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psychoanalysis, surprised Freud by understanding it with remarkable speed. Perhaps Mahler, in his turn, was surprised by Freud's analysis of himself - as partial as it had to be in the peculiar circumstances of the interview. In a letter of 1935 to Theodor Reik, Freud wrote: "In highly interesting expeditions through [ Mahler's] life history, we discovered his personal conditions for love, especially his Holy Mary complex (mother fixation)".10. Mahler, his wife tells us, "refused to acknowledge" ...
マーラー 君に捧げるアダージョ 2011 (プレビュー)
映画 「マーラー・君に捧げるアダージョ」 を観てきました。
Mahler: Symphony 3, movement 4 (Nietzsche: Midnight Song)
「 おお人間よ! 心せよ 」
O Mensch! Gib acht
詩: フリードリッヒ・ニーチェ
おお人間よ! おお人間よ!
心せよ! 心せよ!
何を語っているのか 深い真夜中は?
「われは眠っていた われは眠っていた
深き夢より われは目覚める
はるかに深いのだ 昼間が考えていたよりもずっと
おお人間よ! おお人間よ!
深い 深い 深いのはその苦悩 深いのはその苦悩
だが快楽は -心の苦悩よりなお深いのだ
深い 深い永遠を求めるのだ!」
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psychoanalysis, surprised Freud by understanding it with remarkable speed. Perhaps Mahler, in his turn, was surprised by Freud's analysis of himself - as partial as it had to be in the peculiar circumstances of the interview. In a letter of 1935 to Theodor Reik, Freud wrote: "In highly interesting expeditions through [ Mahler's] life history, we discovered his personal conditions for love, especially his Holy Mary complex (mother fixation)".10. Mahler, his wife tells us, "refused to acknowledge" ...
We are particularly fortunate in the case of Mahler that the kind of information I have in mind comes from a meeting he had in 1910 with none other than Sigmund Freud. The fact that the meeting took place has been known for some time; Mrs. Mahler mentions it in her memoir of her husband and gives a brief account of the interview, based upon what she was told by Mahler.8 What has come to light recently is Freud's own account of his conversation with Mahler, made by Freud in a personal communication to the psychoanalyst Marie Bonaparte in 1925. Perhaps I may say at this point that it is entirely due to the courtesy and most generous cooperation of Dr. Ernest Jones, Freud's biographer, that I am in possession of this new material.9
First a word about the meeting itself. In 1910, Mahler became seriously alarmed about his relationship to his wife. He was advised to consult Freud, wrote, was given an appointment - cancelled it. He cancelled his appointment – significantly - no less than three times. Finally the meeting took place in Leyden, Holland, towards the end of August. The two men met in a hotel, and then, in Dr. Jones' words, "spent four hours strolling through the town and conducting a sort of analysis". The interview over, Freud caught a tram back to the coast, where he was on a holiday, and Mahler returned by night train to the Tyrol.
8 See Alma Mahler, Gustav Mahler: Memories and Letters, London, 1946, pp.146-7
9 See Ernest Jones, Sigmund Freud: Life and Work, Vol. II London, 1955, pp. 88-9. Dr. Jones was good enough to provide me with the materials that formed the basis of this broadcast in advance of its publication in the second volume of his immaculate biography. I am happy to pay tribute once more to his generosity.
expounded his humane science. Perhaps it was this common ground, between psychoanalyst and patient that explains why Mahler, who had never before met with psychoanalysis, surprised Freud by understanding it with remarkable speed. Perhaps Mahler, in his turn, was surprised by Freud's analysis of himself - as partial as it had to be in the peculiar circumstances of the interview. In a letter of 1935 to Theodor Reik, Freud wrote: "In highly interesting expeditions through [Mahler's] life history, we discovered his personal conditions for love, especially his Holy Mary complex (mother fixation)".10
See Theodor Reik, The Haunting Melody, New York, 1953, pp. 342 ff.
