金曜日, 5月 24, 2019

C.A.E.グッドハート Charles Albert Eric Goodhart 1936~

C.A.E.グッドハート Charles Albert Eric Goodhart 1936~

グッドハートGoodhart, C.A.E. Money, Information and Uncertainty, 1975 Goodhart & A. C. Hotson

Can policymakers have sufficient insight about the future?

i'd say you can't.
that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future.
and the future is unpredictable.
and we just don't know.
and this is keynesian uncertainty.
and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians,
and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that.
the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment.
well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that.
you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith.
um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists in the modern world,
which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting.
and that's what we actually cannot do.
we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable.
and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do.
um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing.
i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree.
because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy.
if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change.
i normally there's a great deal of momentum.
but by the time you're coming two years down the road.
um you really don't know very much.
um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.



Charles Goodhart: The State of the Global Economy - A Central Banker's P...

Charles Goodhart interview - Zero Lower Bound Conference | Vox Views 2015

Prof. Charles Goodhart on Economic Policy 2018

Knap クナップ 1842~1926

Goodhart, C.A.E., 1989. Money, information and uncertainty, 2nd edn. Macmillan, London.

   1900年 世界恐慌            2000年 世界金融危機
 人類学 ┏イネス  ポランニー                    グレーバー
     ┃グリアソン                       インガム
 社会学 ┃ジンメル                        
     ┃ ウェーバー
リスト  ⬇︎ ⬆︎
 ドイツ ┃ ┃

⬇︎    ┗━━┓
┃       ┃           ⬇︎     ゴドリー [☆=MMT
┃ケインズ   ┗━━━➡︎ケインズ ➡︎ ミンスキー  ➡︎  レイ☆、ケルトン
┃ポスト・ケインズ派┏━━┛┗➡︎ラーナー ⬆︎        ミッチェル☆、キーン
┃         ⬆︎          ┃ カルドア ムーア
マルクス     ┃  カレツキ━━━━┛       ラヴォア
┃         ┃          (ケインズ➡︎┓)
┗旧制度学派  コモンズ (ジョン・ガルブレイス)➡︎ ジェームス・ガルブレイス☆
         ⬆︎ エクルズ               
 実務家     ホートリー                モズラー
MMT is a relatively new approach that builds on the insights of John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, A. Mitchell Innes, Georg F. Knapp, Abba Lerner, Hyman Minsky, Wynne Godley, and many others. It “stands on the shoulders of giants”, so to speak. (Wray2012)


しかし 、不確実性を排除するということは 、貨幣の存在意義を排除することである 。ワルラスが一般均衡理論において不確実性を消去した時 、そこから貨幣も蒸発した 。主流派経済学の経済モデルが大前提とする 「一般均衡理論 」が想定するのは 、貨幣が存在し得ない世界なのである 。実際 、ワルラス系の一般均衡理論に関する中心的な理論家の一人であるフランク ・ H ・ハ ーンですら 、そのことを認めている ★ 4 2 。チャ ールズ ・ A ・ E ・グッドハ ートとディミトリオス ・ P ・トゥソモコスも 、日本銀行金融研究所が主催した二 ○一一年の国際コンファレンスにおける講演で 、次のように述べている 。

ワルラス系のモデル (アロ ー 、デブリュ ー 、ハ ーン )では 、金融市場の完全性と完備性が仮定されているため 、貨幣に道理に適った役割がないということは 、理論家の間では古くから知られている 。誰もが無リスクである世界においては 、誰の借用書であっても 、財やサ ーヴィスの完全な対価として即座に受け入れられる 。会計システム (完全な市場で時価評価する [ m a r k i n g t o a p e r f e c t m a r k e t ]神聖なる会計士 )のほか 、おそらく基準財は必要となろうが 、貨幣と呼ばれる特別な資産クラスは必要ではない 。誰であっても自身の借用書で必ず支払うことができる世界において 、なぜ貨幣が必要となろうか 。金融市場が完全であるシステムにおいて 、効用関数に貨幣を含めようとするのは 、単に論理の誤謬にすぎない 。貨幣 、流動性 、銀行 、多様な資金調達手段という 「人のなせる技 ( h u m a n   i n s t r u m e n t s ) 」に実態と意味を与えるのは 、デフォルトの概念 、すなわち全ての負債が完全に返済されるわけではないという事実である ★ 4 3 。

