水曜日, 2月 17, 2016

トゥモロー・ネバー・ノウズ - Wikipedia

NAMs出版プロジェクト: トゥモロー・ネバー・ノウズ - Wikipedia
NAMs出版プロジェクト: チベット死者の書


歌:THE BEATLES作詞:Lennon/McCartney作曲:Lennon/McCartney
Turn off your mind, relax and float down-stream
It is not dying, it is not dying

Lay down all thought, surrender to the void
It is shining, it is shining

That you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being

That love is all and love is everyone
It is knowing, it is knowing

When ignorance and hate may mourn the dead
It is believing, it is believing

But listen to the colour of your dreams
It is not living, it is not living

Or play the game existence to the end
Of the beginning, of the beginning

Of the beginning, of the beginning.....

– ビートルズ

チベットの死者の書―サイケデリック・バージョン | ティモシー リアリー, リチャード アルパート, ラルフ メツナー, Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, Ralph Metzner, 菅 靖彦 | 本 |Amazon.co.jp
原書p.5に《turn off your mind, relax, float downstream. 》という曲の冒頭と同じフレーズ(ティモシーの解説)がある。邦訳17頁。「疑惑が頭をもたげたら、心のスイッチを切り、ゆったりとくつろぎ、下降する流れに身をまかせよ。」(菅靖彦訳,17頁)

The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead』

Trust your divinity, trust your brain, trust your companions.  

Whenever in doubt, turn off your mind, relax, float downstream. 

 After reading this guide, the prepared person should be able, at the very beginning of his experience, to move directly to a state of non-game ecstasy and deep revelation. But if you are not well prepared, or if there is game distraction around you, you will find yourself dropping back. If this happens, then the instructions in Part IV should help you regain and maintain liberation.  

THE WRATHFUL VISIONS (Second Bardo Nightmares) Seven Second Bardo visions have been described. At each one of them, the voyager could recognize what he saw and be liberated. Multitudes will be liberated by that recognition; and although multitudes obtain liberation in that manner, the number of sentient beings being great, evil karma powerful, obscurations dense, propensities of too long standing, the Wheel of Ignorance and Illusion becomes neither exhausted nor accelerated. Despite the confrontations, there is a vast preponderance of those who wander downwards unliberated.  

 The teaching concerning the hell-visions is the same as before; recognize them to be your own thoughtforms, relax, float downstream.  The ==|==>> INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE WRATHFUL VISIONS may be read. If, after this, recognition is still impossible and liberation is not obtained, then the voyager will descend into the Third Bardo, the Period of Re-Entry.  

A Seventh aspect is a kind of grey twilight-like light suffusing everything, which is in marked contrast to the brilliantly radiating lights and colors of the earlier stages of the voyage. Objects, instead of shining, glowing and vibrating, are now dully colored, shabby and angular.  
The passages ==|==>> THIRD BARDO:  PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS contain general instructions for the Third Bardo state and its recognizable features. Any or all of the passages may be read when the guide senses that the voyager is beginning to return to the ego.  
II.  Re-entry Visions 
In the preceding section the symptoms of re-entry were described, the signs that the voyager is tryihng to regain his ego. In this section are described visions of the types of re-entry one can make.  The Tibetan manual conceives of the voyager as returning eventually to one of six worlds of game existence (sangsara). That is, the re-entry to the ego can take place on one of six levels, or as one of six personality types. 

