from San Francisco - 26 ページ - Google ブック検索結果 › books
Lawrence Ferlinghetti - 1967 - Poetry
Lawrence Ferlinghetti ... And he is the mad eye of the fourth person singular of which nobody speaks and he is the voice ...
To The Oracle At Delphi Poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Poem Hunter
To The Oracle At Delphi - Poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Great Oracle, why are you staring at me,
do I baffle you, do I make you despair?
I, Americus, the American,
wrought from the dark in my mother long ago,
from the dark of ancient Europa--
Why are you staring at me now
in the dusk of our civilization--
Why are you staring at me
as if I were America itself
the new Empire
vaster than any in ancient days
with its electronic highways
carrying its corporate monoculture
around the world
And English the Latin of our days--
Great Oracle, sleeping through the centuries,
Awaken now at last
And tell us how to save us from ourselves
and how to survive our own rulers
who would make a plutocracy of our democracy
in the Great Divide
between the rich and the poor
in whom Walt Whitman heard America singing
O long-silent Sybil,
you of the winged dreams,
Speak out from your temple of light
as the serious constellations
with Greek names
still stare down on us
as a lighthouse moves its megaphone
over the sea
Speak out and shine upon us
the sea-light of Greece
the diamond light of Greece
Far-seeing Sybil, forever hidden,
Come out of your cave at last
And speak to us in the poet's voice
the voice of the fourth person singular
the voice of the inscrutable future
the voice of the people mixed
with a wild soft laughter--
And give us new dreams to dream,
Give us new myths to live by!
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti : 30 / 32
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Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To the Oracle at Delphi (Lawrence Ferlinghetti) ·
Deleuze and Beckett - 154 ページ - このページを訳す
S.E. Wilmer, Audronė Žukauskaitė - 2015 - プレビュー - 他の版
The preceding chapters of Deleuze's book have presented what he calls a logic of sense that undoes the privileging of good or common sense ... radically distinct from fixed and sedentary distributions as conditions of the syntheses of consciousness' (Deleuze, 1990, p. ... into the realm of the subject, the Self or the I.
Deleuze turns to the US poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti for the term 'fourth person singular', ...
Philosophical Paths in the Public Sphere - 71 ページ - このページを訳す
Gaetano Chiurazzi, Davide Sisto, Søren Tinning - 2014 - プレビュー
“Structure is in fact a machine for the production of incorporeal sense” (Deleuze 1990: 71). ... Certain literary autobiographies serve as examples: “Singularities are the true transcendental events, and Ferlinghetti calls them 'the fourth person ...
Starting from San Francisco - 26 ページ - Google ブック検索結果 › books
Lawrence Ferlinghetti - 1967 - Poetry
Lawrence Ferlinghetti ... And he is the mad eye of the fourth person singular of which nobody speaks and he is the voice ...
To The Oracle At Delphi Poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Poem Hunter
To The Oracle At Delphi - Poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Great Oracle, why are you staring at me,
do I baffle you, do I make you despair?
I, Americus, the American,
wrought from the dark in my mother long ago,
from the dark of ancient Europa--
Why are you staring at me now
in the dusk of our civilization--
Why are you staring at me
as if I were America itself
the new Empire
vaster than any in ancient days
with its electronic highways
carrying its corporate monoculture
around the world
And English the Latin of our days--
Great Oracle, sleeping through the centuries,
Awaken now at last
And tell us how to save us from ourselves
and how to survive our own rulers
who would make a plutocracy of our democracy
in the Great Divide
between the rich and the poor
in whom Walt Whitman heard America singing
O long-silent Sybil,
you of the winged dreams,
Speak out from your temple of light
as the serious constellations
with Greek names
still stare down on us
as a lighthouse moves its megaphone
over the sea
Speak out and shine upon us
the sea-light of Greece
the diamond light of Greece
Far-seeing Sybil, forever hidden,
Come out of your cave at last
And speak to us in the poet's voice
the voice of the fourth person singular
the voice of the inscrutable future
the voice of the people mixed
with a wild soft laughter--
And give us new dreams to dream,
Give us new myths to live by!