アメリカの金融機関リ ーマン ・ブラザ ーズの経営破綻により世界金融危機が勃発した二 ○ ○八年の一一月 、イギリス女王エリザベス二世が 、権威ある経済学者たちに対して 、 「なぜ誰も危機が来ることをわからなかったのでしょうか 」と問い質したという話は 、あまりにも有名である 。だが 、主流派の経済学者たちが危機を予見できなかったというのは 、実は 、不思議なことではない 。なぜなら 、彼らの経済モデルが前提とする一般均衡理論には 、そもそもデフォルトの可能性が組み込まれていないのである 。その経済モデルが想定する世界では 、金融機関も適切な役割を与えられてはいない 。それどころか 、そこでは貨幣ですら必要とされないのである 。物々交換的な世界を想定した経済

★ 4 2 F r a n k H . H a h n , ' O n M o n e t a r y T h e o r y , ' E c o n o m i c J o u r n a l , 9 8 ( 4 ) , D e c e m b e r , p p . 9 5 7 9 7 3 . 
★ 4 3チャ ールズ ・ A ・ E ・グッドハ ート 、ディミトリオス ・ P ・トゥソモコス 「マクロ経済学におけるデフォルトの役割 」 『金融研究 』 2 0 1 1年 1 0月 、日本銀行金融研究所 。
 ★ 4 4マ ーティン ( 2 0 1 4 : p . 3 2 1 )

Charles Albert Eric GoodhartCBE, FBA (born 23 October 1936) is a British economist. He was a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee from June 1997 to May 2000 and a professor at the London School of Economics (1985–2002, Emeritus Professor since 2002). He is the developer of Goodhart's law, an economic law named after him. He is the son of Arthur Lehman Goodhart,[1][2][3][4] and the brother of William Goodhart and Sir Philip Goodhart.[5]
  • Goodhart, Charles. The Evolution of Central Banks. 1988
  • Ferran, Eilís; Goodhart, Charles A. E., eds. (2001). Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century. Oxford: Hart Publishing. ISBN 978-1841132792.
  • Goodhart, Charles, (2001) “What Weight Should Be Given to Asset Prices in the Measurement of Inflation?” Economic Journal 111 (June): F335–56.
  • Goodhart, Charles (2010) “Is a less pro-cyclical financial system an achievable goal?” National Institute Economic Review 211, pp. 81–90
  • Goodhart, Charles (2010) "The Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis"


以下は,Noahpinion “Two versions of Goodhart’s Law” (Wednesday, April 10, 2013)の翻訳です.
「経済動向(economic trends)」という言葉を「政府の行動を除く経済的な要因」と定義するなら,これは,明らかに正しいと思う.実際,これが成り立つためには,フォワードルッキングな期待なんて全く必要ない.ただ有効な政策さえあればいい.言い換えると,この法則はルーカス批判で説明できるだけでなく,「ミルトン・フリードマンのサーモスタット」でもたやすく説明できる.
こっちの正しい形式のGoodhartの法則を適用できる例が,Fedの政策決定の目安として金融市場の観測結果を使おうという提案だ.ミシガンでの(それと,よそでの)昨年の講演で,Narana Kocherlakotaは,Fed自身の組織内でのインフレ予測を使う代わりに,Fedは市場でのインフレ予測にしたがって政策を決めるべきだと提案した.くわしく言えば, KocherlakotaはTIPSなどのインフレ連動金融資産を用いて,リスク中立な将来のインフレ率の確率を計算し,それにしたがってFedの政策を決めるべきだと提案した.彼がその理由としてあげたのは,Fed自身の予測と異なり,リスク中立な確率は,さまざまな状況において人々が価格の安定性にどのくらいの価値を置くかを考慮に入れているから,というものだった.
ここで Goodhartの法則と結びつく.Fedがインフレ連動資産の価格を目標にすると,その価格は,(資産市場なんかに聞かなくてもFedの方がよく知っている)Fedの政策決定に対する予測でほとんど決まってしまうだろう.インフレ率や,価格安定に対する人々の効用(すなわち,Fedが資産価格を使って本当に知りたかったこと)に影響する,Fed以外の経済的な要素はほとんど関係なくなってしまうだろう.