O (name), Try to reach and keep the experience of the Clear Light.  Remember: The light is the life energy. The endless flame of life. An ever-changing surging turmoil of color may engulf your vision. This is the ceaseless transformation of energy. The life process. Do not fear it. Surrender to it. Join it. It is part of you. You are part of it.  Remember also: Beyond the restless flowing electricity of life is the ultimate reality -The Void. Your own awareness, not formed into anything possessing form or color, is naturally void. The Final Reality. The All Good. The All Peaceful. The Light. The Radiance. The movement is the fire of life from which we all come. Join it. It is part of you. Beyond the light of life is the peaceful silence of the void. The quiet bliss beyond all transformations. The Buddha smile.  The Void is not nothingness. The Void is beginning and end itself.  Unobstructed; shining, thrilling, blissful. Diamond consciousness. The All-Good Buddha. Your own consciousness, not formed into anything, No thought, no vision, no color, is void. The intellect shining and blissful and silent -This is the state of perfect enlightenment. Your own consciousness, shining, void and inseparable from the great body of radiance, has no birth, nor death. It is the immutable light which the Tibetans call Buddha Amitabha, The awareness of the formless beginning. Knowing this is enough. Recognize the voidness of your own consciousness to be Buddhahood. Keep this recognition and you will maintain the state of the divine mind of the Buddha.  

O (name of voyager) The time has come for you to seek new levels of reality. Your ego and the (name) game are about to cease. Your are about to be set face to face with the Clear Light Your are about to experience it in its reality. In the ego-free state, wherein all things are like the void and cloudless sky, And the naked spotless intellect is like a transparent vacuum; At this moment, know yourself and abide in that state.  
O (name of voyager), That which is called ego-death is coming to you.  Remember: This is now the hour of death and rebirth; Take advantage of this temporary death to obtain the perfect state -Enlightenment.  Concentrate on the unity of all living beings. Hold onto the Clear Light. Use it to attain understanding and love.  

 (Eyes closed, external stimuli ignored, emotional aspects) 
O nobly born, listen carefully: You are flowing outward into the fluid unity of life. The ecstasy of organic fire glows in every cell. The hard, dry, brittle husks of your ego are washing out, Washing out to the endless sea of creation. Flow with it. Feel the pulse of the sun’s heart. Let the red Buddha Amitabha sweep you along. Do not fear the ecstasy. Do not resist the flow. Remember, all the exultant power comes from within
Release your attachment. Recognize the wisdom of your own blood. Trust the tide-force pulling you into unity with all living forms. Let your heart burst in love for all life. Let your warm blood gush out into the ocean of all life. Do not be attached to the ecstatic power; It comes from you. Let it flow. Do not try to hold on to your old bodily fears. Let your body merge with the warm flux. Let your roots sink into the warm life body. Merge into the Heart-Glow of the Buddha Amitabha. Float in the Rainbow Sea. Attain Buddhahood in the Realm named Exultant Love.  

(Eyes open, rapt involvement with the external  visual stimuli, intellectual aspects) 
O nobly born, listen carefully: At this point you can become aware of the wave structure of the world around you. Everything you see dissolves into energy vibrations. Look closely and you will tune in on the electric dance of energy. There are no longer things and persons but only the direct flow of particles. 
Consciousness will now leave your body and flow into the stream of wave rhythm. There is no need for talk or action. Let your brain become a receiving set for the radiance. All interpretations are the products of your own mind.  Dispel them. Have no fear. Exult in the natural power of your own brain, The wisdom of your own electricity. Abide in the state of quietude. As the three-dimensional world fragments, you may feel panic; You may beget a fondness for the heavy dull world of objects you are leaving. At this time, fear not the transparent, radiant, dazzling wave energy. Allow your intellect to rest. Fear not the hook-rays of the light of life, The basic structure of matter, The basic form of wave communication. Watch quietly and receive the message. You will now experience directly the revelation of primal forms.  


O (name), you may now experience momentary joy, Followed by momentary sorrow, Of great intensity, Like the stretching and relaxing of a catapult. You will go through sharp mood swings, All determined by karma. Be not in the least attached to the joys nor displeased by the sorrows. The actions of your friends or companions may evoke anger or shame in you. If you get angry or depressed, You will immediately have an experience of hell. No matter what people are doing, Make sure that no angry thought can arise. Meditate upon love for them. Even at this late stage of the session You are only one second away from a lifechanging joyous discovery. Remember that each of your companions is Buddha within. You mind in its present state having no focus or integrating force, Being light and continuously moving, Whatever thought occurs to you, Positive or negative, Will wield great power.  You are extremely suggestible Therefore think not of selfish things.  Recall your preparation for the session. Show pure affection and humble faith. Through hearing these words, Recollection will come.  Recollection will be followed by recognition and liberation. 