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Poems by Lawrence Ferlinghetti : 30 / 32
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Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Eyes of the Fourth Person Singular - Edinburgh University Press Eyes of the Fourth Person Singular
Citation Information. Deleuze Studies . Volume 9, Issue 2, Page 185-207, ISSN 1750-2241 , Available Online May 2015 .
By tracing the genealogy of Lawrence Ferlinghetti's outlandish notion of the fourth person singular and its appropriation in The Logic of Sense, several keys concepts in Deleuze's thought such as the nonpersonal and pre-individual subjectivity can be rendered clearer to the understanding. While there is poetic licence in the use of the term by Ferlinghetti, the fourth person singular is heuristic for exploring the notion of free indirect speech and, more speculatively, the ideas of impersonal death and suicide. The fourth person singular is thus a trope that sheds light on the ideas of humour, irony, lightness and becoming ‘without a verb’ in Deleuze's thought. Under close scrutiny is what Ferlinghetti designates as the ‘cool’ eyes of the fourth person singular. We shall work to differentiate these from so-called mad, Dada-esque ‘unblinking’ eyes. We shall ask how the poet in ‘obscenely seeing’ the impossible possibility of life can envision – perspicaciously – the immanent sense of death-in-life. From what standpoint does the poet gain access to the real? To consider this fully it is necessary to follow the Deleuzian interpretation of singularities as true transcendental events so as to clarify what gives life a ‘non-personal power, above individuals’ (Deleuze and Parnet 2007: 6).
To the Oracle at Delphi (Lawrence Ferlinghetti) ·
To the Oracle at Delphi
Great Oracle, why are you staring at me,
do I baffle you, do I make you despair?
I, Americus, the American,
wrought from the dark in my mother long ago,
from the dark of ancient Europe –
Why are you staring at me now
in the dusk of our civilization –
Why are you staring at me
as if I were America itself
the new Empire
vaster than any in ancient days
with its electronic highways
carrying its corporate monoculture
around the world
And English the Latin of our days –
do I baffle you, do I make you despair?
I, Americus, the American,
wrought from the dark in my mother long ago,
from the dark of ancient Europe –
Why are you staring at me now
in the dusk of our civilization –
Why are you staring at me
as if I were America itself
the new Empire
vaster than any in ancient days
with its electronic highways
carrying its corporate monoculture
around the world
And English the Latin of our days –
Great Oracle, sleeping through the centuries,
Awaken now at last
And tell us how to save us from ourselves
and how to survive our own rulers
who would make a plutocracy of our democracy
in the Great Divide
between the rich and the poor
in whom Walt Whitman heard America singing
Awaken now at last
And tell us how to save us from ourselves
and how to survive our own rulers
who would make a plutocracy of our democracy
in the Great Divide
between the rich and the poor
in whom Walt Whitman heard America singing
O long-silent Sybil,
you of the winged dreams,
Speak out from your temple of light
as the serious constellations
with Greek names
still stare down on us
as a lighthouse moves its megaphone
over the sea
Speak out and shine upon us
the sea light of Greece
the diamond light of Greece
you of the winged dreams,
Speak out from your temple of light
as the serious constellations
with Greek names
still stare down on us
as a lighthouse moves its megaphone
over the sea
Speak out and shine upon us
the sea light of Greece
the diamond light of Greece
Far-seeing Sybil, forever hidden,
Come out of your cave at last
And speak to us in the poet's voice
the voice of the fourth person singular
the voice of the inscrutable future
the voice of the people mixed
with a wild soft laughter –
And give us new dreams to dream,
Give us new myths to live by!
Come out of your cave at last
And speak to us in the poet's voice
the voice of the fourth person singular
the voice of the inscrutable future
the voice of the people mixed
with a wild soft laughter –
And give us new dreams to dream,
Give us new myths to live by!
This is the poem written to speak to the Oracle at Delphi for UNESCO's
World Poetry Day, March 21st, 2001.
World Poetry Day, March 21st, 2001.
Van Morrison - In Tiburon - with Lyrics
2021/02/24 9:44
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