錬金術の終わり 貨幣、銀行、世界経済の未来 (日本経済新聞出版) eBook: マーヴィン・キング, 遠藤真美: 本

5.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase
Reviewed in Japan on July 12, 2017







Blogger yoji said...


as a sort of monetary economist i've done i've been doing a lot on regulation supervision and one of the things that uh in a sense most upsets me about a lot of current economic theorizing and analysis is that it assumes that the legal and institutional structure is given and static so that the only thing that happens is you get various shocks to the economy and it all remains the same.
and and particularly if you look at what has been happening since the great financial crisis in 2008.
that's not the way it works and the way it works is you get in shock that has certain effects obviously some of which in many cases are adverse and one of the results of that is you get a change in the institutional structure for example in the financial regulatory system that in turn feeds back into the way that agents behave um so you get sort of a development which again at various times you will get a new shock coming so you'll get a can a sort of continuous sort of evolutionary and what we don't have at the moment uh in economics is an evolutionary equilibrium in which the the institutional uh and regulatory structure is changing along with the with the with with the economy and with the severity of economic shocks if you take a particular point of time and you assume that everything in the way of the underlying structure of the economy is going to be constant then it is almost always possible to define or set out a set of rules which will be optimal uh partly because of the timing consistency problem uh that within a a given structure they will do better than than discretion but if you assume that the underlying structure is going to change and change in ways that you simply don't can't appreciate then almost any rule that you initially set out will turn out to be mistaken fallible far less and optimal because you don't know what's going to happen you don't know how the structure is going to change you don't know how agents are going to behave the world changes and if the world changes you need a sufficient flexibility to to change
the way that you operate that I'd say.

それは、そうではありません。そのように機能する方法は、明らかに一定の効果を持つショックを受けることです。その結果、例えば、金融規制システムの制度構造に変化が生じ、その変化が、エージェントの行動様式にフィードバックされ、 また、様々なタイミングで、新しいショックが来るので、連続的な進化的なある種の均衡が得られるのですが、今のところ、経済学にはないものがあります。ある特定の時点で、経済の基礎となる構造のすべてが一定であると仮定すると、最適なルールを定義したり、設定したりすることは、ほぼ常に可能です。あなたが基礎となる構造が変化していくと仮定した場合、あなたが最初に設定したほとんどのルールは間違いを犯してしまうことになります。

6:27 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

if you take a particular point of time and you assume that everything in the way of the underlying structure of the economy is going to be constant then it is almost always possible to define or set out a set of rules which will be optimal uh partly because of the timing consistency problem that within a a given structure they will do better than than discretion but if you assume that the underlying structure is going to change and change in ways that you simply don't can't appreciate then almost any rule that you initially set out uh will turn out to be mistaken valuable uh far less and optimal um because you don't know what's going to happen you don't know how the structure is going to change you don't know how agents are going to behave the world changes and if the world changes uh you need a sufficient flexibility to to change the way that you operate within that i'd say you can't that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future and the future is unpredictable and we just don't know and this is keynesian uncertainty and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists in the modern world which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting and that's what we actually cannot do we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change i normally there's a great deal of momentum but by the time you're coming two years down the road um you you really don't know very much um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.