O (name), if you are experiencing a vision of judgment and guilt, Listen carefully: That you are suffering like this Is the result of your own mental set. Your karma. No one is doing anything to you.  There is nothing to do. Your own mind is creating the problem. 
 Accordingly float into meditation. Remember your former beliefs.  Remember the teachings of this manual. Remember the friendly presence of you companions. If you do not know how to meditate Concentrate on any single object or sensation. Hold this (hand the wanderer an object), Concentrate on the reality of this, Recognize the illusory nature of existence and phenomena. This moment is of great importance.  If you are distracted now it will take you a long time to get out of the quagmire of misery. Up till now the Bardo experiences have come to you and you have not recognized them. You have been distracted. On this account you have experienced fear and terror. Even though unsuccessful thus far You may recognize and obtain liberation here.  Your session can still become ecstatic and revelatory. If you do not know how to meditate, remember (person’s ideal). Remember your companions Remember this manual. Think of all these fears and terrifying apparitions as being your own ideal, Or as the compassionate one. They are divine tests. Remember your guide. Repeat the names over and over. Even though you fall, You will not be hurt.  

チベットの死者の書―サイケデリック・バージョン | ティモシー リアリー, リチャード アルパート, ラルフ メツナー, Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, Ralph Metzner, 菅 靖彦 | 本 |Amazon.co.jp

チベットの死者の書―サイケデリック・バージョン 単行本 – 1994/4

トゥモロー・ネバー・ノウズ - Wikipedia
リボルバー 収録曲
  1. タックスマン
  2. エリナー・リグビー
  3. アイム・オンリー・スリーピング
  4. ラヴ・ユー・トゥ
  5. ヒア・ゼア・アンド・エヴリホエア
  6. イエロー・サブマリン
  7. シー・セッド・シー・セッド
  1. グッド・デイ・サンシャイン
  2. アンド・ユア・バード・キャン・シング
  3. フォー・ノー・ワン
  4. ドクター・ロバート
  5. アイ・ウォント・トゥ・テル・ユー
  6. ゴット・トゥ・ゲット・ユー・イントゥ・マイ・ライフ
  7. トゥモロー・ネヴァー・ノウズ
トゥモロー・ネヴァー・ノウズ」 (Tomorrow Never Knows) はビートルズの楽曲である。


タイトルは、「ア・ハード・デイズ・ナイト」と同様に、リンゴ・スターが何気なく呟いた一言から取られた[1]。なお、当初のタイトルは"Mark I"(マルコによる福音書1)であった。
この曲は、「ダライ・ラマが山の頂上から説法しているような感じで」とジョンが指示したため、「レイン」で始めた逆回転録音をさらに進化させたような作品で、故にサイケデリックな作風に仕上がっている。逆回転による鳥の鳴き声のような音が特徴的(実際にはギターを早回しにした音)。また、この曲はモーリス・ラヴェルの「ボレロ」同様に、一つのコード(C major)で貫かれている(ただし、途中はB♭が混ざって1小節分数コードになる)。
歌詞は、ティモシー・リアリーチベットの『死者の書』を基にして書いた『The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead』(現在では『チベットの死者の書―サイケデリック・バージョン』(八幡書店)として入手可能)に触発されたもの。


  1. a b c ジョージ・マーティン『メイキング・オブ・サージェント・ペパー』 水木まり訳、キネマ旬報社、1996年、121-126ページ
  2. ^ 『ジョンレノンPLAYBOYインタビュー』株式会社集英社 1981年3月10日発行第1刷発行