But it is not my purpose this evening to attempt a critical evaluation of specific features of Mahler's music. I only hope to show how frequently in his music, though by very various means, he re-enacted his traumatic childhood experience, how the vivid contrast between high tragedy and low farce, sublimated, disguised and transfigured as it often was, emerged as a leading artistic principle in his music, a principle almost always ironic in intent and execution. Mahler himself confused the issue by crudely over-simplifying it. It would be easy to point to the parallel between his music and his childhood experience if comedy always relieved tragedy, or a commonplace thought succeeded every noble one. But his music, mercifully, is more interesting than that: the trauma assumes complex shapes. However, in his first symphony, in the slow movement, we have a clear instance of the basic conflict at work. The movement is a sombre funeral march. Mahler's use of a round, ""Frere Jacques", as the basis of the march is symptomatic of both his ironic intention and of his ability to make old - even mundane - musical material serve new ends by reversing its established meaning. [SI 3 p. 78. Start of movement to Fig. 3.] Already in the movement's first section, the funereal mood has been interrupted by outbreaks of deliberate parody. In the gloomy recapitulation, the very march itself is juxtaposed with these mundane invasions, not quite hurdy-gurdy music perhaps, but close to it. The result is almost a literal realization of the tragic mood inextricably mingled with the commonplace. [SI 3. p. 89. 2 bars after Fig. 14 to Fig. 17.] Many like examples of this kind of simultaneous expression of seeming opposites could be found in Mahler's early music. As he matured, the gap between his contrasts narrowed. There is a greater degree of thematic and formal integration. One might say that in disciplining his tension, Mahler succeeded in subduing the most strident features of his contrasting materials. The Seventh Symphony's first movement offers an interesting instance. The movement begins with an exalted, mysterious slow introduction. [SVII 1. p. 1. Start of movement to Fig. 3.] This compelling mood is abruptly terminated in a passage in Mahler's favourite march rhythm, which bumps us down to earth - a common function of Mahler's march-inspired motives. [SVIlI. p. 5'. bar 1 to p. 6, bar 3.] The sudden drop in the level of harmonic tension and the sudden change in the character of the musical invention are, I think, striking. That the march motive grows thematically out of the opening paragraph integrates the contrast but does not lessen its effect. It is rather as if Mahler were expressing the conflict in terms of pure music - demonstrating that even the most farreaching and profound musical idea can have a commonplace consequent, and one, moreover, which is thematically strictly related. It is, so to speak, still his childhood experience; still the hurdy-gurdy punctures and deflates and makes its ironic comment. But now the experience is lived out at the subtlest artistic level. Even the mundane march motive is occasionally transformed into something sublime. For the most part, however, it ranges the movement as a free agent, as a saboteur, stressing a rough world's impingement upon the eternal. Here, as a final example from this work, the rudely triumphant march cuts across the ecstatic convolutions of the movement's lyrical second subject. [SVIlI. p. 69. 2 bars before Fig. 60 to p. 72, double bar.] Perhaps the most significant musical consequence of Mahler's childhood trauma was this: that his unhappy experience meant that the hurdy-gurdy - the symbol of the commonplace - assumed a quite new weight. Its music became as charged with emotional tension as the tragic incident to which it was related. The conjunction of high tragedy and the commonplace meant that the commonplace itself, in the right context, could be used as a new means of expression; and here Mahler remarkably foreshadowed a main trend in 20th century art, not only in music, but also in the literary and visual arts. Undoubtedly this 11 See Bruno Walter and Ernst Krenek, Gustav M4hler, New York, 1941, pp. 1634
Mahler, his wife tells us, "refused to acknowledge" this fixation - the denial confirms rather than contradicts Freud's diagnosis - but it seems that the meeting had a positive effect and Mahler's marriage was stabilized for the brief remainder of his life.