未来は予測不可能で、私たちには分からないのですが、これがケインズ的不確実性です。 ケインズ派と自分たちをネオクラシカル・ネオクラシカル・ネオと表現する人たち kansansは、後者のグループは、あなたがいくつかの合理的に正確な判断に来ることができるように確率分布について十分に知っていると信じているようだということは何であれ、ケインジアンは、ポストの存在があると主張しています。
非常に大きな勢いがありますが 2年先までには... ...本当によく分かっていないのです。
ここで私が強くお勧めするのは... ...マービン・キングの最近の本で 確率分布に具現化されたリスクよりも 不確実性に重点を置いたものです。

6:28 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

Amazon.co.jp: 錬金術の終わり 貨幣、銀行、世界経済の未来 (日本経済新聞出版) eBook: マーヴィン・キング, 遠藤真美: 本
錬金術の終わり 貨幣、銀行、世界経済の未来 (日本経済新聞出版) eBook: マーヴィン・キング, 遠藤真美: 本

5.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase
Reviewed in Japan on July 12, 2017






6:29 午後  
Blogger yoji said...


as a sort of monetary economist i've done i've been doing a lot on regulation supervision and one of the things that uh in a sense most upsets me about a lot of current economic theorizing and analysis is that it assumes that the legal and institutional structure is given and static so that the only thing that happens is you get various shocks to the economy and it all remains the same.
and and particularly if you look at what has been happening since the great financial crisis in 2008.
that's not the way it works and the way it works is you get in shock that has certain effects obviously some of which in many cases are adverse and one of the results of that is you get a change in the institutional structure for example in the financial regulatory system that in turn feeds back into the way that agents behave um so you get sort of a development which again at various times you will get a new shock coming so you'll get a can a sort of continuous sort of evolutionary and what we don't have at the moment uh in economics is an evolutionary equilibrium in which the the institutional uh and regulatory structure is changing along with the with the with with the economy and with the severity of economic shocks if you take a particular point of time and you assume that everything in the way of the underlying structure of the economy is going to be constant then it is almost always possible to define or set out a set of rules which will be optimal uh partly because of the timing consistency problem uh that within a a given structure they will do better than than discretion but if you assume that the underlying structure is going to change and change in ways that you simply don't can't appreciate then almost any rule that you initially set out will turn out to be mistaken fallible far less and optimal because you don't know what's going to happen you don't know how the structure is going to change you don't know how agents are going to behave the world changes and if the world changes you need a sufficient flexibility to to change
the way that you operate within that.

それは、そうではありません。そのように機能する方法は、明らかに一定の効果を持つショックを受けることです。その結果、例えば、金融規制システムの制度構造に変化が生じ、その変化が、エージェントの行動様式にフィードバックされ、 また、様々なタイミングで、新しいショックが来るので、連続的な進化的なある種の均衡が得られるのですが、今のところ、経済学にはないものがあります。ある特定の時点で、経済の基礎となる構造のすべてが一定であると仮定すると、最適なルールを定義したり、設定したりすることは、ほぼ常に可能です。あなたが基礎となる構造が変化していくと仮定した場合、あなたが最初に設定したほとんどのルールは間違いを犯してしまうことになります。

6:31 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

the world changes and if the world changes you need a sufficient flexibility to to change
the way that you operate within that.


6:33 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.

ここで私が強くお勧めするのは... ...マービン・キングの最近の本で 確率分布に具現化されたリスクよりも 不確実性に重点を置いたものです。

6:34 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

錬金術の終わり 貨幣、銀行、世界経済の未来 (日本経済新聞出版) eBook: マーヴィン・キング, 遠藤真美: 本
錬金術の終わり 貨幣、銀行、世界経済の未来 (日本経済新聞出版) eBook: マーヴィン・キング, 遠藤真美: 本








6:36 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

目 次 謝 辞 はじめに 第1章 良い帰結、悪い帰結、危険な帰結 経済成長の源泉 経済の実験 先の危機のストーリー 三つの疑問 世界経済の不均衡 第2章 善と悪――われわれは貨幣を信じる 良いときと悪いときにおける受容性 貨幣の価値の安定性 金vs紙 経済学者と貨幣 信頼の重要性 貨幣と根源的な不確実性 第3章 失われた健全さ――錬金術と銀行業 バジョット以降の銀行の変化 銀行とは何か 銀行システムと相互連関性に潜むリスク 銀行セクターの規模 第4章 根源的な不確実性――金融市場が存在する意味 確実性という幻想 二つのタイプの不確実性 不確実性下で合理的に行動する対処戦略 金融市場とデリバティブ 孤島にある金融市場の寓話 流動性という幻想 第5章 英雄と悪漢――中央銀行の役割 物価の安定――対処戦略としてのインフレ目標 古い問題と新しい手段 期待と対話 新しい問題と古い手段 「悪い」ときの金融政策――緊急貨幣 中央銀行の未来 第6章 結婚と離婚――貨幣と国家 欧州通貨同盟 湾岸戦争間のイラク スコットランドの独立 第7章 健全さを取り戻す――貨幣と銀行の改革 公的部門の改革 より抜本的な改革 新しいアプローチ――どんなときも頼りになる質店 貨幣の未来 第8章 修復と傲慢――世界経済の現在地点 ケインズ経済学と新古典派経済学 もう一つのストーリー――ファジィな予算制約、ナラティブ、不均衡 2008年の危機の原因と帰結 もう一つの危機前の歴史 第9章 大胆な悲観主義――囚人のジレンマと迫りくる危機 迫りくる危機――国家債務の免除は必要だが、それで十分ではない 囚人のジレンマを回避する――国際レベルの改革を推し進める 大胆な悲観主義 原 注 参考文献 索 引 思想と行動のはてしなき反復、 はてしなき発明、はてしなき実験、 動きの知識はもたらすが、静止の知識はもたらさない、 喋る知識はもたらすが、沈黙の知識はもたらさない、 われらが知識のうちに失ってしまった智慧はどこか? われらが見聞のうちに失ってしまった知識はどこか? T・S・エリオット『岩』1934年(田村隆一訳「『岩』からのコーラス」 『エリオット選集第4巻』彌生書房、228~229ページより) 謝 辞  最初に、私がイングランド銀行で22年にわたってともに働いたチームに最大の感謝を捧げる。1991年にチーフエコノミストとして着任したとき、私は自分がどれほど恵まれているか、すぐにわかった。私の周りでは、抜群に優秀な若いエコノミストたちが一丸となって仕事に取り組んでいた。イングランド銀行はずっと、能力はもちろん、人間性にも秀でている人材を採用してきてい

6:41 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

4.0 out of 5 starsVerified Purchase
Reviewed in Japan on March 25, 2018









7:17 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

as a sort of monetary economist i've done i've been doing a lot on regulation supervision and one of the things that uh in a sense most upsets me about a lot of current economic theorizing and analysis is that it assumes that the legal and institutional structure is given and static so that the only thing that happens is you get various shocks to the economy and it all remains the same.
and and particularly if you look at what has been happening since the great financial crisis in 2008.
that's not the way it works and the way it works is you get in shock that has certain effects obviously some of which in many cases are adverse and one of the results of that is you get a change in the institutional structure for example in the financial regulatory system that in turn feeds back into the way that agents behave um so you get sort of a development which again at various times you will get a new shock coming so you'll get a can a sort of continuous sort of evolutionary and what we don't have at the moment uh in economics is an evolutionary equilibrium in which the the institutional uh and regulatory structure is changing along with the with the with with the economy and with the severity of economic shocks.

if you take a particular point of time and you assume that everything in the way of the underlying structure of the economy is going to be constant then it is almost always possible to define or set out a set of rules which will be optimal uh partly because of the timing consistency problem uh that within a a given structure they will do better than than discretion but if you assume that the underlying structure is going to change and change in ways that you simply don't can't appreciate then almost any rule that you initially set out will turn out to be mistaken fallible far less and optimal because you don't know what's going to happen you don't know how the structure is going to change you don't know how agents are going to behave.
the world changes and if the world changes you need a sufficient flexibility to to change the way that you operate within that.