しかし、両作品のカテゴリーは専ら自分の次元に属していることに留意すべきである。すなわち、精神分析理論の専門は内部構造、無意識、夢、性的欲求の説明から理解される。 すべての音楽分析の具現性には、その構成モード、調波関係、コード、スタイルとジャンル、および音楽運動の歴史的状況が含まれます。 作品の独自の領域では、彼らの特別で補完的な意味を持っています。
b)純粋に個人的な意義は、精神分析に明らかにされ、仕事の中で個々の症状以上のものであり、非常にしばしば特定の非典型的な精神構造の症状を表す限り、最初のものに従属する」(Goldmann、1957、p。 64)
ミュージシャンの画家は苦しみの中で喜びを求めました。 言葉遊び 彼の危機に苦しんでいるマーラーは、オランダのライデンで夏休みを楽しんでいたフロイトに相談するよう伝言を送りました。 マーラーは画家、フロイトは喜び、 ライドは苦しみを意味します。
マーラーは名前の入った封筒を手に入れましたが、手紙は彼の妻アルマのためのものでした。 そこで彼は彼の心を奪った。 アルマは年を取って、夫の愛情を念頭に置き、彼自身の創造とレクリエーションに焦点を当て、若くて美しい青い目の妻を内向きに捨てました。 彼の手にミサイルを持っていたマーラーは、その意味を尋ね、彼の出発点を知りました。 彼の悲しみは罪悪感に変わり、痛みでいっぱいでした。 両方とも一日中泣き、後悔して歩いた。 その中で、エクスタシーと嫉妬の殉教が起こった。 アルマは自尊心を取り戻し、彼女が彼女に無関心であったことを明らかにしました。 マーラーは、地面に近づくために、地面に横たわっている嘆きを持っています。 彼はその後、彼女を失うというパニックに苦しんだ。
ウィーンの精神分析家、アルマの親戚であるネパレクは、彼をフロイトに勧めました。 オランダの精神分析者Groenveldtが会議を開催しました。 マーラーの疑念は、プロウドが限界を設定するまで、同意と同意を否定して、連続電報を送るように彼に誘導した。 1910年8月26日のセッションは、都市の周りを歩いて4時間続いた。
アルマ氏は、「私は彼に奇妙な気分や不安を話したし、フロイトは明らかに彼を落ち着かせた」と告白した。彼は告白を聞いた後、激しい非難をした。結論として、彼は「私は彼の妻を知っている」と尋ねた。彼女は父親を愛していて、彼のような男だけを選び愛することができる。あなたがとても恐れているのは、まさにあなたを魅了するものです。苦しみを感じないでください。あなたはあなたの母親を愛し、すべての女性の中で彼女を探しました。落ち着きや病気に圧倒されました。無意識のうちに、 "(マーラー、1947、p.147)。
マーラーは1910年8月26日または27日に妻に電報を送った。「私はまだよく抵抗しています。本当に正常です。私はライン川に沿って悲しいことに過ごしました。 Reikによると、 "治癒"の後、彼の疑念と拘束が消えて、愛する能力が強化されました。
マーラーの文書と手紙で私はフロイトについての言及を見つけました:「フロイトはまさに正しいです:あなたはいつも私の光と中心点でした」彼は1910年9月7日にアルマに手紙を書いた。 一方、フロイドはさまざまな機会にマーラーを数えます。 1911年5月17日、ウィーン精神分析学会の水曜日の会合で、マーラーの死の前日、マックス・グラフは、マールラーの野望が、彼の悲劇に基づいて彼の天才の特徴であるとコメントした9歳 Paul Federnは、症状に基づいて創造性を主張する理由はないと答えました。実際、彼の泳ぎの狂信は心臓発作を引き起こしました。 フロイトはこのセッションで論文が多かれ少なかれ正しいと判断したが、彼の裁量によってマーラーについて何も追加できなくなったと結論づけた。 次の週、スタイナーは霊的な影響が死を引き起こす可能性があると述べました。 ヘラーは、マーラーの早期死は、若く死んだ天才たちのそれと等しいと考えています。 フロイは、マーラーにとって、彼の人生の本質的なポイントであり、彼の芸術的可能性に従って彼の経験を変えて提供するか、あるいは紛争を避けるという代替案が提示されたと述べた。
フロイトは1935年1月4日にライクに弟子の質問に答えて書きました。「私は1912年にマーラーを精神分析しました。ライデンのライデンでは、私は非常に良い結果を得ています。その時、彼の妻は自分の性欲を彼女から奪ったという事実に反抗し、人生の歴史の中で非常に面白い侵入を通して、彼の条件を発見したので、個人的には、特に聖母マリアとの複合体(母性固定)のために、私はその天才の人の心理的理解の能力を賞賛する絶好の機会を得ました。その時には、強迫神経症の症候的な外観あたかも神秘的な建物に1つの穴が開けられたかのようだった」 (Reik、1956、p.237)。
フロイトとマーラー | みゆきクリニックフロイトとマーラー映画 「マーラー・君に捧げるアダージョ」 を観てきました。