それは、そうではありません。そのように機能する方法は、明らかに一定の効果を持つショックを受けることです。その結果、例えば、金融規制システムの制度構造に変化が生じ、その変化が、エージェントの行動様式にフィードバックされ、 また、様々な時期に新しいショックが来るので、ある種の連続的な進化的な均衡を得ることができますが、現在、経済学にはないのは、制度や規制構造が経済や経済ショックの深刻さに応じて変化する進化的な均衡です。


7:33 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

i'd say you can't that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future and the future is unpredictable and we just don't know and this is keynesian uncertainty and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists in the modern world which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting and that's what we actually cannot do we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change i normally there's a great deal of momentum but by the time you're coming two years down the road um you you really don't know very much um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.

8:27 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

誰もが、未来について、その程度の洞察力を持っていないのです。未来は予測不可能で、私たちは知らないだけで、これがケインズの不確実性であり、もう一度言いますが、自分たちをポストケインズ派と表現する人と、自分たちをネオクラシカルなネオ関西人と表現する人との間の重要な問題の一つは、後者のグループは、確率分布について十分に知っていて、ある程度正確な判断ができると信じているようです。 ケインズ主義者は、あまりにも多くの不確実性があるので、実際にはそれができないと主張しています ほとんどのことは、ほとんどの意思決定には飛躍的な信頼を伴うものですが、それは我々が予測できないからです。予測をしようとするのではなく、どのようなリスクがあるのか、どのような潜在的な危険性があるのかを表現するのであれば、私たちには実際にはできないのですが、6ヶ月先の予測はある程度可能だと思います。

8:29 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

誰もが、未来について、その程度の洞察力を持っていないのです。未来は予測不可能で、私たちは知らないだけで、これがケインズの不確実性であり、もう一度言いますが、自分たちをポストケインズ派と表現する人と、自分たちをネオクラシカルなネオ関西人と表現する人との間の重要な問題の一つは、後者のグループは、確率分布について十分に知っていて、ある程度正確な判断ができると信じているようです。 ケインズ主義者は、あまりにも多くの不確実性があるので、実際にはそれができないと主張しています ほとんどのことは、ほとんどの意思決定には飛躍的な信頼を伴うものですが、それは我々が予測できないからです。予測をしようとするのではなく、どのようなリスクがあるのか、どのような潜在的な危険性があるのかを表現するのであれば、私たちには実際にはできないのですが、6ヶ月先の予測はある程度可能だと思います。

8:31 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

i'd say you can't that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future and the future is unpredictable and we just don't know and this is keynesian uncertainty and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists in the modern world which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting and that's what we actually cannot do we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change i normally there's a great deal of momentum but by the time you're coming two years down the road um you you really don't know very much.
um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.

8:32 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

i'd say you can't that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future and the future is unpredictable and we just don't know and this is keynesian uncertainty and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists in the modern world which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting and that's what we actually cannot do we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change.
i normally there's a great deal of momentum but by the time you're coming two years down the road um you you really don't know very much.
um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.

誰もが、未来について、その程度の洞察力を持っていないのです。未来は予測不可能で、私たちは知らないだけで、これがケインズの不確実性であり、もう一度言いますが、自分たちをポストケインズ派と表現する人と、自分たちをネオクラシカルなネオ関西人と表現する人との間で、重要な問題の一つは、後者のグループは、確率分布について十分に知っていて、ある程度正確な判断ができると信じているようです。 ケインズ主義者は、あまりにも不確実性が高いので、実際にはそれができないと主張しています。ほとんどの決定には信念の飛躍が必要ですが、それは我々が予測できないからです。予測をしようとするよりも、リスクと潜在的な危険性を表現した方がずっと良いと思うのですが、私たちにはそれができません。

8:33 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

i'd say you can't.
that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future and the future is unpredictable and we just don't know and this is keynesian uncertainty and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists in the modern world which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting and that's what we actually cannot do we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change.
i normally there's a great deal of momentum but by the time you're coming two years down the road um you you really don't know very much.
um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.

8:35 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

誰も将来について、その程度の洞察力を持っておらず、将来は予測不可能で、我々には分からない、これがケインズの不確実性であり、もう一度言いますが、自分たちをポストケインズ派と表現する人と、自分たちをネオクラシカルなネオケインジアンと表現する人との間の重要な問題の一つは、後者のグループは、確率分布について十分に知っているから、ある程度正確な判断ができると信じているようです。 ケインズ主義者は、あまりにも不確実性が高いので、実際にはそれができないと主張しています。ほとんどの決定には信念の飛躍が必要ですが、それは我々が予測できないからです。予測をしようとするよりも、リスクと潜在的な危険性を表現した方がずっと良いと思うのですが、私たちにはそれができません。

8:36 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

i'd say you can't.
that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future and the future is unpredictable and we just don't know and this is keynesian uncertainty and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists in the modern world which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting and that's what we actually cannot do we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing.
i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree.
because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy.
if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change.
i normally there's a great deal of momentum.
but by the time you're coming two years down the road.
um you you really don't know very much.
um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.

8:42 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

誰も将来について、その程度の洞察力を持っておらず、将来は予測不可能で、我々には分からない、これがケインズの不確実性であり、もう一度言いますが、自分たちをポストケインズ派と表現する人と、自分たちをネオクラシカルなネオ関西人と表現する人との間の重要な問題の一つは、後者のグループは、確率分布について十分に知っているから、ある程度正確な判断ができると信じているようです。 ケインズ主義者は 不確実性が非常に高いと主張しています 実際にはそうすることはできません ほとんどの物事の決定には 信念の飛躍が必要になります なぜなら我々は予測できないからです 主に予測に使われていますが、それは実際にはできませんし、私たちにはできないことです。

8:43 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

Can policymakers
have sufficient insight
about the future?

8:46 午後  
Blogger yoji said...


8:46 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

Can policymakers
have sufficient insight
about the future?

i'd say you can't.
that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future and the future is unpredictable and we just don't know and this is keynesian uncertainty and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists in the modern world which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting and that's what we actually cannot do we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing.
i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree.
because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy.
if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change.
i normally there's a great deal of momentum.
but by the time you're coming two years down the road.
um you you really don't know very much.
um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.

誰も将来について、その程度の洞察力を持っておらず、将来は予測不可能で、我々には分からない、これがケインズの不確実性であり、もう一度言いますが、自分たちをポストケインズ派と表現する人と、自分たちをネオクラシカルなネオケインジアンと表現する人との間の重要な問題の一つは、後者のグループは、確率分布について十分に知っているから、ある程度正確な判断ができると信じているようです。 ケインズ主義者は 不確実性が非常に高いと主張しています 実際にはそうすることはできません ほとんどの物事の決定には 信念の飛躍が必要になります なぜなら我々は予測できないからです 主に予測に使われていますが、それは実際にはできませんし、私たちにはできないことです。

9:42 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



9:58 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

Can policymakers have sufficient insight about the future?

i'd say you can't.
that no one has that degree of uh insight about the future and the future is unpredictable.
and we just don't know and this is keynesian uncertainty and again the i think one of the uh the key issues uh between um those who describe themselves as post-keynesians.
and those who describe themselves as neo-classical neo-kansans whatever is that the latter group seem to believe that you know enough about the probability distribution to be able to come to some reasonably accurate judgment.
well the keynesians argue that there is of the post-keynesian argue that there is so much uncertainty around that.
you actually can't do that and most thing most decisions involve a leap of faith.
um which they do because we we we can't predict um and again that's another feature that i feel very strongly about with respect to the use of economists.
in the modern world which is overall economists are primarily used for forecasting .
and that's what we actually cannot do.
we can't do it and i now are i are horribly valuable.
and i think that it would be much better uh if we were used to express what are the risks what are the potential dangers that we see rather than try to do.
um a forecasting uh which we really don't have the capability of doing.
i think yes we can forecast six months ahead to a degree.
because there's a great deal of momentum within the economy.
if you don't have something like brexit bringing about a sudden major change.
i normally there's a great deal of momentum.
but by the time you're coming two years down the road.
um you really don't know very much.
um and and here i would very strongly sort of recommend um a mervin king's recent book with the emphasis on uncertainty rather than the risk embodied in a probability distribution.



10:00 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



10:09 午後  
Blogger yoji said...



10:12 午後  
Blogger yoji said...

Prof. Charles Goodhart - Part 1 - What lessons learned from the financia...

Prof. Charles Goodhart - Part 2 - What have the policy makers learnt fr...

2:26 午前  
Blogger yoji said...

Pergamon, New York, 1966.
Fontana, C., 1996. The credit theory of Émile Mireaux: les miracles du crédit, paper giver
Money, Macro and Finance Group Conference, London Business School, Manuscript. Sc
Business and Economic Studies, Leeds University, UK.
Gerloff, W., 1952. Die entstehung des geldes und die anfilnze des geldwesens. V. Klost
Glasner, D., 1989. Free banking and monetary reform. Cambridge Univ. Pre ss, Cambridge.
Glasner, D., 1998. An evolutionary theory of the state monopoly over money, forthcom
Timberlake, R. (Ed.), Money and the Nation State.

Goodhart, C.A.E., 1989. Money, information and uncertainty, 2nd edn. Macmillan, London.

Grierson, P., 1977. The origins of mone y, pamphlet. Athlone Press, Univ. of London (reprin
revised from Creighton Lecture, Cambridge, 1970).
Grierson, P., 1979. Dark age mumismatics, Variorum Reprints. London.
Hartmann, P., 1994. Vehicle currencies in the foreign exchange market, DELTA Discussion Pa
94-13. DELTA, Ecole Normale Supérie ure, Paris.
Hartmann, P., 1996. Monnaies véhiculaire sur le marché des change, PhD thesis. Ecole des
Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
Hicks IR 1960 A Theory of Fronomis History Crendon Pres Orford

1:57 午前  
Blogger yoji said...


 昨年の前川講演で、ウィリアム・R・ホワイトが現代マクロ経済理論の欠点を幾つか指摘したが、その中でも、最も主要な欠点の所在はどこにあると考えればよいのだろうか。われわれは、銀行のデフォルトを含め、デフォルトの可能性が分析の中枢に組み込まれていないことが、主要な欠陥であると考えている。デフォルトが存在しないと仮定すると、金融機関や金融市場の混乱、そして貨幣さえも、何の役割も果たさないことになってしまう。もっとも、デフォルトを組み入れたモデルを構築することは容易ではない。その理由の 1つとして、例えば、代表的個人という仮想現実を捨て去らなければならないといったことが挙げられる。また、さらに、金融危機を予測したり、解決したりすることも、困難な作業である。システミックに重要な金融機関(SIFIs)の破綻処理に関して、既存の実行可能な選択肢は全て問題を含んでいる。SIFIsの破綻処理の改善に向けた現時点でのさまざまな提案を議論することで、本講演の結びとしたい。  


本稿は2011 年6月1~2日に東京で開催された日本銀行金融研究所主催、2011年国際コンファランス「金融と実体経済の連関性と金融政策」において行われた前川講演原稿をもとに、日本銀行金融研究所が著者の同意を得て翻訳したものである(文責:日本銀行金融研究所)。

チャールズ・A・E・グッドハート ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス教授(E-mail: c.a.goodhart@lse.ac.uk)
ディミトリオス・P・トゥソモコス オックスフォード大学(E-mail: dimitrios.tsomocos@sbs.ox.ac.uk)

3:26 午前  


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